Australian Coastal Ocean Modelling and Observations Workshop (ACOMO) 2012
The Shine Dome, Australian Academy of Sciences, Canberra. 3-4th October 2012.
Wednesday 3rd October.
8.00-8.30 / Arrival, registration and coffee8.30-8.35 / Katy Hill / Housekeeping.
8.35-8.45 / Tim Moltmann/TBD / Welcome/introduction
Near shore observations and modelling. Chair: Katy Hill, Rapporteur: Roger Proctor
8.45-9.15 / Kathy McInnnes, John Church, Neil White, Chari Pattiaratchi, Diana Greenslade, Jane Sexton. / Sea levels, storm surges and Tsunamis; modelling and observations
9.15-9.45 / Bill Peirson, Mike Banner, Mark Hemer and Chari Pattiaratchi / Wave and near shore modelling, status and observation requirements in Australia.
9.45-10.15 / Ian Turner, Graham Symonds, Ron Cox and James Carley / Littoral Zone Modelling; status and observational requirements in Australia.
10.15-10.45 / Nugzar Margvaleshgili, Cedric. Griffiths, Chris Dyt, Barbara Robson and Scott Nichol. / Coastal sediment-transport modelling and observational needs
10.45-11.15 / Coffee
11.15-11.45 / DISCUSSION led by Tim Moltmann / From a national perspective, what are the highest priority observations and datasets required by the modelling communities?
Regional/Coastal Observations and Modelling: Chair: Roger Proctor, Rapporteur: Andreas Schiller
11.45-12.15 / John Wilkin, Julia Levin, Javier Zavala-Garay and Hernan Arango / Integrating modelling and data assimilation using ROMS with a Coastal Ocean Observing System for the U.S. Middle Atlantic Bight
12.15-12.45 / John Middleton, Chari Pattiaratchi, Moninya Roughan, John Luick, Greg Ivey, Ryan Lowe, Helen Phillips, Jessica Benthusen, Sarath Wijeratne, Helen McDonald / ROMS Modelling in Australia: status, plans and aspirations.
12.45-1.30 / Lunch
1.30-2.00 / Craig Steinberg, Chari Pattiaratchi, Moninya Roughan, Mark Baird, Lucy Wyatt. / Observation Update
2.00-2.30 / Alex Kurapov and Peng Yu / The data assimilation component of the real-time coastal ocean forecast system implemented off Oregon (US West coast)
2.30-3.00 / Emlyn Jones, Mike Herzfeld, Phil Gillibrand, Karen Wild Allen, Greg Timms, Chris Sharman, Richard Brinkman, Hemerson Tonin, Nuzgar Margvelasvili, Paul Rigby / Australian coastal modelling and information systems: assisting management decision making.
3.00-3.30 / Coffee
3.30-4.00 / Greg Stuart, Andrew Woolf / National Plan for Environmental Information: pilot project
4.00-4.30 / DISCUSSION led by John Gunn / Do we need to do more to foster collaboration within Australia between groups working at regional/coastal scales?
4.30-6.00pm: Poster Session (including refreshments).
6.15pm: Bus leaves the Shine Dome to go to the Lobby
6.30pmBus leaves the Ridges Lakeside Hotel to go to the Lobby.
7.00pm: Dinner at “The Lobby” Restaurant, Canberra:
Thursday 4th October
National/Bluewater Observations and Modelling: Chair: Moninya Roughan, Rapporteur: Chari Pattiaratchi8.30-9.00 / Peter Craig, Gary Brassington, Joanne Haynes, Andreas Schiller, Tim Pugh, Paul Sandery, Peter Oke and Graham Symonds / BLUElink – status, challenges and future
9.00-9.30 / Ken Ridgway, Susan Wijffels, Boris Kelly-Gerreyn, Eric Schulz, Pete Strutton, Peter Oke. / Key bluewater observing systems and datasets; and their use in modelling
9.30-10.00 / Andreas Schiller, Peter Oke, Pavel Sakov / Observing system experiments: Recent progress and future plans.
10.00-10.30 / David Griffin and Edward King / Remote Sensing: observing a big country
10.30-11.00 / Coffee
11.00-11.30 / Richard Matear, Andrew Lenton, Matt Chaimberlain, Pete Strutton, Peter Oke / Biogeochemical modelling and data assimilation: Bluelink, International progress.
11.30-12.00 / Roger Proctor, Peter Blain, Sebastien Mancini / IMOS/AODN Ocean Portal: tools for data delivery
12.00-12.30 / DISCUSSION led by Neville Smith / What are the next steps for the use of models in observing system design, e.g.
- Multiple modelling approaches,
- Coastal models
- International collaboration
12.30-1.30 / Lunch
Emerging/other modelling approaches (Chair: Chari Pattiaratchi, Rapporteur: Katy Hill)
1.30-2.00 / Peter Craig and Andreas Schiller / The CAWCR-WfO ocean modelling review – from climate to coasts
2.00-2.30 / Graham Rickard, Stephane Popinet, Joanne O’Callaghan, John Zeldis. / Modelling Activities in New Zealand: Development of an Adaptive Model Framework
2.30-3.00 / Roger Proctor, Peter Oke, Uwe Rosebrock, Brendan Davey / The Marine Virtual Laboratory (MARVL) and Information System (MARVLIS).
3.30-4.00 / Tim Pugh, Martin Dix and Ben Evans / Establishing the Climate and Weather Science Laboratory
3.30-4.00 / Coffee
4.00-4.30 / DISCUSSION led by Jason Middleton / What are potential/priority areas for future capacity/capability development?
4.30-5.00 / DISCUSSION led by Ian Poiner / Conclusions/next steps.
5.00-5.30 / Tim Moltmann, Katy Hill / Wrap up/Meeting close
1. / Refined Source Terms in WAVEWATCH III with Wave Breaking and Sea Spray ForecastsRussel P. Morison & Michael L. Banner
2. / Using a suite of models to define multiple scales associated with coastal sand transport around complex reefs
Cyprien Bosserelle, Shari L. Gallop, Charitha Pattiaratchi and Ivan D. Haigh
3. / Understanding the Shark Bay Outflow through field experiments and numerical modelling
Yasha Hetzel, Charitha Pattiaratchi, Ryan Lowe, Richard Hofmeister
4. / Sea breezes force near-inertial waves close to the critical latitude for resonance
Florence Verspecht, Charitha Pattiaratchi, John Simpson
5. / Tidal characteristics in Bass Strait, south-east Australia
Sarath Wijeratne, Charitha Pattiaratchi, Matt Eliot and Ivan Haigh
6. / Modelling meso-scale dynamics along western and southern Australian shelf and slopes: A ROMS modelling approach
E.M.S. Wijeratne, Charitha Pattiaratchi and Roger Proctor
7. / Observations and modelling of the seasonal cycle of sea level around Australia
Sarath Wijeratne, Charitha Pattiaratchi, Ivan Haigh and Matt Eliot
8. / Observations and Modeling of the North West Shelf of Australia during Austral Summer 2011/2012
Jeffrey W. Book, Derek M. Burrage, Philip Chu, Ana E. Rice, James Richman, Clark Rowley
9. / Dense Shelf Water Cascade (DSWC) on the Rottnest Continental Shelf in South-western Australia
Thisara Welhena, Charitha Pattiaratchi and Ming Feng
10. / The Australian Coastal Ocean Network, ACORN.
Lucy Wyatt, Sven Rehder, Arnstein Prytz, Alessandra Mantovanelli, Jasmine Jaffrés, Mal Heron and Dan Atwater
11. / Statistical modeling of ocean variability on the southeast Australian continental shelf
Eric C. J. Oliver, Neil J. Holbrook
12. / Development and application of ROMS based models for the South Australian region
Mark Doubell, Charles James, John Luick and John Middleton
13. / The evolution of a Cold-Core Eddy in a Western Boundary Current
Helen Macdonald, Moninya Roughan, Mark Baird and John Wilkin
14. / Interaction between the Leeuwin Current and continental shelf along the Rottnest shelf and Perth Canyon
Hrvoje Mihanović and Charitha Pattiaratchi
15. / The Leeuwin Current: the roles of topographic trapping, mixing, and advection in a buoyancy driven eastern boundary current
Jessica Benthuysen, Ryo Furue, Julian McCreary, Nathaniel L. Bindoff, Helen Phillips
16. / Q-IMOS and eReefs: a Partnership to Monitor the Currents along the Great Barrier Reef
Hemerson, Tonin, Craig Steinberg, Paul Rigby, Richard Brinkman and Mike Herzfeld
17. / The Australian Bureau Of Meteorology's Core Marine Observing Networks
Boris A. Kelly-Gerreyn , Graeme Ball, Helen Beggs , Eric Schulz, Joel Cabrie, Ping Robinson, Julian Rodriguez & Brendan Casey.
/ IMOS is supported by the Australian Government through the National Collaborative Research Infrastructure Strategy and the Super Science Initiative. It is led by the University of Tasmania on behalf of the Australian marine & climate science community. /
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