August 16][2014

Board of School DirectorsMilwaukee, WisconsinAugust 16, 2014

Special meeting of the Board of School Directors called to order by President Bonds at 9:03 AM.

Present—Directors Falk, Holman, Joseph, Miller, Sain, Spence, Woodward, Zautke, and President Bonds—9.


The Assistant Board Clerk read the following call of the meeting:

August 11, 2014


At the request of President Michael Bonds, a special meeting of the Board of School Directors will be held from 9:00 a.m. until 11:00 a.m. on Saturday, August 16, 2014, in Room 103 of the Central Services Building, 5225 West Vliet Street, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, for the purpose of holding a retreat to discuss regional school development for the 2015-16 and 2016-17 school years.

While this meeting will be open to the public, no public testimony will be taken.

Board Clerk

The Board proceeded to conduct a retreat to discussregional school development for the 2015-16 and 2016-17 school years.

The Board adjourned at 11:00 AM.

Eugene Jones

Assistant Board Clerk

August 21]1[2014

Board of School DirectorsMilwaukee, WisconsinAugust 21, 2014

Regular meeting of the Board of School Directors called to order by President Bonds at 6:34 PM.

Present—Directors Falk, Holman, Joseph, Miller, Sain, Spence, Woodward, Zautke, and President Bonds—9.


The President requested a moment of silence to commemorate the passing of Natalya Robinson, age 12, a fifth-grade student at Gaenslen Elementary School, who died on August 11, 2014, of natural causes.

Vice President Holman in the Chair.

Awards and Commendations

Each month, the Milwaukee Board of School Directors recognizes an outstanding school, student, staff member, parent, or community member for a display of excellence, achievement, and innovation that may serve as an example to our school district and the entire Milwaukee community. This month, the Milwaukee Board of School Directors is pleased to present the “Excellence in Education Award” to:

99.1 WMYX “The Mix” Radio Station
Lakeside Bus Company

In order to support our students as they begin the 2014-15 school year, three businesses— 99.1 WMYX,“The Mix” Radio Station; Walgreens; and Lakeside Bus Company— have collaborated to conduct a school-supply drive called “Stuff the Bus” as part of the Salvation Army’s 2014 Class Act School Supply Drive. Last year, the Salvation Army received the Excellence in Education Award for its successful efforts in this area.

The objective of the newest partners to this established and successful drive was to fill an entire yellow school bus with the items that students need as they begin the school year, but that their families may not be in a position to purchase. Thanks to their efforts, they did indeed “Stuff the Bus” with more than 5,000 school-supply items. As a result, many MPS students will be fully prepared to meet and exceed the educational challenges that await them during the 2014-15 segment of their educational journey.

The Milwaukee Board of School Directors and the entire school community recognize 99.1 WMYX, Walgreens, and Lakeside Bus for dedication, outstanding leadership, and commitment to excellence on behalf of the students of the Milwaukee Public Schools.


Approval of Minutes

The minutes of the regular Board meeting of July 31, 2014, were approved as printed.


Communications from the Superintendent

(Item A)Communication from the Acting Superintendent of Schools: Monthly Report


To inform the Milwaukee Board of School Directors, the MPS community and our stakeholders of current efforts and initiatives in a timely manner, the Acting Superintendent of Schools will submit a monthly report. To set the context for these reports, the Administration’s work is focused on three over-arching goals that will create the conditions for a successful 2014-15 school year:

1.accelerating student achievement to ensure that our students are prepared for college, careers and beyond. We will continue to improve instruction through implementation of Common Core State Standards (CCSS), expansion of art/music programs, and the addition of school support teachers;

2.continuing to build on our success in creating positive relationships through parent coordinators, mentoring at all levels, continuing to develop and expand effective programming, and implementing the “My Brother’s Keeper” initiative; and

3.cultivating leadership at all levels through continued implementation of the Educator Effectiveness Frameworks for Teaching and Leadership. We are also developing a leadership pipeline that includes leadership cohorts and school networks for principals and a variety of workshops and advisory groups for sitting and aspiring leaders.

Efforts to finalize preparation for the 2014-15 school year were in high gear during July and August. The following are highlights:

•We kicked off the year-round school year at Silver Spring on August 4.

•We kicked off the school year for IB calendar schools on August 11 at King High School. We also celebrated King’s designation by U.S. News and World Report as one of the best high schools in the state and nation.

•We look forward to celebrating the start of traditional calendar schools on September 2 at Thurston Woods.

•The fifth annual MPS Leadership Institute for Principals/School Leaders took place August 11-15. Principals took full advantage of the sessions on topics such as the CCSS, culturally relevant teaching, professional learning communities, and educator effectiveness.

•The district’s new student information system went live on schedule. Training and implementation are ongoing.

•The Community Eligibility Program that will provide all MPS students with free breakfast and lunch every day during the school year has started at year-round and IB schools. The district is poised to start this program with traditional calendar schools and is working with the Hunger Task Force to publicize this benefit.

•The district’s seventh annual Run Back to School is scheduled for August 23. Please invite walkers and runners to participate in this event to celebrate the start of school. Information is available on the Milwaukee Recreation Department’s website (

•The MPS Senior Team held their yearly retreat to plan for the upcoming school year and beyond. The President and CEO of Northwestern Mutual Life (NML), John Schlifske, graciously offered us a conference room at the NML headquarters for the retreat. Our work focused on regional development and organizational priorities.

•The MPS Senior Team took part in a Board Retreat on August 16 to begin discussions on the development of the FY16 and FY17 budget timetable and regional school development.

•We continue to use our school readiness dashboard at weekly meetings to ensure all schools are ready for the first day of school.

•Parent Coordinators received three days of training at Hamilton High School. It was designed to provide them with the tools to be successful, including customer-service professional development provided by the MPS Customer Service Bureau and the Office of Organizational Development.

The Acting Superintendent of Schools will continue to present this monthly report to share a sampling of the work taking place to support the goals of the MPS Strategic Plan: Student Achievement; Student, Family and Community Engagement, and Effective and Efficient Operations.


(Item B)Action on a Communication from the Acting Superintendent of Schools Requesting Authority for the District to Become a Member of the Coalition for Broadband Equity


The Administration is seeking authority for the district to become a member of an advocacy coalition, the Coalition for Broadband Equity. The Coalition, a 501(c)(4) not-for-profit membership organization (organization of organizations), is composed of public leaders, community institutions, and community-based organizations to represent the “public interest” of our communities. The goals of the Coalition are to:

1.to assure that our local communities are effectively represented in FCC proceedings on the Comcast-Charter proposal, including any relevant settlement negotiations;

2.see significant investment and collaboration by Charter and SpinCo (a new independent spin-off company emerging from the merger strategy) in community-based efforts to help our disconnected residents gain internet skills and affordable broadband access; and

3.engage Charter Communications and SpinCo management directly in the hope of collaborating on a joint proposal for a digital-inclusion investment program that can be incorporated into an eventual FCC order with broad support from the affected local communities.

The Administration was contacted by the City of Milwaukee on Monday, August 11, 2014, to discuss membership for MPS. A response is requested by August 25, 2014. The City of Milwaukee and its Housing Authority are joining the coalition. Other members of the coalition are from the Cleveland and Detroit areas.

This request has been reviewed by the district’s chief lobbyist. MPS will be asked to contribute dues of $100 to $500 annually to support the legal and administrative costs of the coalition.

Since the stated goals of this coalition are clearly supportive of the needs of MPS families, and the achievement of these goals would benefit our students’ ability to succeed academically, the Administration recommends that the district become a member of the Coalition for Broadband Equity.

Fiscal Impact Statement

This item does not authorize expenditures. Once the rate for annual dues for MPS has been established, the cost of the dues will be absorbed in the respective budget area.

Administration’s Recommendation

The Administration recommends that the district become a member of the Coalition for Broadband Equity.

Director Bonds moved to approve the administration’s recommendation.

The motion prevailed, the vote being as follows:

Ayes—Directors Bonds, Falk, Joseph, Miller, Sain, Spence, Zautke and Vice President Holman—8.


Abstaining from voting—Director Woodward—1.


(Item C)Action on a Request for a Closed Session to Discuss Strategies Regarding the Potential Sale or Lease of Property Located at 2431 S. 10th Street, 5775 N. 76th Street, 2769 N. 1st Street, and 921 W. Meinecke


The Administration requests a closed session for the purpose of considering a negotiating strategy for the possible lease or sale of public property located at 2431 S. 10th Street, 5775 N. 76th Street, 2769 N. 1st Street, and 921 W. Meinecke.

This request is made pursuant to Wisconsin Statutes, Section 19.85(1)(e), which allows a governing body to go into closed session for the purpose of deliberating or negotiating the purchasing of public properties, the investing of public funds, or conducting other specified public business, whenever competitive or bargaining reasons require a closed session.

The Board may reconvene in open session to take action on matters considered in executive session and/or to continue with the remainder of its agenda; otherwise the Board will adjourn from executive session.

Fiscal Impact Statement

No fiscal impact.

Administration’s Recommendation

The Administration recommends that the Board retire to closed session pursuant to Wisconsin Statutes, Section 19.85(1)(e), for the purpose of discussing strategies regarding the potential sale or lease of district property located at 2431 S. 10th Street, 5775 N. 76th Street, 2769 N. 1st Street, and 921 W. Meinecke.

By consensus, consideration was postponed until the end of the meeting.


Communications from the Board Clerk

(Item A)Action on a Request to Discharge the Committee on Accountability, Finance, and Personnel from Further Consideration of Resolution 1415R-005, to Eliminate Massive Busing in MPS, and to Refer the Resolution to the Committee on Legislation, Rules and Policies


At its meeting on July 31, 2014, the Board referred Resolution 1415R-005 (attached) to the Committee on Accountability, Finance, and Personnel. The referral to that Committee had been made because the Resolution deals with student transportation in MPS. Upon further review, however, it has been determined that, as the Resolution calls for review of and possible revisions to the rules and policies governing student transportation, the more appropriate referral would have been to the Committee on Legislation, Rules and Policies. Therefore, as the Committee on Accountability, Finance, and Personnel has not yet taken up consideration of the Resolution, the request is being made that the Board discharge the Committee on Accountability, Finance, and Personnel from further consideration of Resolution 1415R-005 and that the Board refer the Resolution to the Committee on Legislation, Rules and Policies.

As notice of this action has been previously given in the call of this regular meeting of the Board, a majority affirmative vote is required to discharge the Committee on Accountability, Finance, and Personnel from further consideration of Resolution 1415R-005.

Fiscal Impact Statement

No fiscal impact.

Implementation and Assessment Plan

Should the Board vote to discharge the Committee on Accountability, Finance, and Personnel from further consideration of Resolution 1415R-005 and refer the Resolution to the Committee on Legislation, Rules and Policies, the Office of Board Governance will add the Resolution to those items pending before the latter Committee.

Board Clerk’s Recommendation

That the Board determine how it wishes to proceed with this item.

Director Bonds moved to discharge the Committee on Accountability, Finance, and Personnel from further consideration of Resolution 1415R-005 and refer the Resolution to the Committee on Legislation, Rules and Policies.

The motion prevailed, the vote being as follows:

Ayes—Directors Bonds, Falk, Joseph, Miller, Sain, Spence, Woodward, Zautke and Vice President Holman—9.


President Bonds resumed the Chair.


Reports of Standing Committees

Separate consideration was requested of the following items:

Accountability, Finance and Personnel Committee, Item 2, action on appointments and reassignments of principals and assistant principals and action on recommended administrative appointments, promotions and limited-term employment (LTE) contracts exceeding sixty days; and

Accountability, Finance and Personnel Committee, Item 8, a request to carry over FY14 traditional, instrumentality charter and partnership school surpluses and deficits to FY15.

On the motion of Director Spence, the balance of the Reports of the Standing Committees was approved, the vote being as follows:

Ayes—Directors Falk, Holman, Joseph, Miller, Sain, Spence, Woodward, Zautke and President Bonds—9.


Committee on Parent and Community Engagement

Director Zautke presented the following report for the Committee on Parent and Community Engagement:


Your Committee on Parent and Community Engagement presents the following report:

(Item 1)Report with Possible Action on the MPS Customer Service Framework


In September 2013, the Milwaukee Board of School Directors approved the Customer Service Framework. Since then, the Customer Service Bureau (CSB) has been carrying out the elements of the Framework. The update shares the progress on carrying out the Board’s action.

Fiscal Impact Statement

Funds in the amount of $100,000 were approved in the FY15 budget to support this initiative.

Committee’s Report

Your Committee reports having received the foregoing report from the Administration.

Although this item has been noticed for possible action, no action is required.


(Item 2)Report with Possible Action Regarding an Update on Bay View Middle and High School


Bay View Middle and High School principal Aaron Shapiro will share a brief presentation on progress made throughout the 2013-14 school year. The presentation includes key data points as well as next steps to continue the positive momentum achieved by the school community. Among other topics, the presentation will speak to the importance of strong programming, systems and procedures, communication, community connections, student commitment, teacher commitment, and creativity and innovation.

Fiscal Impact Statement

No fiscal impact.

Committee’s Report

Your Committee reports having received the foregoing report from the Administration. Although this item has been noticed for possible action, no action is required.


Committee on Student Achievement and School Innovation

Director Miller presented the following report for the Committee on Student Achievement and School Innovation:


Your Committee on Student Achievement and School Innovation presents the following report:

(Item 1)Action on a Request to Approve the Instrumentality Charter School Contract for Academia de Lenguaje y Bellas Artes (ALBA) School and on the Request for Approval of the Arts Specialty Designation


On April 22, 2004, the Milwaukee Board of School Directors approved a five-year charter school contract establishing Academia de Lenguaje y Bellas Artes Schoo l(ALBA) as an instrumentality charter school, beginning with the 2004-2005 school year and ending on the last regularly scheduled school day of the 2008-2009 school year.

On June 25, 2009, the Board granted ALBA a five-year contract renewal, beginning with the 2009-2010 school year and ending with the last regularly scheduled school day of the 2013-2014 school year.

The most recent contract was for up to a maximum of 399 full-time-equivalent (FTE) pupils in grades Head Start through grade 5.

ALBA is located at 1712 South 32nd Street (Walker Complex).

In December 2013, the MPS Charter School Contract Review Team conducted a review of the ALBA School contract in accordance with MPS Administrative Policy 9.12, Charter Schools, and Administrative Procedure 9.12, Charter School Petitions and Proposals, and recommended renewal.

On February 27, 2014, the Board approved the five-year contract-renewal recommendation for ALBA and authorized the Office of Contracted School Services, in consultation with the Board’s designee and the Office of the City Attorney, to attempt to negotiate and draft a five-year contract with ALBA.

On May 30, July 1, July 8, July 29, and July 31, 2014, representatives from ALBA, the Offices of Board Governance, City Attorney, and Contracted School Services met to negotiate a contract for ALBA
School using the Board-approved model instrumentality charter contract. All modifications addressed in this item have been mutually agreed upon by the parties previously mentioned.

Contingent upon the Milwaukee Board of School Directors’ approval, ALBA accepts the charter contract with modifications as outlined in the attachments to the minutes of your Committee’s meeting.