Warner Estate Residents Association (WERA)

ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING Thursday 7th September 2017

Present: Jim Jenks in the chair, 55 members and Cllr Pippa Connor.

1.  Welcome and apologies for absence

Jim Jenks welcomed people to the meeting. Apologies for absence were received from Betty Romary, Dick Hudson, Ursula Maestranzi, Cllr Gail Engert, Cllr Adam Jogee, Simon Kaplinsky, Jim Duke and Colin Brewster.

2.  Woodberry Wetlands

Nathaniel Legall from the London Wildlife Trust gave a presentation on the Woodberry Wetlands which was opened last year by David Attenborough. He described its environmental features and the campaign to create the wetlands. He urged people to visit.

3.  Minutes of the 2016 AGM were agreed.

4.  Annual Report /WERA newsletter

Jim Jenks referred to some of the issues in the June newsletter. He thanked Chris Barker and the WERA Traffic Group for the campaign to get a zebra crossing on Priory Road at the bottom of Redston Road. He said this is due to go ahead soon.

He gave an update on the CPZ situation about which there had been a lot of discussion and debate on the WERA Yahoo email group. He had been informed by Cllr Pippa Connor that as a result of the “perception survey” carried out in our area there will be a full CPZ consultation (this still needs final confirmation by Cllr Ahmet, Environment Lead). When it goes ahead all households will receive a questionnaire asking for their views. It is not clear whether the council will hold a meeting alongside this consultation process to enable people to ask questions about how CPZs operate.

Jim Jenks referred to a local planning application in 2015/16. In future WERA will direct residents who wish to comment on planning applications to the council planning website, so avoiding such an issue being divisive within WERA.

He reported on discussions with Alexandra Palace about the licence for events in the park. There have been concerns about noise levels. The licensing committee has been asked to monitor noise levels and to register complaints.

5.  Treasurer’s report

Joyce Rosser presented the annual financial report which showed that WERA had an income of £853 from 2016/17 subscriptions. There had been a balance brought forward from the previous year of £452.63. Expenditure in 2016/17 was £719.66. The balance at the end of the year was £585.97. WERA bank account also holds £3480 – a Hornsey Ward Grant for improvements to Rectory Gardens and £180 – the Danvers Road street party fund.

She said that our balance is higher than in some previous years and recommended that we make a donation of £150 to Greig City Academy for its sailing project (GCA had been the only state school in the Fastnet race). WERA objectives include “to further the provision of leisure and recreational facilities of the area” and GCA is our nearest secondary school. Sally Walker said that other local schools such as St Mary’s Primary School had been invited to take part in GCA activities connected with this project. This was agreed.

6.  Election of officers and committee for 2014/15

Nomination forms had been sent out with the WERA newsletter to all 650 households in the WERA area. All of the existing officers and representatives were willing to stand again. There had been no other nominations. It was agreed that the following continue for the next year.

Chair: Jim Jenks

Secretary: Joyce Rosser

Treasurer: Joyce Rosser

Park Avenue North road representative: Jack Noutch

Danvers Road representative: Jeff Probst

Redston Road representative: Ursula Maestranzi

Warner Road representatives: Adrian and Robyn Thomas

Priory Avenue representative: Sally and George Walker

Priory Road: Jazz Takhar

Baden and Clovelly Roads representatives: Jim and Ros Jenks

Linzee Road representative: Alison Walker

APP Statutory Advisory Committee representative: Jim Jenks

APP Consultative Committee representative: Dick Hudson

APP Conservation Area Advisory Committee representative: Antonia Denford

Jim Jenks thanked all the WERA officers and road representatives for their work.

7.  Any other business

a)  Garden Waste Collections and Eco Park visit

Joyce Rosser said that from October Haringey residents will have to pay to have garden waste taken away. Full information will be delivered to all households in next few weeks. For those who wish to have the service there will be three options: £75 for a large brown bin; £55 for a smaller brown bin: £55 for biodegradable bags. She demonstrated one of these bags. She mentioned another visit to the Eco Park at the end of September.

b)  U3A

Sally Whitaker announced that the new Crouch End & District branch of the University of the Third Age was having its inaugural meeting on 27th September in the Moravian Church Hall.