York Immigration Services Australia Pty Ltd

Suite 302, 32 York Street
Sydney NSW 2000 Australia

Phone: +61(02) 9262 5830

Fax: +61(02) 9262 5840


This form is designed to furnish us with the information necessary to determine your eligibility for applying for your Australian visa and advise you of your options, therefore provide as much detail as possible where appropriate to assist our assessment of your migration matter. If you require more space, please attach separate documents as required.

Information from the Sponsoring Business

Business Name / Name and Position of Contact Officer Given Name (s)
Business Address
Email Address / @
Phone Number / + / ACN and ABN
Date this business commenced trading
Has this business been granted Sponsorship permission for previous Subclass 457 visa applications? / If ‘No’, please proceed to rest of this questionnaire.
If ‘Yes’, please provide the number of your Sponsorship approval, date of grant of Sponsorship and disregard the remainder of this questionnaire.

Composition of Business Employees

Total number of Staff
Number of Australian Citizens and Permanent Residents
Number of Temporary Residents
Number of full-time staff
Number of part-time staff
Number of recent graduates
Number of registered apprentices
Number of registered trainees
Number of unregistered trainees
Business Financial and Trading Information / Prior Fiscal Year / Last Fiscal Year
Net Profit for the past two financial years
Total Wages and Salaryexpense for the most recent financial year
Does the business make payments to an Industry Training Fund? / Yes
If yes, what was the total value of the payments in the most recent financial year?
Does the business provide training for its employees? / Yes
If yes, please provide the type of training undertaken by the business’s employees. This can include training courses from external providers, university or TAFE courses paid for by the business, etc.
What were your total training expenses for the most recent financial year?
How many registered apprentices are employed by the sponsoring business?
What are the wages and salaries paid to registered apprentices for the most recent financial year?

The Visa Applicant

What will be the proposed occupation for the visa applicant?
What will be the proposed base salary paid to the visa applicant?
What will be the total remuneration (including allowances) paid to the visa applicant?

Business Historical Information

Is the business currently subject to, or has a history of industrial/workplace relations proceedings? / Yes
Is the business currently subject to, or has a history of court proceedings? / Yes
Are any of the employees of the business currently subject to court proceedings? / Yes
Has the business previously sponsored any overseas employees? If yes, is the Sponsorship with Department of Immigration still valid? / Yes

Business Additional Information

Applicants personal information data / Salutation / Mr / Mrs / Ms /Dr
Surname / Given Name (s)
Phone Number / + / Date of Birth / Gender
Email Address / @ / Skype
Residential Address
Country of Residence / Citizen of

Describe your education history

Years Undertaken / Years Undertaken
Name of Institution
Qualification Awarded
Year of Graduation
GPA Obtained

Do you hold any (completed or partially completed) any Diplomas or have you completed any trade courses, training courses or attended any seminars or conferences? include the name of the qualification or course, training institution and the date of attendance


Do you hold any Professional Memberships?

Describe your Employment history- Information should include the precise dates of your employment; list positions chronologically starting with the most recent; use a separate attachment if you find there is not enough room to complete

Current Employer / Previous Employer
Name of Employer
Position (s) held
Brief summary of your role
Employment Dates
Have you obtained a Skills Assessment from the relevant Australian Skill Assessing Body to your occupation? / Yes

English Language Proficiency

Fluent / Functional / Limited / None
Have you taken an IELTS Test? / Yes / When?
provide the details of the test results for each component
Speaking / Reading / Listening / Writing

Do you speak any other Language (s)?

Do you have a partner?

Married / Engaged / De-Facto / Long-term / Single
Partners personal information data- (if applicable) / Salutation / Mr / Mrs / Ms /Dr
Surname / Given Name (s)
Phone Number / + / Date of Birth / Gender
Email Address / @ / Skype
Residential Address
Country of Residence / Citizenship

What is your partners English language proficiency - (if applicable?)

Fluent / Functional / Limited / None
Has your partner completed an IELTS? - (if applicable) / Yes / When?
provide the details of the test results for each component
Speaking / Reading / Listening / Writing

Discuss you and your partner’s prior visa history information

Have you ever had a visa application refused, or a visa cancelled? / Yes
Have you ever been removed or deported from Australia? / Yes
Have you ever been convicted for a criminal offence (overseas or in Australia)? / Yes

Do you have any children or dependents – provide full name and age

1 / 3
2 / 4

Have you previously lodged an application for a visa that was refused? If so, what class of visa was the application for?

Is there any other additional information you would like to provide?

Where did you hear about our services?

Note:Completing this form does not place you under any obligation to continue your matter with York Immigration Services Australia, and that the information you provide to us on this form will be treated with strict confidentiality.