Audrey Cole, Deep Trance Physical Medium, Channels Archangel Haniel: Speaker of Truth with Love
Month 3, Week 4
AUDREY: I know it’s going to be really helpful to everyone. Please understand, dear one, there’s a lot of divine assistance with this entire program.
ROBYN: Thank you.
AUDREY: It’s very important,it’s essential to humanity and to be able to bring the next level of growth is to be able to let go of the past. If you can’t heal from trauma, how can you let go of the past and come into the day where you’re creating a life.
ROBYN: Exactly. So Haniel, typically the way we start is first, we want to welcome everybody to the Self-Care Revolution and to our third month which is all about Transmuting and Releasing Trauma. We have a very special guest here today. Audrey Cole, who also has this great, and probably the most original and unusual and wonderful bio, who also brings in this amazing energy named Haniel. So Haniel, thank you for being here. And if possible, we usually start by a song. But I think today, we’re just going to continue onwards.
For all of you that are here again, the Self-Care Revolution is a 12-month focused, themed each month. So again, we’re into the releasing trauma month. I just want to let you all know, if this is your first time joining us, we just finished the month before this was all about the power of the breath and the heart and the connection of the two. The first month was Thoughts and Food as Medicine. The Self-Care Revolution interfaces expert speakers along with the practitioners and Self-Care Coaches at Santa Fe Soul Health and Healing Center. It’s also the larger community, all of you that are coming together knowing that the solution to our health issues and crises that we see out there within ourselves and in our communities is self-care.
My name is Robyn Benson, I’m a Doctor of Oriental Medicine, also the founder of Santa Fe Soul Health and Healing Center. And I’m here with…
KEVIN: Kevin Snow. I’m an Intuitive Counselor and The Desert Shaman.
ROBYN: Also known fondly, here, as The Desert Shaman. We are very excited that we’re coming to the end of this third month and we’re having a wonderful event that’s actually happening tomorrow. It’s called the Global Release Trauma Day where we’re inviting people from all over the globe to join us in this two-hour event that’s going to be a ceremony where we have 12 or 13 people that are going to be on site sharing prayer, people are going to be sharing stories, poems. But the whole purpose of this is to help people lighten the load in their bodies, at their pain body, to realize how sometimes we don’t even know how much it’s blocking our energies and our livelihood and our self-care capacity. We’re very excited about tomorrow, so please join us 1:00 to 3:00. You can get on to our website, to find out more about that.
Right now, I’m just very grateful, Audrey Cole, Haniel now, is here with us and we’ll go into that more in-depth with what that really means. But this is such a great opportunity. We thank you again, Haniel, for being here and we know you’ve got a ton of information for all of us. Let me just give a brief description, so everybody knows about you.
So when you meet Audrey, the first thing you notice is her genuine smile and delight to meet you.
Audrey is a natural, deep trance, physical medium. She is a channeler with rare and remarkable qualities which has taken her lifetimes to develop. As said by an attendee of her most recent “sold-out” event in March in Santa Fe, “She’s the real thing!”
Along with channeling your own personal Angels, Audrey channels Archangel Haniel who is a 57 foot tall bright pink female energy amazing being. An incredible combination, indeed! Archangel Haniel is a speaker of truth, with love and humor. As you sit in her presence, the feeling of unconditional love is real, and can be overwhelming.
How often do we allow ourselves to feel how special and loved we are by the Divine? How many times have you asked yourself, “Why am I here?” How many times have you wondered if you are on your true life path? Now, you have a chance to have all of these questions answered clearly and in detail.
In Audrey’s words, “We can go through our lives feeling that we are so ordinary, and unimportant. In fact, you are a very special person. You are unique, one-of-a-kind, and never to be repeated. You are the perfect reflection of the Creator’s love. Each of you have a remarkable and important mission on this Earth to assist humanity in a way that is perfectly suited to who you are. Once you know what this mission is, you open a doorway of immense Divine assistance that can bring many miracles into your life to complete your very special mission. It is my great honor and delight to offer this information to you in the Sacred Life Path Ceremony!"
Please see Audrey's website at for more information. Once again, thank you so much for being here, Haniel.
HANIEL: Oh, wonderful! I am very excited and I say greetings to you. It is my honor and delight to be able to be here. Oh, it is a very important time for all humanity. Because how can you really know your own greatness that you were created to be, if you cannot live in the present where they’re creating a life. So we are honored and delighted, myself representing all of the angels of the Kabbalah, as I am one of the angels on the Kabbalistic Tree of Life. As an Archangel, I am one that my mission in life is not only to help humanity remember who you are, but also to assist humanity as you are growing into all of really who you’re created to be. It is my honor and delight to be able to bring information to you.
Today, we’re going to talk about energy repair. Excuse me, sometimes my English is a little muddled, but I will try to speak as clearly as possible. It’s very important, since everything is made out of energy, everything is. All of you know that. But what happens when you go through trauma is that your energy field can get ripped and torn, like a beautiful lacy fabric when it’s perfectly aligned and fully energized, it is a most magnificent and delicate thing to see. It has all of the colors of the light spectrum and it is the most amazing thing. It is the energy field in which you exist within.
Of course, you have duplicates of that energy field and those are called your chakras. Your chakras exist on the top of your head, the middle of your forehead, your throat, your heart, middle of your stomach area, and your gonad area, and your tailbone area. Then of course, wherever you have joints and nerve bundles, there are more chakras and these are the energy generators that keep your soul connected to your body.
From your soul, you create something that is called life force energy. It’s very beautiful, it’s gold and it’s quite magnificent. The more life force energy you have in your body, the healthier you are and the more alive you are and the more present you are and aware and have wonderful, personal boundaries and confidence. Then you have a second type of energy and it’s called light force energy. This energy is a little bit different than the life force energy. Life force energy remains primarily in your body and around your body, about three inches away from the surface of your skin. Light force energy is everything around you. It can remain 60 feet beyond your body. It’s how you deal with people in situations and life itself and it gives you the consciousness, awareness, energy to go on. And light force energy is used up. It’s meant to be used up. But life force energy should not be used up, because of course, that’s your life.
So what primarily gets damaged is the light force energy. It gets ripped and torn. And this is beautiful filigree, lacy network of energy that’s all around you. It’s quite beautiful. There is an easy way to repair it. It’s not hard because you essentially have all of the capabilities within yourself in order to repair that energy field. Without it repaired, what happens is you don’t feel safe. You can walk around this world. If you are going to be attacked, or if your belongings are safe, you are nervous traveling or being around new people, that makes you shy, it makes you lacking in confidence, and you can feel strange pains on your body that the doctors cannot diagnose. They don’t know where that sensation is coming from. There isn’t anything that logically would read from their tests what’s wrong with you.
These currencies on the physical form happen because somewhere along the way, got rather shocked yourself. And whether it was at childhood, or along the way, or an accident, or a fire to your house, or you were lost as a child and then found eventually, or you went through war. Many people go through war. Many children go through war. And there can be worse even in your own family. These types of shock to the body, shock to the emotions, create shockwaves through that beautiful field and it begins to open it up, looking rather like Swiss cheese. Then you feel vulnerable and exposed and it’s difficult, no matter how much you work on your emotions and how much you work on your body, to ever feel safe again.
So this is why we want to talk about energy repair, in order to help you feel whole again and I must say, dear ones, you can feel whole rather quickly. Now there is something I want to say for the individuals that have gone through trauma, even in their own families. This is very important. Because you see, dear ones, you choose your family. You choose your mother and your father. You don’t choose your sisters and brothers, they sort of come along with the territory. But you do choose your mother and father. And that is very important to understand.
That only the strongest of spirits will choose to be born into an abusive family, because their mission is to stop a family heritage of abuse and are called pattern-breakers. And they are so strong in their will that no matter what they go through as a child or young adult, they have such a determination and a will that no other human will suffer at their hands. And they are the wave of consciousness that has happened for the last 30 years. Helping to change humanity, to talk about abuse and to talk about what has happened to them, whether it is girls or boys or women or men, it doesn’t matter. You’ve had courage and you’ve stopped something that happened generationally in your family.
And my dear ones, please know that is a strongest showing of your spirit. For you have an invincible spirit, invincible, dear ones. You are able to tap into that by strengthening up your energy field, you find that no matter what you go through in life, you can find you are centered again, your peacefulness, you’re quiet inside, and you can feel safe again in life. And trust, love.
So when I’m talking today, I would like everyone to participate because I’ve got some wonderful exercises for you. We’re very excited about that. For all that are listening, if you’re not driving in your automobile or operating heavy machinery or something like that, please close your eyes for a minute, will you please. We’re going to do a wonderful clearing. This is for everyone in life, really. It doesn’t matter if you’ve been through trauma or not, life brings lots of surprises. It can be the person that stopped quickly in front of you in traffic. That’s a trauma.
So, close your eyes. Take a deep breath in. Relax. Know that this gold around you is all of our guidance. And we envelop you in a blanket of pure white light of love and a deep protection. Like an angel’s wings enveloping around you now, holding you in safetyness, peacefulness and awareness. And as you breathe into your body, know that this body is your friend. It is your lifetime companion. And it has been imbued with all the properties to heal you.
Imagining a beautiful light of gold and white light, pure gold and white light. White and gold mixed together. Imagine it’s coming down like a beautiful sunbeam on the top of our head. And it’s warming and it’s soft, very relaxing. Now as it comes into every cell, beginning to wash those cells, your memories, with just pure light. And as it comes into every cell, it also comes into every chakra, harmonizing, balancing, aligning, reactivating all the chakras, so that you’re flowing with your energy again. And this energy is traveling slowly down to your body, filling you up. Knowing that you are safe and you are present. There’s nothing to fear.
We are always with the divine. And that divine loves you, has always loved you, can always and forever love you. Now as it is filling all the way down, now your heart level, flowing this energy through you. Feeling safe. Centered and present. This is opening up all of your inner communication with the divine; guides, your angels, divine nature within. However you feel is best for your guidance. Then travel down, to the lower part of your body, down to your legs, slowly, and down your feet. And this is soothing and calming all the messages in your cells, your DNA, all that you are listening to.
We’re going to teach you a wonderful method. Now, using your chakras, remember they’re right at the top of your head. Imagine there’s an opening right at the top of your head. You’re receiving even more beautiful light in. We call this your truth center. Now as you imagine that it’s like a tunnel, now the opening’s become a tunnel, sending pure light through the center of you, even brighter light this time.
What this truth center does is it allows truth to come into you. And it allows that truth to go into all of your chakras, then all into your cells, and then into your DNA, and imprints your DNA with a higher message. So say to yourself, silently, I am safe. Imagine you are going to put that statement through the top of your head. I am safe. Like a bubble of light. And what this will do is it will begin to saturate into that crown chakra. Begin to move down the body. You might feel a little pressure as that ball of truth is now coming down, into your forehead, to your third eye chakra. Travels through your throat chakra. Warm with a sense of something moving down inside of you, beautifully and soft. And as this truth comes into you, it lights up that chakra. I am safe. Now it goes into your heart chakra. I am safe. You may not know how you’re safe or when you’re safe, but it is a true statement. I am safe. After all, you are enveloped in this beautiful protection light right now. Now it’s traveling down into your solar plexus, the middle of your stomach. And it’s warm and it’s soothing and it travels down into your gonads. And then down into your tailbone. It will continue down to your legs and your feet.
We’re going to try it again. We’re going to try another statement, another truth statement. Because regardless of who you are and what you have been in this life, there is something beyond the physical world that is so true. And that is that you are loved. Perhaps your emotions don’t remember that, to a degree. But your spirit does. Your soul does. It remembers it as truth, too.
Imagine there’s another ball of message, beautiful ball of light, right above your head. And it is, “I am loved.” Begins to saturate down into your crown chakra. Down. Warm and soothing. Down into your third eye chakra. You might notice something interesting about right now, got a little smile on your face. Can’t help it, it just comes up. Oh, this is very important. I am loved. And it travels down into your throat chakra. Down into your heart chakra. And down into the middle of your torso, the stomach area, your gonads, and your root chakra.
This is harmonizing and balancing, reactivating, realigning; and that is sending out waves of energy through your life force energy. Connecting into your light force energy and immediately repairing all the rips and tears and holes in that beautiful,lacy field. Regardless of what has happened in your life. Regardless of what pain you have been through. The pain you have observed, you personally went through or others went through. It was momentary in life. And what you have gained is tremendous amount of awareness, knowledge and compassion.