Autocad Post Test

Autocad Post Test

Mr. Cox’s General safety test 2 Safety Test


1.By law you are required to wear ______when working in our production area.

  1. Safety Glasses
  2. Steel toed shoes
  3. tight fitting clothes
  4. None of the above

2.When you must use a machine that you haven’t been trained on you should

  1. go ahead but be careful.
  2. not use the machine and ask for help.
  3. read up on the machine and go ahead with your job.
  4. get a partner and go ahead with your work.

3.T/FLoose clothing is a safety hazard.

4.Keep hands away from machine parts that

  1. cut
  2. pinch
  3. press
  4. all of the above

5.T/FDo not remove safety guards from machines.

7.The body parts most likely to be injured are

  1. Arms, hands and fingers
  2. Legs, feet and toes
  3. Head, face and eyes
  4. Torso

8.Never attempt to clean a machine with

  1. a dust brush
  2. steel wool
  3. WD40
  4. your bare hands

9.______causes accidents

  1. an angry student
  2. an overconfident student
  3. human error
  4. all of the above.

10.Safety Color Yellow means

  1. caution
  2. warning
  3. stop, danger, fire
  4. start or safety info

11.Safety Color Orange means

  1. caution
  2. warning
  3. stop, danger, fire
  4. start or safety info

12.Safety Color Green means

  1. caution
  2. warning
  3. stop, danger, fire
  4. start or safety info

13.Safety Color Red means

  1. caution
  2. warning
  3. stop, danger, fire
  4. start or safety info

14.If something goes wrong with a machine you should

  1. stop immediately and report it to the instructor
  2. try to fix it immediately
  3. leave the machine running
  4. finish what you were doing then report it.

15.If an accident happens to you or someone else

  1. tough it out and get the job done.
  2. wait until you finish and then report it
  3. report it immediately
  4. only report it if it’s a major one

16.T/FNever distract a machine operator while they are using a machine.

17.A safety hazard is

  1. An obstacle on an OSHA golf course.
  2. A device that protects the operator.
  3. A visible unsafe situation.
  4. Both b and d

  1. A hidden hazard is
  1. Dangerous situation but can’t be seen.
  2. A dangerous situation that can be located in plain sight.
  3. Bo and Luke’s cousin they don’t talk about.
  4. All of the above
  1. A potential hazard is
  1. Only dangerous when something else happens
  2. Always dangerous
  3. Never dangerous
  4. None of these

20.The term that refers to the act of Identifying and correcting hazardous situations or conditions

  1. Maintenance
  2. Housekeeping
  3. Hazard hunting
  4. Safety rules
  1. Which of these is considered a hazard?
  1. Safety Glasses
  2. Guards on machines
  3. Overconfidence
  4. A sharp cutting tool
  1. T/F Loud music can cause permanent hearing damage.
  1. Studies have proved that the majority of accidents are caused by
  1. A lack of orderliness
  2. Incorrect procedures
  3. Improper use of tools/equipment
  4. Positions and actions of people
  1. Three elements necessary for fire:
  1. Oxygen Heat and Friction
  2. Oxygen Heat and Fuel
  3. Oxygen Friction and time
  4. Nitrogen Heat and Fuel
  1. The flashpoint of a fuel is
  1. The temperature that something starts to burn
  2. The hottest temperature when something burns
  3. The temperature that causes a flash of bright light
  4. An imaginary term

  1. Which of these sources of heat is used to ignite a match?
  1. Chemical reaction
  2. Solar
  3. Spontaneous combustion
  4. Friction
  1. Class A fires are
  1. Ordinary Combustibles
  2. Burning Liquids
  3. Fires in or near live electricity
  4. Burning metal
  1. Class C fires are
  1. Ordinary Combustibles
  2. Burning Liquids
  3. Fires in or near live electricity
  4. Burning metal
  1. An electrical defect that could cause a fire
  1. Short Circuit
  2. Overload
  3. Frayed wires
  4. All three
  1. Class B fires are
  1. Ordinary Combustibles
  2. Burning Liquids
  3. Fires in or near live electricity
  4. Burning metal
  1. T/F - A multipurpose dry chemical fire extinguisher can safely be used on A, B and C fires.
  1. If you can’t extinguish a fire in 15 seconds or less you should
  1. Give it a few more seconds
  2. Pick up the phone and call 911
  3. Get another fire extinguisher
  4. Get out and call 911
  1. Most fire related deaths are due to
  1. Smoke inhalation
  2. Poisonous fumes
  3. Severe burns
  4. Defective smoke detectors
  1. T/F - If you follow all of the safety rules all of the time you’ll never have an accident.
