AVID - Centennial High School
Ms. Candice SandovalEmail:
Phone: (951) 739-5670 ext. 20961
Welcome to AVID!! The AVID mission is to ensure that all students, and most especially students in the middle with academic potential capable of completing a college preparatory path:
will succeed in the most rigorous curriculum,
will enter mainstream activities of the school,
will increase their enrollment in four-year colleges and will become educated and responsible participants and leaders in a democratic society.
The rules for this class are few and simple:
- All school rules are enforced in the classroom (i.e. tardies, behavior, dress code, and academic honesty).
- Bring required materials to class
- Follow directions.
- Treat all members of the class (other students, yourself, visitors, and me) with respect and dignity.
- Do not use profanity, hate speech, or rude gestures.
- Care for and respect all property & equipment of the school, teacher, and other students in the class.
- No food or drink (except water) allowed in class.
- Warning
- Loss of daily participation points or Detention
- Removal from group
- Phone call home
- Referral or Class suspension
*Any severe rule infraction will result in a phone call home and a referral or class suspension.
Points will determine grades. At the end of the grading period the total possible number of points is figured and percentages are assigned. 100-90% = A, 89-80% = B, 79-70% = C, 69-60% = D, Below 60% = F
All AVID students will be asked to sign the AVID contract which states that they must maintain a 2.0 GPA. Failure to meet this responsibility may result in their removal from the program. Notices will be sent home in the event that this occurs.
Most of the points will come from the following categories:
- Notebooks—Notebooks will be checked every Friday. Your notebook should contain your Cornell notes for each class period (10 notes a week).
- Tutorials- Tutorials are due every Tuesday and Thursday when you first walk in!
- SAT/ACT Vocabulary Quizzes
- Writing Assignments— will include SAT/PSAT preparation, vocabulary, comprehension, journals, essays, timed writings and reflections, college/career research, peer editing etc...
- Oral Presentations and Projects— will include Socratic Seminar participation, philosophical chairs, oral presentations, group presentations etc...
- Grade Checks - All AVID students will be required to print and turn in progress report grade checks during this school year (due dates will be provided).
- Community Service hours- as a 9th grade AVID student you will be required to complete 10 hours of community service throughout the year (5 per semester).
How to stay connected
- I will post assignment updates on Remind 101. Parents and students are encouraged to follow me on this site as well as my teacher webpage.
- I will update my teacher webpage ( ) daily, here students can find all the assignments and PowerPoints.
Keeping track of your grade is very important to your success. You must know how to log on to “Q” in order to access your grades. This can be done by following these steps:
- Go to
- Locate the QUICK LINKS section on the left
- Click on the logo (see below) to continue to the login screen
Late/Make-up work:
Late work will be accepted as follows:
- Tutorials are due within 1 week of the missed date and can be made up by working with our tutors during lunch Tuesday, Thursday, or Friday.
- Binder checks are due the following Tuesday if absent on a Friday.
- Tests/Quizzes must be made up within a week of the date they were given.
- All other work will be docked 25% for every day it is late and will not be accepted past 3 days.
Fundraising/Field Trips:
As an AVID student you have the opportunity to attend various college visits on our AVID field trips. However, in order to make this happen, we may ask that you participate in any of the various AVID fundraisers. One way to help our AVID program as well as prepare yourself for college entry is by taking the PSAT. Various dates are available throughout the year and it is never too early to familiarize yourself with the test.
This class is not only here to help you achieve your high school and college goals but also to allow you to have some fun. We do many team building activities and think of ourselves as a family. This can only be achieved if all participants follow the AVID guidelines and have a positive attitude. The students are the success of this class.
Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or concerns. Please fill out the attached form to indicate that you have read and understand the requirements of the class.
I have read and understand the requirements of Ms. Sandoval’s AVID class. I realize I am responsible to stay current with all assignments and agree to complete all work assigned. I also acknowledge that I know how to access Student Connect in order to stay up to date on my grades.
Date: ______
Student Name (print): ______
Student Signature: ______
I have read and understand the requirements of Ms. Sandoval’s AVID class. I also acknowledge that I know how to access Parent Connect in order to stay up to date with my student’s grades.
Date: ______
Parent Name (print): ______
Parent Signature: ______
Current email address: ______