RFP Title:mSTAR, Subcontract to Support the development of a Gender and Information Communication Technology (ICT) Curriculum & Course

RFP No:101023.020.001.100

Authority:USAID Award No. AID-OAA-A-12-00073

Date of Issuance:Friday, May 6, 2016

Due Date for Questions:5:00 PM US ESTFriday, May 13, 2016

Response to Questions:Monday, May16, 2016

Closing Date:5:00 PM US EST,Friday, May 20, 2016

Estimated Award Date:~Mid-June 2016







4.1Offerors Eligibility

4.2Funding and estimated period of performance

4.3Proposal Submission Deadline

4.4Submission Method for Questions and Proposals

4.5Review Process

4.6Proposal Contents

4.7Evaluation Criteria


5.1Source of Funding and Geographic Code

5.2Withdrawal of proposals

5.3Right to Select/Reject


5.5Offer Verification

5.6False Statements in Offer

5.7Conflict of Interest

5.8Reserved Rights

5.9Governing Law and Language

5.10Certification of Independent Price Determination

5.11Award and Notification of Selected Proposals



The purpose of this Request for Proposals (RFP) is to solicit proposals for funding from prospective subcontractorsto support FHI 360’s implementation of the Mobile Solutions Technical Assistance and Research Program (mSTAR), funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), Award No. AID-OAA-A-12-00073.mSTAR is a strategic investment by the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) to advance mobile solutions and close the gaps that hold back access and uptake of mobile technology. The project supports broad-based coordinated action by a range of market stakeholders — including governments, donors, mobile service providers, and their customers. mSTAR is designed to initiate and support game-changing interventions to support digital finance, digital inclusion, and mobile data collection and dissemination.

FHI 360’s mSTAR project is issuing this request for proposalsto firms with experience in developing curriculum and a in-person and online course focused on Gender and information communication technology (ICT). In this activity, the selected subcontractor will a) work with mSTAR and U.S. Global Development’s Digital Inclusion Team Lab’s to produce a Gender and Information Communication Technology (ICT) Curriculum; b) based on that material, develop an in-person training and a stand-alone interactive online training course.

This RFPis issued as a public notice to ensure that all interested,qualified, and eligible organizations have a fair opportunity to submit proposals for funding.


The objective of this scope of work is to partner with mSTAR and USAID to develop, test, and present a Gender and ICT Curriculum, which will guide USAID staff, implementing partners, and other stakeholders on how to integrate gender and ICT in programming. The course and curriculum will equip USAID staff with a strong understanding of the considerations around gender and ICT when designing projects and research, developing country development strategies, and building internal capacity. It will complement existing USAID online trainings, and the work that the Center’s Digital Development Team has already conducted around gender and ICT.


Scope of Work

mSTAR is seeking a Gender and Information Communication Technology (ICT) subcontractor to develop, test, and present a Gender and ICT Curriculum featuring a suite of resources for USAID. This Gender and ICT curriculum seeks to equip USAID staff with a strong understanding of the considerations around gender and ICT when designing projects and research, developing country development strategies, and building internal capacity. It will complement existing USAID online trainings, and the work that the Center’s Digital Development Team has already conducted around gender and ICT.

This curriculum will provide participants with both a knowledge base for effectively incorporating gender and ICTs into their programming, and the importance of thinking about gender when designing an ICT-intervention, thereby contributing to the progress of USAID development outcomes.

The Curriculum is envisioned to have two primary components:

1)A core of educational material covering the benefits of integrating ICTs in to gender programming available in paper/ PDF format, to be used for in-person training.

2)An interactive online training, duration of 45-60 minutes, consisting of several forms of media (eg. animation, case studies). Some of these components (animations, case studies etc.) of the online training will be useful for the in-person trainings, and will be digitally formatted for stand-alone use. mSTAR will work with FHI 360’s design lab to create the core materials for the in-person training, which will provide direction for the online training.

Task 1. Resource review

The subcontractor’s first task is to provide mSTAR with a proposed literature/ learning resource list to ensure there is a common understanding of resources and partners available for the development of the curriculum. The subcontractor will also hold consultation sessions with USAID mission or bureau staff to further understandlearning needs and identify resources. Based on the resource list and consultations, the subcontractor will complete and present an analysis and cross-comparison of existing materials. This analysis will inform the subcontractor’s development of the curriculum. The subcontractor will work collaboratively with mSTAR and USAID to finalize and test both the in-person training materials and online training with a small subset of people.

Summary of tasks

  • Conduct scan of existing instruments and resources
  • With guidance from mSTAR and USAID, consult with additional USAID staff and other implementing partners for insights
  • Present summary of scan/analysis and recommendations for tools

Task 2. Curriculum Development

Core Materials (paper-based)

The subcontractor will develop a core curriculum to be used as both an overarching base for the online- training, but also as material for in-person trainings for audiences such as USAID Missions. These materials should be treated as a central base of the curriculum, to ensure its repurposeability for other needs.

It is anticipated that the in-person training resources will include thematic overviews, quizzes, illustrated diagrams and other media, as proposed by the subcontractor and agreed by the Digital Inclusion team.

Some components of the below online training (such as any animations, case studies etc.) will be useful for the in-person trainings, and will be digitally formatted for stand-alone use. The subcontractor will work with mSTAR will work with FHI 360’s design lab to create the core materials for the in-person training, which will provide direction for the online training. The resources should be printable, delivered in PDF or other acceptable format, to be agreed upon with USAID.

Summary of tasks

  • Develop paper/ PDF based training materials with mSTAR and USAID
  • Ensure that any agreed upon online training resources are formatted for stand-alone use for the in-person training

Online Training

The online training will run 45-75 minutes with a goal of upskilling USAID staff (particularly Mission staff who may not be able to take in-person trainings), implementing partners, and any other interested stakeholders. It may include some or all of the below activities:

  • Animation
  • Video testimonials/ case studies
  • Interactive quizzes
  • Scenario- based testing
  • Case studies

This learning will be based in a strong narrative arc, and will lead the participant through a compelling learning process that will create enthusiasm and competence around this subject area. Please also refer to Attachment D of USAID Course Curriculum Guidelines for the design of the online training content

Additionally, the course curriculum and materials (cheat sheets, check lists and other collateral) will be easily downloadable at different stages in the training. These offline resources will serve to reinforce the training's key messages. The curriculum will also provide further guidance for any participants who have been unsuccessful in their learning efforts.

The online course will be hosted live on the internal LMS (Learning Management System) platform, and the subcontractor will need to coordinate with LMS to upload the files. Depending on USAID needs, this training may also be hosted on the Learning Lab to allow for public access. The Subcontractor will also be available for any tech/ editing work for 2 days during the first year post-launch.

Summary of tasks

  • Develop online training in coordination with mSTAR and USAID
  • Coordinate with LMS and possibly the Learning Lab to coordinate hosting


The table below details the implementation timeline, anticipated deliverables and milestonesfor the subcontract. LOE and deliverable dates are tentative and may change depending on process and contracting timelines.

Deliverables and Milestones Table / Timeline
Task 1. Resource Review
  1. Research on proposed literature/ learning resources conducted
/ May 20, 2016
  1. Draft summary of scan/analysis completed with recommendations for curriculum
/ May 25, 2016
  1. Feedback from USAID and mSTAR team incorporated (received by COB May 25) and second draft of scan/ literature/ learning resources for curriculum submitted
/ May 31, 2016
Task 1. Curriculum Development
  1. Core curriculum developed, including thematic overviews, quizzes, case studies, illustrated diagrams and other media, for in-person training materials
/ July 8, 2016
  1. Feedback from USAID and mSTAR team incorporated (received on July 11, 2016) and second draft of core curriculum submitted
/ July 18, 2016
  1. Core Curriculum based comments finalized (July 25, 2016) and final draft of paper/ PDF based training materials submitted
/ August 1, 2016
Task 3. Online Training
  1. Online course developed with in-person materials as core foundation. Materials hosted on the internal Learning Management System (LMS) platform
/ September 9, 2016
  1. Feedback solicited from USAID on online course materials
/ September 14, 2016
  1. Online training finalized
/ September 23, 2016
  1. Subcontractor coordinates with LMS to upload the files
/ September 30, 2016


A detailed timeline for consultations, submission of draft deliverables, and other project milestones will be developed once the firm is in place upon consultation with mSTAR and USAID. The entire activity is estimated to take three months.



This competition is open to any non-governmental, non-profit or for-profit entity. To be minimally eligible for funding, offerors must comply with the following conditions:

  • Organizations must be legally registered or otherwise authorized to conduct business in their country or countries of operation.
  • Organizations must have a DUNS number. Organizations without a DUNS number can register for one at the following website:
  • Organizations must submit their proposal in English.

Additionally, the contractor should haveexpertise indeveloping curriculum and training materials, demonstrated design work for online trainings; a team that includes staff that have at least five years of work experience in gender research and/or programming in developing countries and knowledge of USAID programming; capabilities and past experience in web design, course content packaging, and have demonstrated the ability to run online courses with highly interactive content.

  • Ability to work closely with FHI 360 (and the USAID Mobile Solutions Team), incorporating their feedback into the design of the live course platform and standalone course product.
  • IT experience is strongly preferred.

4.2Contract Type

FHI 360 anticipates awarding a Fixed-Price Subcontract.

4.3Funding and estimated period of performance

The mechanism for funding will beaFixed-PriceSubcontract.FHI 360 will issuepayment(s) based on submission and FHI360 acceptance of deliverables or measurableprojectmilestones.The estimated budgetrangefor this activity is $85,000.

The subcontractis anticipated tocommence inMid-June2016and final deliverablesare anticipated tobe submittedinSeptember 2016.

4.4Proposal Submission Deadline

Proposals may be submitted at any time before 5:00PMEDTon the date specified on the cover page of this RFP. Submissions received after the deadline will not be considered. Additional opportunities for applying, however, may be made available in the future.

4.5Submission Method for Questions and Proposals

Submit Questions and Proposals electronically to: questions and answers will be shared with all interestedofferors.

Technicalproposalsand attachmentsmaybe submitted inMicrosoft Wordor Adobe PDF. Budgets must be submitted inMicrosoft Excel.

The email subject line should read Subcontract to development of a Gender & ICT Course Curriculum [Name of Organization submitting proposal].”

FHI 360 is not receiving paper applications for this RFP.

4.6Review Process

Proposals will be reviewed and awarded by an evaluation panel. FHI 360 will lead and coordinate the evaluation panel. A technical evaluation committee will review all technical proposals using the Evaluation Criteria detailed below.

It is anticipated that the award will be made within 4-6 weeks after the submission deadline, as stated on the cover of this RFP. Final negotiations and award will be managed by FHI 360.

4.7Proposal Contents

Offerors will develop their proposals based on their understanding of needs, their prior institutional experience and their determination of the approaches that would be feasible and successful within the context provided above. In all cases, offerors shall clearly explain the rationale for the proposed approaches chosen.

Proposals should include submission of a technical proposal with attachments and a cost proposal. Technical proposals should not exceed 8 pages. Proposals must remain valid for at least sixty (60) days. The format should include the following:

Part A: Technical Proposal

  1. Organization’s legal name
  1. Contact name
  1. Contact person’s position
  1. E-mail address
  1. Telephone number
  1. Technical approach,including proposed implementation plan and projected timeframe for design and implementation
  1. Staffing Structure
  1. Corporate capabilities and past performance on similar scopes of work.

Technical Attachments Please submit the following attachments with the Technical Proposal. Note that they do not count towards the 8 page limit

  1. CVs of the personnel who will conduct the work(maximum 4 pages per CV). CVs shall include a complete list of learning resources completed.
  2. Two references for each of the proposed staff, including contact information (names, company or organization, phone number and email)for persons who can independently verify past work.
  3. One sample of an online training/ learning platform developed by subcontractor

Part B: Cost Proposal

  1. Please submit a summary and detailed line item budget broken down by Phase I (design) and Phase II (implementation), budget narrative, and supporting documentation that clearly describe how the budgeted amounts are calculated.
  2. Please use the budget format included in Attachment A.
  3. A brief narrative explanation and justification for each line item must be included in a separate section entitled “budget narrative” and include data to support actual costs and/or methodologies to support cost estimates. The budget narrative serves as justification for each cost included in a budget; should be presented in such a way as to be easily referenced from the budget; and should provide sufficient information so that FHI 360 may review a proposed budget for reasonableness. All projected costs must be in accordance with the organization’s standard practices and policies.
  4. Budgets must be sufficiently detailed to demonstrate reasonableness and completeness. Offerors including budget information determined to be unreasonable, incomplete, unnecessary for the completion of the proposed project, or based on a methodology that is not adequately supported may be deemed unacceptable.
  5. Budgets should be submitted in USD.
  6. Please indicate the inclusion/exclusion of any applicable taxes such as VAT.
  7. If the budget includes an indirect rate, this must be supported with a Negotiated Indirect Rate Cost Agreement (NICRA), or an independent auditor-certified indirect rate based upon the last 3 years of audited financial statements, that must be submitted to FHI 360. If the offerordoes not have a copy of this to support the indirect rate proposed, they must break out the costs and charge the costs as fixed amounts and must be shown as separate line items in the budget and charge the costs as direct expenses shown via line items in the budget. If the costs are charged as fixed amounts, in the budget narrative please explain the methodology and calculation behind the estimated fixed amounts.
  8. Please include a signed biodata form (Attachment B) for any proposed staff or selected subcontractors who have a daily rate greater than $50 USD. See Attachment B for FHI 360 template.

Part C: Attachments

  1. Certifications (Attachment C); Certifications are required by FHI 360 and USAID and must be signed by the authorized official, dated and included in the proposal. Recipients will be required to comply with the content of the certifications as part of the contractual agreement when/if funding is approved.
  2. Registration certificate for the organization.

4.8Evaluation Criteria

The criteria presented below have been tailored to the requirements of this RFP. A total of 100 points are possible for the complete proposal. The relative importance of each criterion is indicated by approximate weight by points.

Evaluation Criteria / Points
Technical Approach
-Comprehensiveness of proposed approach. Clarity and appropriateness of proposed technical approach.
-Implementation plan and proposed timeline are realistic and include all proposed elements of the activity. / 30 points
-Personnel (from the chosen external firm) identified to perform this work must have:
  • Experience working in gender and ICT
  • Experience developing curriculum
-Personnel should have excellent written and oral communication skills in English. / 30 points
Corporate Capabilities and Past Performance
-The extent to which the organization and any local partners has successfully performed similar work in the past.
-The proposed management structure is reasonable and sufficient to implement this work.
-Proposed staff person(s) who will be responsible for implementation have the relevant skills and past experience to successfully complete the assignment. / 20 points
Cost Application
-Reasonableness of proposed budget based on scope of activities being proposed
-Summary budget, detailed budget, and budget notes included
-Signed FHI 360 biodata forms included
-In USD, follows budget template (see Attachment A), indicates inclusion/exclusion of any applicable taxes. Total price will be evaluated by FHI 360. In evaluating the proposed budget, FHI 360’s concerns include determining whether:
  • Proposed price reflects a clear understanding of the requirements stated in this RFP, and is consistent with the various elements of the Offeror’s proposal.
  • Proposed price is reasonable in comparison with proposed prices received in response to the solicitation.
  • Proposed price is reasonable in comparison with prices with FHI 360’s independent cost estimate.
Unrealistically low or high proposed prices, initially or subsequently, may be grounds for eliminating a proposal from competition either on the basis that the Offeror does not understand the requirement or the Offeror has provided an unrealistic proposal. / 20 points
TOTAL / 100 points


Offerors are responsible for review of the terms and conditions described below and in the award budget template attached. If relevant, particular attention should be paid to clauses regarding USAID geographic code, marking and branding requirements and equipment and commodity purchases.