
Beginning January 10, 2011 we will be ‘live’ with the automated Elementary Occasional Teacher time-sheets. We will be running parallel for the period January 10, 2011 to February 4, 2011. Please follow the Step-by-Step Process for automated time-sheets, as-well-as continuing to submit hard copies of the time-sheets beginning on January 10, 2011 until February 4, 2011. During this parallel run period we will be checking the automated time-sheets to the hard copies submitted. If the automated time-sheets do not match up with the hard copies we will contact you to advise you on what should be done. After February 4, 2011 Elementary Occasional Teacher paper time-sheets should no longer be completed.

The automated time-sheets will be created by using the Smart Find Express (SFE) absence and replacement information. The verified SFE data will be converted to time-sheets and imported into our Payroll system.

Laura Myslowka, Debbie Rush, and Lisa Clark will be checking the information being submitted and may be calling you for additional information regarding entries made. Please feel free to call them to ask questions regarding this process.

Laura Myslowka – extension #54288

Debbie Rush – extension #54289

Lisa Clark – extension #54264 (SFE questions)

District School Board of Niagara

Automated Time-sheet Process for Occasional Teachers

Step-by-step Process:

Instructions for the Teacher:

1.The Teacher will enter the absence into Smart Find Express (SFE.)

Instructions for the Principal or Delegate:

(Under unique circumstances the absence may need to be entered by the Principal or delegate.)

2.The Principal or delegate must review the absences reported in SFE. If the information recorded on the SFE job is incorrect, then you need to make the changes or cancel the job entirely and reset the job up correctly.

There is a new field in the SFE screen. This new field is located directly below the ‘Reason’ field and is called ‘Account #.’ This new field will only need to be completed if the Teachers’ absence is NOT for illness or an approved absence.

If any of the following Reasons were chosen then the account number would have been allocatedwhen the absence was created.

Reason Account #


ALL Approved Absences ------101821502000







If the Teachers’ absence is NOT Illness or Approved Absence, then you will need to enter a 12-digit account number in the ‘Account #’ field(do NOT include dashes (-) or spaces in the account number,) which is similar to the existing manual time-sheet process. If the Teacher attended a Board workshop then you can check PD Place workshop calendar for the account number. The ‘Who’s Out’ report from PD Place will also list the account number to use.


If the Teachers’ absence is not Illness or Approved Absence, and you do not enter an account number before the job has been verified, the account number will default to a new School based account and your school’s budget will be charged. The new School Account is called Occasional Teacher-Unidentified (account #101861XXX004, where XXX=school number.)

It will be your responsibility to obtain the correct account # and e-mail the following informationto either;

A – L Schools ->

M – Z Schools ->

The following information must be included in the e-mail:

-correct account # to be charged

-reason for absence/workshop attended

-date of Teachers’ absence/replacement

-name of absent Teacher

-name of Occasional Teacher

-contact person for account to be charged

In the event that the charge is to remain in the school budget, an entry can be prepared at the school level to reallocate the charges to a schoolaccount using the Journal Voucher program in BAS.

Occasional Teacher Doesn’t Report to Work

If the Occasional Teacher does not show up for their job, you should cancel the Occasional Teacher in SFE and the system will try to find you another replacement (which is the current procedure.) If it is too late for SFE to call out for the replacement, please contact the SFE Help Desk at extension #54230.

Two separate jobs MUST be entered in SFE if:

a) more than one Occasional Teacher is replacing a Teacher’s absence,

b) an Occasional Teacher is replacing two different Teachers,

c) an Occasional Teacher is replacing a Teacher who is absent for two different reasons

Banked Days

When a teacher is absent and an Occasional teacher cannot be contacted and another teacher uses their prep time for this coverage, then the Teacher covering the class would have banked time. Please note that this should only occur when a job goes “unfilled” by SFE or when a teacher needs to go home suddenly during the day. When the banked time is taken off and an Occasional teacher is required for this coverage, this should be set up in SFE as a ‘Vacancy’ and the reason for the absence and account number should be that of the original Teacher.

Start & End Times of Absences

When a Teacher is absent for part of a day, ensure that you are using the following guidelines…

* when a Teacher is leaving half way through the day, always record the start time as the beginning of the afternoon – after the lunch-time, NOT before.

* when a Teacher is returning half way through the day, always record the start time as the end of the morning – before the lunch-time, NOT after.

* always check the start and end times to ensure they coincide with your schools’ bell times


When a Teacher is replacing a Principal, and an Occasional Teacher is called in to replace the Teacher,the following entry needs to be made in SFE:

* enter the Principals’ absence

When the Principal is being replaced by a Teacher and the Teacher is being replaced with an Occasional Teacher – the Occasional Teacher should be entered as the replacing employee for the Principal.

* enter the Occasional Teacher as the replacement

If applicable, you would enter the Occasional Teacher-in-Charge account #101821430000

3.Once the jobs are completed, the Principal or delegate must check and verify the jobs.

Because the Automated time-sheets will now be created from the SFE verified jobs, it is imperative that before verifying the job, all information be checked carefully and if required adjusted or cancelled.

Check all fields carefully before verifying including:

*Teacher absent

*Date(s) absent (start & end)

*Absence Times (start & endAM & PM values) -- if the time values are not entered accurately the Occasional Teacher will not be paid correctly. Please refer to the ‘Occasional Teacher Time ConversionTable’ for examples. Please note that 12 noon is 12:00 PM.


*Account # (not required for Illness or Approved Absence)

4.All jobs must be verified no later than 4:30 PM on the Monday following the job. This is critical, because the import process will occur on Tuesday morning, and if the jobs are not verified – the Occasional Teacher will not be paid.

It is important to ensure that every Principal or delegate who will be verifying the absences have an authorized backup in the event of their absence.

5.After the jobs have been verified, if you require a change to be made in SFE you will need to contact the SFE Help Desk at extension #54230. If the change will affect the Occasional Teachers’ pay it is imperative that you contact the SFE Help Desk immediately.