

Elvaston Lane, Alvaston, Derby, DE24 0PU

Telephone/fax: (01332) 571 704


Headteacher: Mrs. Atwal
22nd November, 2016
Dear Parents/Carers,
Children In Need: Yet again, a fabulous response from parents and children, you truly are a very generous and thoughtful body of parents and we are privileged to work with you all; due to your generosity we raised £370.91. The children had a brilliant day - as did the staff and all for a cause that we all hold close to our hearts.
‘Car park: Unfortunately, now comes the moan: If you witness anything that you consider unsafe in our carpark e.g. people driving without due regard for our children and adults, please let the office or myself know so that this can be addressed immediately. Parents are not allowed to park in the carpark without a disabled badge; you will be asked to leave if you are seen parking without authorised permission.
Please can I remind all parents not to walk across the carpark to get to the Junior but to use the crossing and to walk down the path. Sometimes taxis for the Junior school are parked outside their school which can obstruct views of children so we urge you to use the pedestrian crossing at the bottom of the carpark. Thank you ~ we want all our children and parents kept safe.
Arts Week: 28th November: Reception Art afternoon. The Reception classes would like to invite parents in to support the children with Art activities next week Thursday. This is an additional opportunity for parents to get involved in the children’s learning. It will start at 1.30pm and continue through to 3pm. On this afternoon, parents will be able to look at the artwork that children have completed during Arts week. If you cannot make this extra session, please do not worry as we will be having another one in the Spring term.
All other parents of Year 1 and 2 children are invited into the classes on Friday 2nd December from 2.15pm to see their children’s artwork.
Collecting children: We have had a couple of incidences recently where different adults have come to school to collect children as well as other parents. Whilst we know and trust our parents, we will not be sending the children home with the other adult unless we have been informed. If there is a change in plan for collecting your child then you must notify the office via a phone call. Please do not rely on the Class dojo system to get urgent messages to us as it is possible that staff will not have accessed the messages on dojo within the day.
Non-uniform day on Friday 2nd December: We are holding a non-uniform day next week in aid of the Xmas fair and would appreciate prizes for the tombola as well as wine bottles for the ‘Water and Wine’ stall.
Our first newspaper: We now have our own newspaper; we are very fortunate to have enlisted the support of a local journalist who is working with some of our children to compose a half-termly newspaper. This first one has been done as an example for the children before they start compiling their own news;
On this note, please can I ask you to let me know (urgently), if you do not wish your child’s photo to be placed on our Twitter/Dojo/local newspaper/ website. I am asking again as I need to update our information so even if you have contacted me before, please can you do so again to confirm. I have only had one parent respond to this request so am assuming that you have given consent for photos of your children to be used.
Parent Questionnaires: Thank you for sending in your forms – they continue to ‘trickle’ in and we have now had 91 responses – I shall share the outcomes with you shortly, however I would just like to mention how pleased the staff have been with the overwhelming positive response and comments we have had. We are very committed and dedicated to ensuring your children get the best provision possible and we are pleased to see this has been recognised. If you have not returned your questionnaire, then please do so by the end of this week.
With kind regards,
Mrs. Atwal
A trip to the Nottingham Playhouse Christmas Pantomime has also been arranged, this will be on 18th December 2014 (afternoon) details to follow.
I wish you and your children well for a hard working term. Regards,
Yours sincerely,
Fiona Johnson - Head Teacher
School Website
We shall be updating our school website very shortly. We have had some ‘technical hitches’ with the school website which have now been resolved. We are aiming to add new information and update the site in the next week or so and will keep you informed when this has been done. The website address is www.alvastoninfant.org.uk
With regards
Mrs Atwal
With regards,
Mrs Atwal

Dates and events for your diary: (More information to follow nearer the event)

We shall try to give parents/carers as much notice as possible of forthcoming events; however, there may be times, where we may have to reschedule events.

WB 28.11.16 / All week / Eco Arts Week
29th and 30th Dec ‘16 / ‘Claydays’: clay art workshops for all classes
1/12/16 / 1.30pm – 3pm: Reception Parents invited in to do art/craft activities and to look at children’s artwork.
2/12/16 / 2.15pm: Parents of Year 1 and Year 2 invited into school to look at Artwork
Non-uniform day: Prizes for Tombola and Wine for ‘Wine/water’ staff at Xmas fair
WB 5.12.16 / 8.12.16 / FS2 Christmas Concert: 9.30am and 2pm
9.12.15 / Christingle Service at St Michael’s church:
Reception: 9.30 – 10.15am,
Year 1: 10.15 – 11am
Year 2: 11 – 11.45am
(We will ask for parent helpers to walk the children to Church)
4 – 6pm: Xmas fayre
WB 12.12.16 / 12.12.16 / Year 2 Theatre visit ~ to watch Cinderella
13.12.16 / Year 1 Theatre visit ~ to watch Cinderella
14.12.16 / Year 1 Christmas Concert: 9.30am and 2pm
15.12.16 / Nursery Xmas Concert
Choir singing at Derby Railway Station
Reception classes visit to Derby theatre leaving school at 1pm
16.12.16 / Year 2 Xmas concerts: 9.30am and 2pm
WB 19.12.16 / 19.12.16 / Children visiting Church for ‘Carols around the Xmas tree’
Xmas parties pm~ Santa to visit!
Children to wear Xmas jumpers (if they wish)
20.12.16 / Non-uniform day~ for £1 donation - school fundraising:
Last day of term.
Remaining INSET DAYS / ·  January 27th 2017
·  May 26th 2017
·  July 14th 2017