AutoCorrect Backup Document
Name / Value / RTF(c) / © / False
(r) / ® / False
(tm) / ™ / False
... / … / False
abbout / about / False
abotu / about / False
abouta / about a / False
aboutit / about it / False
aboutthe / about the / False
abscence / absence / False
accesories / accessories / False
accidant / accident / False
accomodate / accommodate / False
accordingto / according to / False
accross / across / False
acheive / achieve / False
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acheiving / achieving / False
acn / can / False
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acomodate / accommodate / False
actualyl / actually / False
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adn / and / False
advanage / advantage / False
affraid / afraid / False
afterthe / after the / False
againstt he / against the / False
aganist / against / False
aggresive / aggressive / False
agian / again / False
agreemeent / agreement / False
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agreemnet / agreement / False
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ahppen / happen / False
ahve / have / False
allwasy / always / False
allwyas / always / False
almots / almost / False
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alomst / almost / False
alot / a lot / False
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alreayd / already / False
alreday / already / False
alwasy / always / False
alwats / always / False
alway / always / False
alwyas / always / False
amde / made / False
Ameria / America / False
amke / make / False
amkes / makes / False
anbd / and / False
andone / and one / False
andt he / and the / False
andteh / and the / False
andthe / and the / False
anothe / another / False
anual / annual / False
apparant / apparent / False
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appearence / appearance / False
appeares / appears / False
applicaiton / application / False
applicaitons / applications / False
applyed / applied / False
appointiment / appointment / False
approrpiate / appropriate / False
approrpriate / appropriate / False
aquisition / acquisition / False
aquisitions / acquisitions / False
ar / Annotations Ready. I have annotated your work at the Student Web Site. Go to the Student Web Site at and check the Date column in your Portfolio for the letter “A” next to any new work. / False
aren;t / aren’t / False
arguement / argument / False
arguements / arguments / False
arn't / aren’t / False
arond / around / False
artical / article / False
articel / article / False
asdvertising / advertising / False
askt he / ask the / False
ass / See the Assignment Sheet for details. / False
assistent / assistant / False
asthe / as the / False
atention / attention / False
atmospher / atmosphere / False
attentioin / attention / False
atthe / at the / False
audeince / audience / False
audiance / audience / False
availalbe / available / False
awya / away / False
aywa / away / False
bakc / back / False
balence / balance / False
ballance / balance / False
baout / about / False
bcak / back / False
beacuse / because / False
becasue / because / False
becaus / because / False
becausea / because a / False
becauseof / because of / False
becausethe / because the / False
becauseyou / because you / False
becomeing / becoming / False
becomming / becoming / False
becuase / because / False
becuse / because / False
befoer / before / False
beggining / beginning / False
begining / beginning / False
beginining / beginning / False
beleiev / believe / False
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beleif / belief / False
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benifits / benefits / False
betwen / between / False
beutiful / beautiful / False
blase / blasé / False
boxs / boxes / False
brodcast / broadcast / False
butthe / but the / False
bve / be / False
byt he / by the / False
cafe / café / False
caharcter / character / False
calcullated / calculated / False
calulated / calculated / False
can't of been / can’t have been / False
can;t / can’t / False
candidtae / candidate / False
candidtaes / candidates / False
catagory / category / False
categiory / category / False
certian / certain / False
challange / challenge / False
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chanegs / changes / False
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changeing / changing / False
changng / changing / False
charachter / character / False
charachters / characters / False
charactor / character / False
charecter / character / False
charector / character / False
cheif / chief / False
chekc / check / False
chnage / change / False
cieling / ceiling / False
circut / circuit / False
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claered / cleared / False
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cliant / client / False
cliche / cliché / False
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colection / collection / False
comanies / companies / False
comany / company / False
comapnies / companies / False
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comited / committed / False
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committy / committee / False
comntain / contain / False
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compair / compare / False
company;s / company’s / False
compleated / completed / False
compleatly / completely / False
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completly / completely / False
completness / completeness / False
composate / composite / False
comtain / contain / False
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comunicate / communicate / False
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cooporate / cooperate / False
corproation / corporation / False
corproations / corporations / False
corruptable / corruptible / False
cotten / cotton / False
coudl / could / False
coudln't / couldn’t / False
coudn't / couldn’t / False
could of been / could have been / False
could of had / could have had / False
couldn;t / couldn’t / False
couldnt / couldn’t / False
couldthe / could the / False
cpoy / copy / False
creme / crème / False
ctaegory / category / False
cusotmer / customer / False
cusotmers / customers / False
cutsomer / customer / False
cutsomers / customers / False
cxan / can / False
danceing / dancing / False
dcument / document / False
deatils / details / False
decison / decision / False
decisons / decisions / False
decor / décor / False
defendent / defendant / False
definately / definitely / False
deja vu / déjà vu / False
deptartment / department / False
desicion / decision / False
desicions / decisions / False
desision / decision / False
desisions / decisions / False
detente / détente / False
develeoprs / developers / False
devellop / develop / False
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develloper / developer / False
devellopers / developers / False
develloping / developing / False
devellopment / development / False
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develope / develop / False
developement / development / False
developements / developments / False
developor / developer / False
developors / developers / False
develpment / development / False
diaplay / display / False
didint / didn’t / False
didn;t / didn’t / False
didnot / did not / False
didnt / didn’t / False
difefrent / different / False
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differance / difference / False
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differant / different / False
differemt / different / False
differnt / different / False
diffrent / different / False
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directers / directors / False
directiosn / direction / False
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discoverd / discovered / False
disign / design / False
dispaly / display / False
dissonent / dissonant / False
distribusion / distribution / False
divsion / division / False
do'nt / don’t / False
docuement / documents / False
docuemnt / document / False
documetn / document / False
documnet / document / False
documnets / documents / False
doe snot / does not / False
doens't / doesn’t / False
doese / does / False
doesn;t / doesn’t / False
doesnt / doesn’t / False
doign / doing / False
doimg / doing / False
doind / doing / False
dollers / dollars / False
don't no / don’t know / False
don;t / don’t / False
donig / doing / False
dont / don’t / False
dosn't / doesn’t / False
driveing / driving / False
drnik / drink / False
ec / Extra Credit / False
eclair / éclair / False
efel / feel / False
effecient / efficient / False
efort / effort / False
eforts / efforts / False
ehr / her / False
eligable / eligible / False
embarass / embarrass / False
emigre / émigré / False
enought / enough / False
entree / entrée / False
equippment / equipment / False
equivalant / equivalent / False
esle / else / False
especally / especially / False
especialyl / especially / False
espesially / especially / False
ex / Extra Credit / False
excellant / excellent / False
excercise / exercise / False
exchagne / exchange / False
exchagnes / exchanges / False
excitment / excitement / False
exhcange / exchange / False
exhcanges / exchanges / False
experiance / experience / False
experienc / experience / False
exprience / experience / False
exprienced / experienced / False
eyt / yet / False
facade / façade / False
faeture / feature / False
faetures / features / False
familair / familiar / False
familar / familiar / False
familliar / familiar / False
fammiliar / familiar / False
feild / field / False
feilds / fields / False
fianlly / finally / False
fidn / find / False
finalyl / finally / False
firends / friends / False
firts / first / False
follwo / follow / False
follwoing / following / False
fora / for a / False
foriegn / foreign / False
forthe / for the / False
forwrd / forward / False
forwrds / forwards / False
foudn / found / False
foward / forward / False
fowards / forwards / False
freind / friend / False
freindly / friendly / False
freinds / friends / False
frmo / from / False
fromt he / from the / False
fromthe / from the / False
furneral / funeral / False
fwe / few / False
garantee / guarantee / False
gaurd / guard / False
gemeral / general / False
gerat / great / False
geting / getting / False
gettin / getting / False
gievn / given / False
giveing / giving / False
gloabl / global / False
goign / going / False
gonig / going / False
govenment / government / False
goverment / government / False
gruop / group / False
gruops / groups / False
grwo / grow / False
guidlines / guidelines / False
hadbeen / had been / False
hadn;t / hadn’t / False
haev / have / False
hapen / happen / False
hapened / happened / False
hapening / happening / False
hapens / happens / False
happend / happened / False
hasbeen / has been / False
hasn;t / hasn’t / False
hasnt / hasn’t / False
havebeen / have been / False
haveing / having / False
haven;t / haven’t / False
hda / had / False
he;ll / he’ll / False
hearign / hearing / False
helpfull / helpful / False
herat / heart / False
here;s / here’s / False
hesaid / he said / False
hewas / he was / False
hge / he / False
hismelf / himself / False
hlep / help / False
hsa / has / False
hsi / his / False
hte / the / False
htere / there / False
htese / these / False
htey / they / False
hting / thing / False
htink / think / False
htis / this / False
htp: / http: / False
http:\\ / / False
httpL / http: / False
hvae / have / False
hvaing / having / False
hwich / which / False
i / I / False
i snot / is not / False
I"m / I’m / False
I;d / I’d / False
I;ll / I’ll / False
idae / idea / False
idaes / ideas / False
identofy / identify / False
ihs / his / False
iits the / it’s the / False
imediate / immediate / False
imediatly / immediately / False
immediatly / immediately / False
importent / important / False
importnat / important / False
impossable / impossible / False
improvemnt / improvement / False
improvment / improvement / False
imws / Instructor Management Web Site / False
includ / include / False
indecate / indicate / False
indenpendence / independence / False
indenpendent / independent / False
indepedent / independent / False
independance / independence / False
independant / independent / False
influance / influence / False
infomation / information / False
informatoin / information / False
inital / initial / False
instaleld / installed / False
insted / instead / False
insurence / insurance / False
int he / in the / False
inteh / in the / False
interum / interim / False
inthe / in the / False
inwhich / in which / False
isn;t / isn’t / False
isthe / is the / False
it snot / it’s not / False
it' snot / it’s not / False
it;ll / it’ll / False
it;s / it’s / False
itis / it is / False
ititial / initial / False
itnerest / interest / False
itnerested / interested / False
itneresting / interesting / False
itnerests / interests / False
its a / it’s a / False
its the / it’s the / False
itwas / it was / False
iwll / will / False
iwth / with / False
jsut / just / False
jugment / judgment / False
knowldge / knowledge / False
knowlege / knowledge / False
knwo / know / False
knwon / known / False
knwos / knows / False
konw / know / False
konwn / known / False
konws / knows / False
labratory / laboratory / False
lastyear / last year / False
learnign / learning / False
lenght / length / False
let's him / lets him / False
let's it / lets it / False
let;s / let’s / False
levle / level / False
libary / library / False
librarry / library / False
librery / library / False
liek / like / False
liekd / liked / False
lieutenent / lieutenant / False
liev / live / False
likly / likely / False
lisense / license / False
littel / little / False
litttle / little / False
liuke / like / False
liveing / living / False
loev / love / False
lonly / lonely / False
lookign / looking / False
maintenence / maintenance / False
makeing / making / False
managment / management / False
mantain / maintain / False
marraige / marriage / False
may of been / may have been / False
may of had / may have had / False
memeber / member / False
merchent / merchant / False
mesage / message / False
mesages / messages / False
might of been / might have been / False
might of had / might have had / False
mispell / misspell / False
mispelling / misspelling / False
mispellings / misspellings / False
mkae / make / False
mkaes / makes / False
mkaing / making / False
moeny / money / False
morgage / mortgage / False
mroe / more / False
must of been / must have been / False
must of had / must have had / False
mysefl / myself / False
myu / my / False
naive / naïve / False
necassarily / necessarily / False
necassary / necessary / False
neccessarily / necessarily / False
neccessary / necessary / False
necesarily / necessarily / False
necesary / necessary / False
negotiaing / negotiating / False
nkow / know / False
nothign / nothing / False
nver / never / False
nwe / new / False
nwo / now / False
obediant / obedient / False
ocasion / occasion / False
occassion / occasion / False
occured / occurred / False
occurence / occurrence / False
occurrance / occurrence / False
ocur / occur / False
oeprator / operator / False
ofits / of its / False
oft he / of the / False
ofthe / of the / False
oging / going / False
ohter / other / False
omre / more / False
oneof / one of / False
onepoint / one point / False
ont he / on the / False
onthe / on the / False
onyl / only / False
oppasite / opposite / False
opperation / operation / False
oppertunity / opportunity / False
opposate / opposite / False
opposible / opposable / False
opposit / opposite / False
oppotunities / opportunities / False
oppotunity / opportunity / False
orginization / organization / False
orginized / organized / False
otehr / other / False
otu / out / False
outof / out of / False
overthe / over the / False
owrk / work / False
owuld / would / False
oxident / oxidant / False
papaer / paper / False
parliment / parliament / False
partof / part of / False
paymetn / payment / False
paymetns / payments / False
pciture / picture / False
peice / piece / False
peices / pieces / False
peolpe / people / False
peopel / people / False
percentof / percent of / False
percentto / percent to / False
performence / performance / False
perhasp / perhaps / False
perhpas / perhaps / False
permanant / permanent / False
perminent / permanent / False
personalyl / personally / False
pleasent / pleasant / False
poeple / people / False
porblem / problem / False
porblems / problems / False
porvide / provide / False
possable / possible / False
postition / position / False
potentialy / potentially / False
pregnent / pregnant / False
presance / presence / False
probelm / problem / False
probelms / problems / False
prominant / prominent / False
protege / protégé / False
protoge / protégé / False
psoition / position / False
ptogress / progress / False
puting / putting / False
pwoer / power / False
q / questionnaire / False
quater / quarter / False
quaters / quarters / False
quesion / question / False
quesions / questions / False
questioms / questions / False
questiosn / questions / False
questoin / question / False
quetion / question / False
quetions / questions / False
realyl / really / False
reccomend / recommend / False
reccommend / recommend / False
receieve / receive / False
recieve / receive / False
recieved / received / False
recieving / receiving / False
recomend / recommend / False
recomendation / recommendation / False
recomendations / recommendations / False
recomended / recommended / False
reconize / recognize / False
recrod / record / False
religous / religious / False
reluctent / reluctant / False
remeber / remember / False
reommend / recommend / False
representativs / representatives / False
representives / representatives / False
represetned / represented / False
represnt / represent / False
reserach / research / False
resollution / resolution / False
resorces / resources / False
respomd / respond / False
respomse / response / False
responce / response / False
responsability / responsibility / False
responsable / responsible / False
responsibile / responsible / False
responsiblity / responsibility / False
restaraunt / restaurant / False
restuarant / restaurant / False
reult / result / False
reveiw / review / False
reveiwing / reviewing / False
rumers / rumors / False
rwite / write / False
rythm / rhythm / False
saidhe / said he / False
saidit / said it / False
saidt he / said the / False
saidthat / said that / False
saidthe / said the / False
scedule / schedule / False
sceduled / scheduled / False
seance / séance / False
secratary / secretary / False
sectino / section / False
seh / she / False
selectoin / selection / False
sentance / sentence / False
separeate / separate / False
seperate / separate / False
sercumstances / circumstances / False
shcool / school / False
she;ll / she’ll / False
shesaid / she said / False
shineing / shining / False
shiped / shipped / False
shoudl / should / False
shoudln't / shouldn’t / False
should of been / should have been / False
should of had / should have had / False
shouldent / shouldn’t / False
shouldn;t / shouldn’t / False
shouldnt / shouldn’t / False
showinf / showing / False
signifacnt / significant / False
simalar / similar / False
similiar / similar / False
simpyl / simply / False
sincerly / sincerely / False
sitll / still / False
skb / skillbuilding / False
smae / same / False
smoe / some / False
soem / some / False
sohw / show / False
soical / social / False