Training Session Plan
Course title:Risk Assessment Toolbox Talk / Tutor:RobHarris
Venue: / Date: / Session: 1 of 1 / Session length:
11/2 – 2 Hrs
Session aims: To understand the concepts of risk assessment and be able to practically apply them
Timing / Topic/subject area / Learning objectives/ outcomes / Tutor activities / Learner activities
/ Resources
. / Method of assessment/ checks on learning
By the end of this session the learner should be able to: / Ensure a range of differentiated activities and resources are used to allow for the abilities of all learners. / Note: check health and safety and risk assessment requirements. / Note: please also specify and identify resources used to support equality, diversity (including cultural diversity) and sustainability / e.g. question & answer, written assignment, discussion, etc.
Remember to clearly identify the assessment method you will use to assess the learning objectives/outcomes (initial, ongoing and final).
10 mins / Introduction & registration / Demonstrate an understanding of what is expected of them throughout this course / Presentation, ice-breaker, Q&A, housekeeping for day / Complete registration, acknowledge ground rules and safety requirements / Laptop, projector, course handouts, registration forms / Q&A, discussion
10mins / Sensible risk management / Understand;
Real risk
Conkers bonkers
Experience risk to learn
Risk feeds innovation
Not about mounds of paperwork
Consequences of failure to assess / Presentation, Q&A / Q&A, group discussion / Laptop, projector, course handouts, / Q&A, discussion
10 mins / What is risk assessment and why / Understand;
Simple look at what we do to see what could go wrong, who could be harmed and how could we stop it
Concept of reasonably practicable
Legal, financial, moral / Presentation, Q&A / Q&A, group discussion / Laptop, projector, course handouts, / Q&A, discussion
10 mins / Who does risk assessments / Understand;
Who is an expert
Individual opinion v negligence t assess
Management buy in / Presentation, Q&A / Q&A, group discussion / Laptop, projector, course handouts / Q&A, discussion
30 mins / Steps to completing a risk assessment / Understand;
Significant Hazards
Who or what can be harmed
Risk aversion
Risk rating
Control measures
Suitable and sufficient
Sharing of information
Extras to consider (human factors etc)
Format / Presentation, Q&A / Q&A, group discussion / Laptop, projector, course handouts / Q&A, discussion
10 mins / Dynamic risk assessment / Understand;
Concept, on the spot
Not normally written but useful to note any significant events / Presentation, Q&A / Q&A, group discussion / Laptop, projector, course handouts / Q&A, discussion
10 mins / Example and scenarios / Understand;
methodology and be able to practically apply / Presentation, Q&A / Q&A, group discussion / Laptop, projector, course handouts / Q&A, discussion
10-20 mins / Re-cap / Understanding of principles and being able to relate to local scenarios / Discussion, Q&A / Q&A, group discussion
Possibly completing a risk assessment / Laptop, projector, course handouts. Flip chart and pens / Completing a risk assessment either during the session or later
Equality and Diversity: complete as course progresses re learners’ additional needs (e.g. support for learners such as literacy and numeracy support, practical support, e.g. hearing loops etc?)
Session Evaluation
Strengths / Areas for development / Action and improvements required

Training Session PlanRobHarrisPage 1 of 4