August 10, 2016


This is our 42ndAnniversary for theRegion ISocialStudiesFair. Itwillbeheld onFriday, January 20, 2017, intheUniversityCenteronthecampusof LouisianaStateUniversityin Shreveport. Studentsattendingschools in Bossier,Caddo, DeSoto, Red Riverand WebsterParishesin Grades4-12 areeligibletoenter.Weencourageyourstudents tosharetheirtalentswithothersin ourregion through participation intheSocialStudiesFair.

Both Group and Individualprojectsmaybeenteredin threedivisions.Thetotalnumberofentriesfromyourlocal

SocialStudiesFaireligiblefortheRegionIcompetition is:

Division I / Grades4-5 / topeight individualprojectsandtop six groupprojectsfromeach school.
Division II / Grades6-8 / topeight individualprojectsandtop six groupprojectsfromeach school.
Division III / Grades9-12 / topeight individualprojectsandtop six groupprojectsfromeach school.

Firstand Second placewinnersintheIndividualcategoriesand Firstand SecondplacewinnersintheGroupcategories in allthreedivisionsof theRegion ISocialStudiesFairwillbeeligible forparticipation in theStateSocialStudiesFair. Winnerswillreceive registration information attheAwardsCeremonyat theRegion ISocialStudiesFaironFriday, January 20, 2017.

Enclosed you willfindtheOfficialEntryformfor the2017Region ISocialStudiesFair. Pleasecopyasneeded. Be sureto completethefrontand backofeachentryformand obtain allrequired signaturesprior tosubmission.Parentsor guardiansarerequiredtosign. No projectwillbeacceptedforRegionalcompetition withoutpriorreceiptofa

completedentryform. Entryfee is$15.00 perproject.Allentryformsand feesmustbe received byWednesday, January4, 2017.No lateentrieswillbeaccepted.

Mailallentriesto:LouisianaStateUniversityin Shreveport

Attention: AngelaTaylor

Division ofContinuingEducation


Shreveport, LA71115

Also enclosedisaschedulefortheRegion ISocialStudiesFair.Thank you foryourhard workin makingthisthebest

Region ISocialStudiesFair.

Should you haveanyquestions, pleasefeelfreeto contactCheryl Irvin at798-4177 orAngela Taylor at797-5130. Sincerely,

Brent Wallace


Division of Continuing Education

CHANGES: Due to State Fair Date changes, the Region I dates has been changed to JANUARY 20, 2017. Grade6 is now in DivisionII; thetotal numberofentries that will be accepted from each division (pleasesee above); Historyprojects arebrokendown into two groups (HistoryandLouisianaHistory). Teacher’se-mail address for confirmationis required.LSUS Policyprohibitsweapons on campus. Cost Increase to $ 15.00

42ndAnnual RegionI Social Studies Fair2017

TheRegionISocial Studies Fairannuallypresents an exhibition ofwork prepared bysocial studies students from theparishes ofCaddo, Bossier,Desoto, Red River and Webster. Majorpurposes oftheRegionI Social Studies Fair are:

1. torecognize and rewardoutstandingscholarshipand achievements ofsocial studies students

2. to providestudents and teachers with an opportunityto put into practiceideas and principles of

Americanism and patriotism as taught in social studies

3. to providestudents and teachers with an opportunityto relateto theirdailylives theideas and principles taught in social studies

4. togivestudents and teachers an opportunityto compare and seewhat others aredoingin social studies

5. togivestudents in socialstudies an opportunitytointerpret the cultural, social, political and economic forces ofourtimes

6. toencouragestudents and teachers to exchangetechniques and ideas that havebeen successful in their classrooms

7. toencouragestudents to do creativeresearch anddiscoverways in which theycancontributeto thedevelopment ofsociety

8. to lead students to drawmoreheavilyupon all areas ofsocial studies as ameans ofbroadening and deepeningtheirsocial concepts

9. toarousepublicinterest in and appreciation forthebroad areas of content in social studies

10. to develop an appreciation and understandingamongthepublic forthe abilities ofyouth

11. toencourage an awareness oftheworld ofwork.

TO:RegionISocial StudiesFairJudges RE:2017RegionISocial Studies Fair FROM: Brent Wallace,Executive Director

We arein theprocess ofplanningtheRegionISocial Studies Fair fortheSpringof2017.Thisyear’s Fairwill beheld in theUniversityCenteron thecampus ofLouisianaStateUniversityin Shreveport, Friday, January 20, 2017.

Both Group andIndividual projects maybe entered in thethreedivisions. First and secondplace winners inIndividual categories as well as Groupcategories inall threedivisions will be eligible for participation in theStateSocial Studies Fair.

TheRegionISocial Studies Fairschedulewill beas follows: January 20, 2017

7:30 a.m. to 9:30 a.m.

Registration (first floor)and settingup ofexhibits(second floor) UniversityCenter

10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.

Judging-Students must bepresent in assignedexhibit area. Only onestudent perproject is permitted

1:00 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. LunchBreak

(LSUSFood Services-“ThePort”is located on the1stflooroftheUniversityCenter)

1:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m.

Exhibits areopen to thepublic (Students need not bepresent.)

Projects thathaveplacedforanawardwillhavea notificationonthem. Only these students’projects will needto attendAwards Ceremony. All projectsmustbe removedafter3:00 p.m.

3:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.

Awards Presentation, UniversityCenterTheater

Only studentswhoseprojects haveplaced need bepresent. Parents arewelcome.



Please print CLEARLYor type

Useonly oneformforbothindividualand group projects.

TitleofProject: Name(s)ofStudent(s): Address:


Must be checked

Checkwhether thisis:[ ]Individual(I)[ ]Group(G)

Checkoneofthefollowingto identifycategoryofproject: (Changesin categoriescannotbemadethe day of the Fair)

[ ]Anthropology[ ]History[ ]Sociology

[ ]Economics[ ]LouisianaHistory(includesanyhistorywhereLAisthesubject) [ ]Geography [ ]PoliticalScience

Checkoneofthefollowingto identifythedivision:

[]Division IElementarySchool(Grades4-5)[ ]Division IIMiddleSchool (Grades6-8) []Division III-High School(Grades9-12)


SchoolAddress: Street City/State Zip

SchoolPhone:() StudentPhone: ()

SponsoringTeacher: Signature and e-mailaddress


HomePhone: () AlternatePhone:()

SPECIALNEEDS:Please list: For your project/presentation, do you require an electrical outlet? DISALLOWED: EXTENSIONS CORDS ORTAPE STRUNG ACROSS THE FLOOR. Also disallowed arechairsorstoolsinthejudgingarea. Also any cell phones, IPad, Tablets or game devices

NOTE: Mailthis formwithfrontback both completedand signed alongwith $15entryfeemade payable to LSUS to:

LSU-Shreveport, Div.OfContinuingEducation,

Atten: Angela Taylor

OneUniversityPlace, Shreveport, LA71115

DEADLINE: Wednesday, January 4, 2017forallentryformsandfees. Pleasemakesurean E-MAIL

confirmationis receivedas thiswillbe theonlycommunication inreference to entry into theFair.

Ihave read, understand, and agreeto abidebyallSocialStudiesRegionalFairrulesandregulations.Thisprojectis completely mine/oursandwascreated and completedby me/uswithinthelasttwelvemonthswithoutdirect,significant aid orassistancefromanyoneotherthanmy/oursponsoringteacher. Parentalinvolvement in theprojectwaslimitedto thoseaspectsof theprojectthatareconsistentwiththeSocialStudiesFairRegulations.

Student(s)SignatureStudent(s)Signature(forgroup project)

Region I DanaRolland,LocalFairDirector’sSignature Region Number




Beforegoingto theregional fair,checkoffeach ofthefollowingto makesureyouarein compliancewith regional regulations.This formis tobe completed and returnedwiththe application.

1. / Research paperisnotattached tothebackboard.
2. / Titlepageisincluded(notlabeled assuch).
3. / TableofContentsisincluded (labeledatthetopofthepage, separatepage).
4. / Abstractisincluded (labeled atthetop ofthepage, separatepage).
5. / BodyofResearchisincluded (pagesarenotlabeled).
6. / Conclusionisincluded (labeledatthetopofthepage, separatepage).
7. / Footnotes/Endnotes areincluded(labeledatthetop ofthepage)
(requiredforDivision IIIprojects, optionalforDivision Iand Division II.)
8. / Bibliographyisincluded (labeled at thetop ofthepage, separatepage).
9. / Theresearch paperis typed(requiredforDivision III,optional forDivision Iand Division II).
10. / Maximumof100 ft.extension cordifneeded forproject. Must let us know on the front page of the entry form for you to have access to an outlet.


11.Theproject,asis, hasnot,norwillbeenteredinto anytypeoffair

(i.e. Science, HomeEconomics, and IndustrialArts)otherthan aSocialStudiesFair.

12.Oralpresentation hasbeenpreparedfordefendingtheproject

(3 minutes).Two minutesadditionalforjudges=questions.

13.Thisprojectconforms tothemaximumspaceallotmentof36@wide, 30@deep,8@high, and notover100lbs. (Thesefiguresaremaximums, projectsmaybesmaller.)

14. / Theentrant’sname, school,hometown, orother identifyinginformation
is notvisibleanywhereonthe projectorresearch paper.
15. / No liveanimals, embryos, fetuses, ororiginalarchaeologicalitemsareexhibited on theproject.
16. / Onlyonestudentispermitted to defend and bepresenton the floorforjudgingofgroup projects.




Group Projects:Onlyoneperson can bedesignatedasspokes personforthegroup.

Othermembersofthegroup willnotbeallowedin theroom.

Student’sSignature(forgroup project)SignatureofParent/Guardian



Student’sSignature(forgroup project)SignatureofParent/Guardian




Projectsshouldberelatedtoa subjectbeingstudiedandshouldassistthestudentsandclassinlearningmore aboutthesubject.Groupand/orclassprojectsaswellasindividualprojectsmaybeenteredinallthree divisions.Groupprojectsandindividualprojectswillbejudgedseparately andseparate awardswillbegiven. The majoremphasisshouldbe placeduponprojectswhichcallfor methodsofresearchandinquiryrather than“show”displays or“collections”ofobjects.

DivisionI / DivisionII / DivisionIII
(Grades 4-5) / (Grades 6-8) / (Grades 9-12)
1. Anthropology / 1. Anthropology / 1. Anthropology
2. Economics / 2. Economics / 2. Economics
3. Geography / 3. Geography / 3. Geography
4. History / 4. History / 4. History
5. LouisianaHistory / 5. LouisianaHistory / 5. LouisianaHistory
6. Political Science / 6. Political Science / 6. Political Science
7. Sociology / 7. Sociology / 7. Sociology

Entries foreach Divisionare:

DivisionI Eight Individual,Six Group DivisionII Eight Individual, Six Group DivisionIII EightIndividual, SixGroup

All projects must be classified byteachers at thetimeof entryaccordingtothe aboveacademic disciplines within thesocial studies area. Teachersshould be careful to seethat all projects areplacedin the appropriatesubject matter category. Final decisions as to categoriescannotbe changed at registration. History and sociologycategoriesaregenerallyentered into heavily, particularlyin DivisionsIandII. Pleasenote:theHistorycategory, perStateFairRegulations, has beenbrokendowninto TWO separate categories,History &Louisiana History.


The following regulations should bekept in mind byboth thestudents andtheirsponsoringteachers

All students goingto the Social Studies RegionalorState Fairshould befamiliarwith and agreeto abide bytheseregulations.

1.Projects must conform to Division level and to academicdiscipline at both theRegional and State competition. Group projectsmusthaveoneperson designatedas spokesmanfor the group. Other members ofthegroupwillnotbe allowed in the room. (Agroup project is onein which at least twostudents wereinvolved in its development.) It isthe responsibilityof the exhibitor and/orteacherto makesure forms are correctand complete. Projects cannot bechanged from onecategoryto anotherattheRegionalorState Fair.

2.The exhibitorwill be allowed amaximum of fiveminutes to explain, defend and answer questions on theproject. It is mandatorythat student presentations not exceed three (3) minutes in orderto givejudges two(2)minutes forquestions. (StateRegulations aredifferent)

3.Projects arelimited to atablespaceof30 inches deep (front-to-back) and 36 inches wide (side- to-side). All elements oftheproject must fit within thespaceassigned at the Fairand must not interfere adjacent spaces. No part oftheproject maybeunderthedisplaytable. No project mayexceed 100 pounds in weightand 100 inchesin height. Projects must beself-explanatory, stand bythemselves, andhaveback and/orsideboards. (Seepicturein accompanyingproject guide.)

4.All projects must be accompanied byapaperwiththe appropriate elements. These elements must includeaproperlywritten:


Tableof contents


Bodyofresearch paper


Footnotes (DivisionIIIonly)

Bibliography(Sources specificallycited in paper) References (Sourcesgenerallyused to preparepaper)

Inregional competition, these and other elementsARE required bytheRegional FairDirector. Winning projects at theStateFairMUST includethe aforementioned elements. Footnotes arerequired forDivisionIII winners only. Anystandard bibliographic form for citation (APA, MLA, Chicago Style, Campbell,Turabian, etc.)is acceptable. All information (includingoralinformation)must beproperlycited.

The abstract is abrief(250 words orless)summaryofthe contentand purposeoftheproject.

Project papers in DivisionIandIIMAY behandwritten ortyped; DivisionIIIpapers must betyped.

5.CD players, light bulbs,batteries, etc. must beprovided bytheentrant. All projects requiring electricitymust be accompanied byaminimum 50 foot extension cord. Also, projects using computers must have electrical surgeprotection devices and MUST BE NOTEDON THEAPPLICATION (eventhoughentrantis providing).

All equipment must be contained within thespaceallocated fortheproject.

6.The entrant’s name, school, hometown, orotheridentifyinginformation is not to bevisibleanywhereon theprojector research paperunless it is specificallyrelated totheproject. Entrants may notwearschool uniforms orotheridentifying clothing.

7.No live animals or anytypeof embryos orfetusesmaybe exhibited. Onlyproperlyprepared animal skins, hides, orstuffed animals can beused in exhibits.

8.TheState Fair and theLSUS Regional Fair are NOTresponsible forvaluables left on display, especiallyaudio-visual or computer equipment.

9.Onlyone student will bepresent to defend aproject-even ingroup projects.

10.No individual will be allowed to defend morethan oneproject. Substitutepresentersarenot allowed.

11.Thereis to beno communication between thestudent and theparents, teachers, orother participants whileastudent is beingjudged.

13.Projects not removed afterthe awards ceremonywill be removed and discarded bytheFairsite personnel duringclean-up operations.

14.Parents andguests will be asked to leavetheproject displayareaduringthejudging. (This includes the entiresecond flooroftheLSUSUniversityCenter).

15.Do not leaveyourprojectuntil thejudginginyourdivision/disciplinehas ended. (Notification will begiven to studentsat the end ofjudgingin each area. Ifyourdivision/disciplinehas beendismissed andyou havenot been judged, contactamemberoftheStateorRegionalFairCommitteeimmediately!)

16.Food orbeverages in theproject displayareaarenot allowed.

17.Students must strictlyadhereto instructionsgiven byFairandLSUS Securitypersonnel.

18.No additional entries from regional competitions will be accepted thedayoftheState Fair.

Onlyentries certified byregional FairDirectors and received at least ten (10)workingdays priorto theState Fairareacceptable. Ifaregistration form was not sent in from a regional competition becauseofan errorat theRegional competition, thestudent must beprepared to present evidencethat theproject is eligibleand thenecessaryFair feehas been paid.

19.Do not block eitherthe aisles or exit/entrycorridors, especiallyduringtheawards ceremony.

20.Ifyou haveaproblem orneed information, pleasecontact theStateFair committeeperson stationed on thestage forassistance and official information.

21.Projects maybemodified orimproved between fairs; however,themain theme, title, and disciplinemust bemaintained.

22.TheRegional and State FairDirectors havethe authorityto makedecisions not covered in these regulations on allmatters related to theirrespectiveFairs.

23.Decisions ofjudges are final and arenot subject toreview orappeal.

24.Failurebyastudent, parent, orteacherto adheretoFairregulations on anyand all requests from FairCommitteemembers will result in disqualification ofthe associated student project.

25.Parents and/orschool personnel areresponsible forthesupervision and safetyoftheentrant.

TheSocial Studies FairCouncil is not responsible forsupervision.

26.State Fairregulations: displays ofarchaeological materials/human remainsshould belimited to those: (a) from theground surface (not dugup); (b) from privateproperty(not stateor federal); and (c)notassociated with anysort ofhuman burial or contain anyhumanremains. Students can contact theDivision ofArchaeology, P.O. Box44247, Baton Rouge,LA, 70804; (504)342-8170 forbooklets about archaeology.(Referto statelaw 1991-Act 704, houseBill No. 1446)

27.Judges’ evaluation forms forprojects will not bemadepublic followingthe conclusion ofthe regional orstatefair.

PleaseNOTE: LSUSstrictly prohibitsany weapons oncampus. Youare encouragedto bring pictures. Spaceis limitedinthe judging area;therefore,no chairs,stools, cell phones, tablets, ipads or games divices areallowed. If caught with one of these items you will be disqualified.Students maysitonfloorinfrontofproject.


1.Food services arelocatedon theLSUS campus and in the areaimmediatelyadjacent to campus. (Food maynot bebrought into theproject displayarea.)

2.Telephones andrestroom facilities areavailableon site at designated locations.

3.Pleaseobserve allLSUScampus parkingregulations, especiallyduringloadingand unloadingof projects.

4.Onceprojects areset up fordisplay,students arefreeto leave until 9:50 AM. We encouragethem to visit theLSUScampus until time forjudging.However, judgingbegins promptlyat 10 a.m. so students should beback in placeby9:50 a.m. Parents and Teachers must remain down stairs during judging. If they are found up stairs then the student could be disqualified.

5.LSUSis not responsiblefor anylost orstolen items.

6.It is theresponsibilityoftheparticipant foranyvaluables left on display.

7.All projects not removed by 3:30 pm 1/20/17, will be placed in the trash.

A Guide to Social Studies FairProjects

This portion oftheSocial Studies FairBulletinis intended to identifykeyelements in asocial studies fair project,describe how those elementsshouldbe developedandofferincidentalinformationfor teachersand students about how to initiate, develop and presentasocial studies fairproject.

This information is intended for teachers, students and fair committee members. Teachers arean essentialresourceinthedevelopmentofsocialstudiesfairprojects. Therefore,itisimportantthattheyhave proper,accurateinformation about thefairprojects to sharewith theirstudents. Students will find this guide andany additionalinformationgiven bytheirteacherusefulindevelopingprojects. Hopefully,itwillavoid thewastedtimestudentsspendcasting aboutforscatteredinformationrelatedtotheprojects.The informationherealsocanbeusefultofaircommitteememberswhomustrespondtomany questionsfrom bothteachersandstudentsaboutsocialstudiesfairprojects. Finally,the informationwithinthissectioncan beofuseto judges whomust decidewhich project, amongmany, is worthyofrecognition.

TheBasics ofaSocial Studies Project

Thedevelopment ofeverysocial studies fairproject should considerthe following: A. Atopic

B. A physical display

C. A research paper

D. An oral presentation

How to select atopic:

Thebest wayforastudent to select atopicis to identifysomethingthat arouses their curiosity.Students always havequestions about manydifferent topics, subjects, events, people, and places. The student should identifyone and begin to think about it.

Inconsideringatopic, pleasekeep in mind:

1. Value-Thetopicshould shed light on somesignificant aspect ofhumanexperience.

2. Originality-Ifaproject has been thesubject ofaprevious investigation, theproposed new studyshould either furnish substantial new evidenceorprovideasignificant new interpretation.

3. Practicality-Sourcesmust be availablewhichonemayuse convenientlyandwithout fearof censorship. Thescopeofthesubject should beneithertoo limited nortoo broad.

4. Unity-Everyprojectmust haveaunifyingtheme, orbedirected to acertain question orthesis, so that thereis apoint ofdeparture, thedevelopment ofthesubject, and specific conclusions.

PleaseNOTE:LSUSstrictly prohibits any weapons oncampus.

Youare encouragedto bring pictures.

Therearelimited topics ofstudy, especiallyat thelocal level. Theseincludestudies ofbusinesses, churches,governments, biographies, communitychanges and othersuch topics. It must be understood, however, that anyonephasemayinvolveoneor all ofthesocial sciences.For example, the evolution ofbusiness represents onephaseofeconomics; its impact on peopleinvolves sociology; and its influenceon peopleinvolves psychology.Even though theprojectencompasses many disciplines, it must be entered for competition in thedisciplineofmajor emphasis.

In selectingatopicthestudent should exercise care about thescopeoftheproject. Theproject topic should not beso broad that it cannot begivengood in-depth treatment. Conversely, thestudent’s topicshould not betoo specific. For example, atopicsuch as World War IImight betoo broad, and it might betoo difficult to cover everythingaboutthat historical event in one comprehensiveproject. On theotherhand,atopicsuch asLouisiana’s involvement in thewarwould betoo limited. Some topics in between would,perhaps, bemoresuitable. Some examples aretheWarin thePacific, the bombingofthePearl Harbor, the allied invasion ofEurope, thedevelopment ofthe atomicbomb or theBattleoftheBulge.

It is possiblethat astudent might be ableto successfullycreateaproject on World WarIIor Louisianain World WarII. Thekeyis how thestudent treats thetopic. Astudent might be ableto createaproject with auniqueperspectiveon both ofthesetopics. However, great careshould be given to find themiddleground between topics that aretoo broad and topics that aretoo narrow.

Oncearesponsibletopicis selected, atitleshould begiven to theproject. Thetitleshould beshort and descriptiveand createapictureoftheproject.It should piquethejudges’ curiosityand sparkan interest in learningmoreabout theproject associated with thetitle.It maybethat thebest title could be assigned aftertheresearch is completed.

Oncethetopicand/ortitleis selected, thestudentshould begin research.Information can begathered from manysources, especiallyschool, publicorcollege/universitylibraries.

Sources ofinformation concerningoneproject mayrequireonlyquestionnaires to asampleofpeople and thetabulation ofresults; anotherproject maybebased on thestudyofmanuscripts and/or newspapers; and still anotherproject maybebased on governmental publications orthoseofsome specialized agency. Thefollowingarefruitful sources ofinformation forresearchers in thesocial sciences:

A. Newspapers, magazines, published letters, memos;

B. Unpublished manuscripts (wills, letters, deeds, church minutes, diaries); C. Government publications (international, national, state and local);

D. Publications byprivateagencies, physical remains, (buildings, battleareas, artifacts); E. Oral interviews, pollsand questionnaires, photographs, sound recordings, and films. F. TheInternet

As a rule, agoodresearcheruses avarietyofthese, and theuseofoneleads to another.

Students should consult generalreferencematerials first iftheyhaveno background information atall orifthetopicis not current. Somesuggested referencesources ofthis typeare:


Atlas andgazetteers


Yearbooksand Handbooks Biographical Dictionaries TheInternet

Iftheinformation is verycurrent, information canbe found through theuseof: Reader’sGuideto PeriodicalLiterature

Vertical files

Newspapers ornews magazines

Current biography


Oneofthemost powerful tools forlibraryresearch (otherthan thelibrarian)is the card catalogortheelectroniccard catalog. This invaluabletool will allow thestudent to look up information accordingtothetitleofabook, subject or author and will providethelocation and in the caseofthe electroniccard catalog, status of availabilityofmaterials.

Another excellent, oftenoverlooked source,is communitypeoplewho canofferoral information about awiderangeoftopics and events. Students with appropriatetopics can find thesepeoplea fine sourceofinformation which can enrich theirprojects with unique and oftenunusual information unavailablefrom othersources. Otherinformation can besecured from communitypeoplein the form ofquestionnaires and surveys.

Social Studies and otherteachers with responsibilities fordevelopingskills should not miss the opportunityto provide appropriateinstruction in these areas to students workingon fairprojects. Reading,writing, research and reference, study, thinkingand otherskills instruction should be coordinated with thedevelopment ofsocial studies projects.

Project Display

Thedisplayis thephysical representation ofyourthemeortopic. Itmustfitwithina space36 inches wideand30 inches deep. It cannotweighover100 pounds or be taller than100 inches. Theproject maytakeoneofseveral forms: