Austin Chamber of Commerce

P.O. Box 212

Austin NV 89310



August 2, 2016

Board Memberspresent: Philip Williams, Frank Whitman, Ray Williams Jr, Charlie Vaughn

Board Members absent: Kara Lenox & Roxie Miller

Memberspresent:Dee Helming,

Open Meeting: 10:00 AM

Pledge ofAllegiance:

Approval of the Agenda:Moved by Ray Williams, seconded by Frank Whitman to approve the agenda, motion carried

Approvalof Minutes July 5, 2016:CNMBA funds request was left off. Moved by Ray Williams, seconded by Frank Whitman, motioncarried.

Payment of new bills, approval.

?? on price, wine glasses

PresentFinancialreport forapproval:Moved by RayWilliams, seconded by Philip Williams,toapprove thefinancialreport,motioncarried

Overview of Correspondence: Mammo Van, came and went successfully, Corrie to pick up correspondence for shop with a cop.

Bills Paid July 6 through August 2, 2016

Date / Num / Name / Memo / Split / Original Amount
07/21/2016 / 4329 / void / Web Site / 0.00
07/29/2016 / 4330 / Secretary of State / 6160 · Dues and Subscriptions / -50.00
07/21/2016 / 4336 / Deann Helming / 6560 · Payroll Expenses / -147.62
07/07/2016 / 4338 / Nevada Blue / Web Site / -113.97
07/07/2016 / 4339 / Charter Advertising / Fees On Website / -500.00
07/07/2016 / 4340 / Winnemucca Publishing / Brouchures / -665.50
07/07/2016 / 4341 / Deann Helming / 6560 · Payroll Expenses / -251.05
07/07/2016 / 4342 / Fred Rogers / Replace check # 4335 / food / -1,900.00

Scopingletters from USFS & BLM: No Action

Office report:Membership letters handed out.

Public comment for itemsnotcovered on theagenda:No teacher has applied. Recall lady, Liz Heinberger to be here then go to Kingston,

Guest Speaker: none

Committee reports:

: working on updates with Bruce

PET: Next meeting in Ely in October. Something about water bottles, fam tour Sept 11 coming through Austin.

Austin Planning:. none

BroadbandCommittee: PC Computing. ATT tower is up.

Food Bank: No report.

Geothermal updates, No report.

New Marketing ideas:.

Vets Memorial: Jeff Sellers took it over. Approval on the lot


Hiring of new employee: Corrie Behimer applied-special meeting Aug 16@10 am

Wine Walk: wine glasses ordered, and tickets being sold.

Birthday Calendars: Deadline Oct 15

Austin Beautification fund: Dee researched prices .


Grants: Billboard grants

The Great Race in 2016: The Great race was here on June 20, we hosted a lunch stop. We only spent part of the money from C & T; do we have to send back the extra? Poncho will check and get back to us.

Annual membership meeting:

Dee will invite Ira Hansen to be the guest speaker, and the date is set for Sept 23 at the Toiyabe café.

Community signs: Combine this in with the beautification fund. Dee is in contact with NDOT to see what the regulations are on updating the little signs. She is also looking into other banners for new sign posts

For the Good of the Community:

Public Comment for any item no covered on the agenda: Nothing

Next Agenda:

Meeting adjourned @ 12:30 PM Frank Whitman/Philip Williams

Signed ______

Corrie Behimer