*Note: Detailed instructions, resources, and other helpful information for any of the activities associated with a test administration may be found in the following resources:
· District and Campus Coordinator Manual (DCCM)
· Test Security Supplement (found on the TEA Student Assessment website)
· TEA Student Assessment Division website: http://www.tea.state.tx.us/student.assessment/ (Sign up for the ListServ)
· Pearson website: http://www.texasassessment.com Texas Assessment Management System and Schoolhouse websites
· TSNAP and regional affiliate websites, e.g., CATS, BRATS, RATS, etc. http://www.tsnap.org
December 20111 / December 2, 2011: DCCM 2012 and Pearson Calendar of Events posted online.
2 / December 2, 2011: Receive campus and district reports from the October Exit Level Retest administration and distribute to appropriate personnel. Prepare reports as needed.
3 / December 5 – January 20: Register OOS testers online for the March TAKS Exit Retest.
4 / December 5-7, 2011: 2011 Texas Assessment Conference, Hilton Austin Hotel and Austin Convention Center.
5 / December 9: Deadline to change the precoding option for March TAKS Exit Retest, TELPAS, March 10-Exit TAKS, and Late March STAAR Writing, Reading, Math – gr. 4, 5, 7, 8
6 / By December 9: Enter administration details for the March TAKS 10-Exit administration on TAMS.
7 / Initial and sign the District Coordinator security oath, then file for safekeeping until you must return it to TEA next October. (In DCCM)
8 / Check Student Assessment website for postings of the Assessment Conference presentations.
9 / Continue to enter student information and “error-proof” the information in the STAAR Alternate system. Be sure that all STAAR Alternate students are registered and assigned to a group in the STAAR Alternate system before January 9. Be sure all STAAR Alternate staff have successfully completed required in-district training and all TEA training modules.
10 / If you haven’t already done so, notify students and parents of October Exit Level Retest results by December 30.
January 2012
1 / January 3 – March 13: Online Night Testing Selection is available for the March TAKS Exit Retest (Administration Details).
2 / January 3 – March 13: Registration site open for student data submission for March TAKS Exit Retest (online testing only).
3 / January 3 – March 13: Manage test sessions for the March TAKS Exit Retest.
4 / January 3 – 20: Register students for the March TAKS (Grades 10, 11, Exit).
5 / January 4, 1:00-3:00, TETN #10043 STAAR Alternate Testing Window
6 / January 6, 9:00-12:00, TETN #10553 Annual LPAC Training – not open to districts, only ESCs
7 / January 3-20: Prepare and submit precode file for March TAKS Exit Level Retest.
8 / January 3-27: Update Participation Counts for April and May tests on TAMS.
9 / District and Campus Coordinator manuals and 2012 Calendar of Events arrive in districts (Jan. 9-13).
10 / Initial and sign District Coordinator security oath (if you haven’t already).
11 / Receive and distribute to appropriate personnel the TELPAS Manual for Raters and Test Administrators (January 9-13).
12 / January 9-13: Districts receive combined TAKS manuals
13 / January 9: Registration site opens for DTCs to select precode option and sort order for the May EOC administration (until March 30).
14 / January 9: STAAR Alternate (TAMS) system opens to teachers (Closes 4/20/2011).
15 / January 10-11 in Austin: State DTC Training for ESCs and largest districts.
16 / Conduct or assist in conducting training using materials from the January 6 TETN by the Student Assessment Division of the Texas Education Agency on the LPAC Decision-Making Process for the Texas Assessment Program.
17 / If you haven’t already, register for, and attend, District Coordinator Training at your regional education service center by the January 27 deadline.
18 / January 16 – April 13: Manage TELPAS test sessions.
19 / January 16: Assembling and Verifying Grades 2-12 Writing Collections online course is available (TELPAS).
20 / January 16 – April 16: Registration site open for student data submission - online testing only for TELPAS.
21 / January 16 – April 2: Registration site open for student data submission for online testing (March STAAR EOC).
22 / January 16-April 2: Register students for late March STAAR EOC.
23 / January 16-April 2: Manage test sessions for late March STAAR EOC if doing online testing.
24 / January 16: Data File Submission begins for the March STAAR EOC (ends February 10).
25 / January 16-February 10: Register students for late March STAAR 4/7 Writing.
26 / January 16-February 10: Register students for late March STAAR 5/8 Reading and Math.
27 / By January 20: DTC selects precode option and sort order for March STAAR EOC.
28 / January 20 – Last day to register students for March TAKS ELA.
29 / Continue to register TAKS Out-of-School (OOS) or Out-of-District (OOD) examinees for the March TAKS Exit Retest online (until January 20).
30 / Work with campus personnel to reserve campus labs for the online TELPAS Reading tests and online EOC testing in the spring.
31 / Conduct NAEP assessments for long-term trends (9, 13, and 17 year-olds) if your district/campuses are assigned to do so. The windows are throughout the year.
32 / January 25, 1:00-3:00: TETN #10418 on Special Ed Assessments
33 / January 27: Final date for district testing coordinator training for all TELPAS components
34 / January 27: Last day for District Testing Coordinators to attend annual training for 2012 spring/summer test administrations
36 / If you haven’t already, report results of October Exit Level Retest to local board of trustees by January 27.
37 / January 30: Online basic training courses for new K-1 and 2-12 raters are available (TELPAS).
38 / January 30: Web-based training for supplemental support providers is available (TELPAS).
39 / January 30: Download online materials list and distribute to campuses for the March TAKS Exit Retest administration.
February 2012
1 / February 6: Download online materials list (online only) and distribute to campuses for the March TAKS ELA 10th and Exit administration so that campuses can determine if additional materials are needed.
2 / February 10: Last day for data file submission for March STAAR EOC
3 / February 10: Last day to register students for the March STAAR Writing (4/7)
4 / February 10: Last day to register students for the March STAAR Reading and Math (5/8)
5 / February 10: Final date for Campus Testing Coordinator training on holistically assessed components
6 / February 13 – 17: Receive combined materials shipment for March TAKS Exit Retest. STORE ALL MATERIALS IN A SECURE PLACE AND KEEP EACH ADMINISTRATION SEPARATE.
7 / February 13 – 17: Receive combined shipments of materials for March TAKS/TAKS-M ELA.
8 / February 13-May 19: Configure TestNav for late March STAAR EOC.
9 / February 13-March 12: Order Optional Reports for March TAKS Exit Retest.
10 / By February 17: Receive precoded materials for March TAKS Exit Retest.
11 / Continue to monitor test administrator progress on the STAAR Alternate assessments. A district coordinator can access the “District Assessment Status Roster Report” and the “District Assessment Dashboard Report” by clicking the STAAR Alternate link from the TAMS Home page.
12 / February 17: Last day to change precoding option/sort order for April TAKS 10-Exit
13 / February 17: Last day to change precoding option/sort order for April STAAR 3-8
14 / By February 18: Receive precoded materials for TELPAS (electronically).
15 / February 20: Deadline to update Braille order for March TAKS Exit Retest
16 / February 20: Deadline to update Braille order for March TAKS Gr. 10 and Exit ELA
17 / February 20: Calibration window opens for new and returning TELPAS raters – first two sets
18 / February 20: Earliest eligibility date for TELPAS writing samples
19 / By February 20: Train test administrators on TELPAS Holistic Rating.
20 / By February 21: Receive TAKS OOS and OOD materials for the March TAKS Exit Retest.
21 / February 24: Final date for Campus Testing Coordinator training on TELPAS online reading
22 / By February 24: STAAR Test Administrator manuals due in districts
23 / Order additional materials if necessary for March TAKS/TAKS-M administrations by Feb. 27th .
24 / February 27: Deadline to order additional materials for the March TAKS Exit Retest
25 / February 27: Materials List posted online for March STAAR EOC (order until March 19).
26 / February 27: Materials List posted online for March STAAR Writing 4/7.
27 / February 27: Materials List posted online for March STAAR Reading and Math 5/8.
28 / February 27: Last day to order additional materials for TELPAS if you need printed materials
29 / Conduct Campus Coordinator training for all March TAKS/TAKS-M administrations by February 27th.
30 / Receive and distribute to campuses the pre-code materials for March TAKS/TAKS-M administrations by February 29th.
31 / Set up sessions for the March TAKS Exit Retest online (if applicable to your district) until 3/13.
32 / February 27: Last day to train Campus Testing Coordinators for March TAKS Exit Retest
33 / February 29: 3rd and final calibration set available for TELPAS raters who need it.
34 / February 29, 1:00-3:00: TETN #10419 on Special Education Assessments
March 2012
1 / Be sure that Campus Coordinators conduct test administrator training for March TAKS/TAKS-M administrations by March 2nd.
2 / March 2: Last day to hold test administrator training sessions for the March TAKS Exit Retest
3 / March 5-9: Receive combined shipment of materials for March STAAR EOC.
4 / March 5-16: Register students for late April STAAR 3-8.
5 / March 5-16: Receive combined shipments of test materials for STAAR Writing 4/7.
6 / March 5-16: Receive combined shipments of test materials for STAAR Reading and Math 5/8.
7 / March 5-16: Register students for late April TAKS (10/Exit).
8 / March 5- May 21: Registration site open for student data submission (online testing only) for May EOC.
9 / March 5-30: Submit precode files/send student data for May EOC.
10 / March 5, 7, 8, 9: Conduct TAKS Exit Retest administration. M=SS, W=ELA, Th=Math, F=Science.
11 / March 7, 8: Conduct ELA TAKS administrations: Grades 10 and Exit. Note specific day to make-up Gr. 10 ELA on March 8 only.
12 / Campus coordinators return scorable material for March ELA TAKS/TAKS-M to district coordinator by March 9th.
13 / CTC return TAKS Exit Retest scorable material to district coordinator by Friday, March 9.
14 / District Coordinator ships all scorable Exit Retest material and orders optional reports on TAMS by Monday, March 12.
15 / Ship scorable materials for TAKS/TAKS-M ELA by March 12th. DTC must also order optional reports on the TAMS by this date.
16 / March 12: Deadline to order optional reports for March TAKS Exit Retest
17 / March 12: Deadline to enter administration details for March TAKS Exit Retest
18 / March 12 – May 2: Select Optional Reports on Administration Details screen for STAAR 3-8.
19 / March 12: Deadline to update Braille order for Late March STAAR 3-8
20 / March 12: Deadline to update Braille order for Late March STAAR EOC
21 / March 13: Deadline to enter night online testing option on TAMS for March TAKS Exit Retest
22 / Be sure campus coordinators train test administrators on TELPAS reading online tests by March 16.
23 / Continue to monitor STAAR Alternate test administration progress using available online reports (TAMS).
24 / March 16: Deadline to register students for April STAAR 3-8
25 / March 16: Deadline to register students for April TAKS 10-Exit.
26 / Campus coordinators return all nonscorable TAKS ELA material to district coordinator by March 19.
27 / Campus coordinators return all TAKS Exit Retest nonscorable material to district coordinator by March 19.
28 / March 19: Deadline to order additional materials for March STAAR EOC
29 / By March 19: Districts receive precoded materials for March STAAR EOC.
30 / By March 19: Hold Campus Coordinator training sessions for March STAAR EOC.
31 / TELPAS window opens Monday, March 19 and closes Wednesday, April 11.
32 / March 19: Deadline to order additional materials for the late March STAAR Reading and Math 5/8
33 / March 19: Deadline to order additional materials for the late March STAAR Writing 4/7
34 / By March 19: Receive precoded materials for the March STAAR Writing 4/7.
35 / By March 19: Receive precoded materials for the March STAAR Reading and Math 5/8.
36 / March 19: Last day to train Campus Coordinators for March STAAR Writing 4/7
37 / March 19: Last day to train Campus Coordinators for March STAAR Reading and Math 5/8
38 / March 20: Registration site open for student data submission (online testing only) for TAKS Exit Retest (April Administration) – until May 1.
39 / By March 23: Be sure test administrators are trained for March STAAR Writing 4/7.
40 / By March 23: Be sure test administrators are trained for March STAAR Reading and Math 5/8.
41 / By March 23: Be sure test administrators are trained for March STAAR EOC.
42 / Ship nonscorable materials for TAKS/TAKS-M 10 & Exit by March 26th.
43 / DTC ship all nonscorable materials for March TAKS Exit Level Retest by March 26th.
44 / Beginning March 26: Download and distribute online materials lists for the Late April STAAR 3-8 test administration and distribute them to campuses.
45 / March 26 – April 6: DTCs submit participation counts for paper and online EOCs in July.
46 / March 26 (Monday): English I Writing, English III Writing