Spelling Bee
What is the "Spelling Bee"?
The Spelling Bee is an event that challenges studentsto use their spelling andphonetic skills in a competitive environment. In the class bee, 5 top spellers are chosen for the final level bee. The top spellers in each class compete in the final Level Bee to determine the champion (first place winner) and runner up (second place winner)and another runner up (third place winner).
How Does a Student participate?
The vocabulary sheets will be sentvia email.
The student will study the words from these lists. Then, in each class, according to the daily schedule, all students will have a class bee for the first round of the contest. You will find this date mentioned in March calendar.
The top spellers( winners from class bee) will be asked to attendthe final level bee for the top spellers.These spellers will be given another list to study.
The champion will be the student who correctly spells all words given to him or her.
What Is The "Bee"?
A typical "Bee" is a competition in which students are asked to spell words. It usually works on a 'miss and out' basis.
How Does It Benefit The Child?
This is a great way to promote and honor academic excellence.
Who Organizes the Contest and choose the words?
The Contest and words are organized by the Senior English teacher with the help of the teachers and the administrative staff.
Whenwill the competition start?
The competition will be held in classes on Sunday, the 7th, of April 2016.
What are the awards?
The top spellers( those who participated in the final level bee) will receive:A certificate and a T-shirt. The runner ups and the champion receive a certificate and a present .
Thank you for your cooperation and looking forward to a great Bee!!
Dear Lower Primary parents and students,
Kindly be informed that the ClassBee Competition will be held on Thursday, 7thof April, 2016.
1-All Lower Primary Studentsshould study the spelling of the vocabulary words of this term.
2-The vocabulary list will be uploaded on the website.
3-Read carefully the spelling bee rulesthat are mentioned below.
4-On the competition day the English teacher will select only two winnersfrom each class.
Wishing you the best of luck,
Lower Primary
English Senior
Ms. OmnyaRaouf
Rules for Level Spelling Bees
- Spellers will sit in order of the numbers on their name tags.
- When it is a speller's turn to spell, he or she will go up to the microphone.
- A speller will be given one word to spell. He or she should repeat the word, spell it, and then say it again – like this: 'cat' c-a-t 'cat'.
- A speller may ask the judge to repeat a word or provide its definition if needed.
- A speller may start a word, stop and start it again, but he or she may not change any letter. If a letter is changed, the speller will be out.
- If the speller has spelled correctly, the judge will say 'Correct' and he or she may return to his or her seat. If not, the judge will say 'Incorrect', and give the correct spelling. The speller will then be asked to join the audience until the end of the Bee. A new word will be given to the next speller.
- If, after three requests, the speller does not spell the word, he or she will be out.
- Spellers should not say 'double' for two letters in a row. Pronounce both letters. (example: don't spell letter as l-e-double t –e – r. Rather, spell it l-e-t-t-e-r.) Spellers will not be 'out' if they do this.
- If the word is two words, spellers should say 'new word' when they begin the second word. Spellers will not be counted out if they don't do this.
- If the word is a capitalized word, spellers should say so as they spell it. (example: 'Cairo'. Spell it "Capital C –a-i-r-o) Spellers will not be counted out because of this.
- If a speller speaks out of turn, or speaks in Arabic, he or she will be out.
- If a member of the audience speaks at all, he or she will be asked to leave until the Bee is completed.
- The Bee will be conducted in rounds.
- If the word has a dash (or hyphen) spellers should say so. (example: ‘middle-sized’. Spell it m-i-d-d-l-e-dash (or hyphen)-s-i-z-e-d). Spellers will be counted out if they forget to add this. Also adding a dash or hyphen where it does not belong will make a speller be out, as well.
- If anyone is absent on the day of the bee, he/she will miss the chance to participate. The spelling bee CANNOT be repeated or done for one person.
- When the competition has two spellers only, the procedure for disqualification changes. At that point, when one speller misspells a word, the other speller shall be given an opportunity to spell that same word. If the second speller spells that word correctly, plus the next word on the pronouncer’s list, then the second speller shall be declared the champion. If one of the last two spellers misspells a word and the other speller, after correcting the error, misspells the new word, then the misspelled new word shall be referred to the other speller. If this other speller then succeeds in correcting the error and spells the next word on the list, then he or she shall be declared the champion. If both spellers misspell the same word, both shall continue in the competition, and the one who first misspelled the word shall be given a new word to spell. The champion is not the champion until he or she corrects the misspelling of the other speller and then correctly spells the next word on the list.
- In the case of a question about correct spelling, the collective decision of all judges present will be final.
Spelling Bee
Word List
Primary (1): (41 words)
1.pot 2.sausage
5.soup6- onion
11.mango12.avocado 13.orange
1-jobs 2-doctor
3-police officer 4-teacher
5-help 6-clothes
7-water 8-money
9-sandwich 10-grapes
11-juice 12-soda
13-chips 14-cookies
1-world 2-city
5-neighborhood 6-building
7-apartment 8-street
9-interesting 10-boring
11-quiet 12-noisy
13-safe 14-dangerous
Primary (2): (42words)
1-cream 2-sugar
3-salt 4- pour
5- plastic bags 6- mixture
7-opened 8- closed
9-freezer 10- coffee
11- tea 12- salad
13- fruits 14- vegetables
15- pasta 16- sad
1- arrive 2- ask
3-check 4- enter
5- poor 6- crowded
7- clerk 8- visit
9- sick 10- couch
11-chair 12- lamp 13- clock 14- bathtub 15-Sink 16- far
17- rich18- easy
19- near20-same
1-Wolf 2-Unhappy
3- Sleepy 4-Smile
5- yawn 6-Cry
Primary 3: (42 words)
time zone
sweet potato
shopping cart