Autumn 1-Home learning

Can you prepare and present a presentation about the Stone Age.
  • It could be on power point
  • You could design a large poster
  • You can make a video with props
  • You can record some music
Think about how you can engage the audience?
/ Could you make one of the following?
Rock cakes?
Can you design your own Stone Age menu? (Think about all the plants and animals we know hunter gatherers ate)
/ Can you make a Stone Age weapon or a tool? E.g. a flint spear made of foil or clay.
A piece of jewellery that they would have worn in the Stone Age times? E.g. using beads to resemble the animal teeth)
Design a self-portrait of yourself as a cave man/woman.
/ Join a library and then research animals from the Stone Age times.

What interesting facts can you find out? / During the Stone Age times, they ate a lot of berries, can you plant some berry seeds and record how they grow?

(You could take pictures and see the difference each week)

We understand that home life is busy and hectic so please choose from the selection of topic homework for up until half term. You don’t need to complete them all but we recommend that the Presentation be carried out along with at least three others. You could take pictures of events, post on the blog however you wish to present them is fine with us- we just look forward to seeing the final outcome!

Spellings strategies will be taught throughout the week but may not necessarily link in with the weekly spelling. We hope that children will use these spellings in their everyday writing.

Words / Date commencing
Arrive, believe, breathe, busy / 2nd October
Calendar, caught, bicycle, build / 9th October
Century, heard, business, centre / 16th October
Heart, height, certain, circle / 23rd October
History, interest, complete, continue / 30th October
Island, knowledge, decide, describe / 6th November
Learn, length, different, difficult / 13th November
Consider, early, disappear, earth / 20th November
Experience, experiment, enough, exercise / 27th November
Although, through, extreme, famous / 4th December
Sentence, though, favourite, fruit / 11th December
Reign, therefore, group, guard / 18th December


Number facts- number bonds to 10 and linking them to 100 and 1000

Times table facts up to and including 12. We will focus on 3,4 and 8 times tables but children should know them all from year 2

Reading - every night. It is helpful to ask your child questions about what they have read. Please make a comment and sign their reading journal. This can be used as a way of communicating with us. Children are expected to read 2 reading books per week.

If you have time then please ask questions to your child about some of the following:

the characters in the story,

the setting

the problem

order the events

what they think will happen

You could always get them to ‘prove’ and justify their answers with evidence from the text. You could also get them to create a book review on the blog so their friends know which book would be a good book to read next. 