August 2016

Dear Parents,

August is here and that means back to school and back to PSR and Jr. High Youth Group!

Registrations for ourPARISH SCHOOL OF RELIGION(PSR) as well as the JR. HIGH YOUTH GROUPare now being accepted. See the enclosed form.

Classes for the Elementary Program (1-6) will be held on Sunday mornings from 9:00 -10:15 am between the 8:00 am and 10:30 am masses. Dates for this program are enclosed.

The Junior High Youth Group for grades 7-8meets on Sunday evenings. Some weeks include a 6:00 pm youth mass. Please see the enclosed schedule. This is an evening program on Sundays from 7-9 pm. Our focus for this school year is Encounter, a teen bible study similar to The Great Adventure bible study for adults. It takes the teens through the entire bible over the course of the year, telling the basics of the story of salvation in Jesus Christ at an age appropriate level.

Registration forms may be mailed to or dropped off at the parish office.

Extra registrations forms are on the table outside the parish office.


To enable time to order teaching materials

Fees: $30 per child

Checks payable to: St. Peter Catholic Church,

430 Main St., Huron, OH 44839


Children playing CYO sports must attend our PSR programs to maintain playing eligibility.

Children will not be permitted to register for our 2nd grade sacramental class unless they have taken a first grade class.


Weather Cancellations

Unfortunately, sometimes winter weather is nasty, and we are forced to cancel classes for safety reasons. We let parents know when we must cancel PSR or Jr. High Youth Group through a system called REMIND. Information on how to sign up for REMIND for PSR or Junior High is included in this packet.

Even if you signed up for REMIND last year, you must sign up again each year.

You can also check if class is cancelled by looking at our parish Facebook page at

Also, thank you very much to this year’s catechists. They are so generous with their time, and we are thrilled to have them!

Grade 1: Krista Collins & Beth Schwartz

Grade 2: Alicia Hoffman & Carrie Daugherty

Grade 3&4: Stacey Hartley & Melissa Frisch

Grade 5&6: Jason Hinners & Leslie Zimmerman

Jr. High: Krista Collins, Lorna Findley, Theresa Graybill, Sandy Schuch, Melissa Winnestaffer,