Thursday, February 10, 2011
(7:30 PM)
Meeting Minutes
1. Call to Order
Chairman Folkerts called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. All Board members were present.
2. Pledge of Allegiance
Francis C. Hammond 2 Middle School students Sarah Forstater, Selay Kamara, Babar Tanveer, David Worku, Isaac Worku, Eva Lopez, Michelle Lopez, and Amena Kaplan led the Pledge of Allegiance.
3. Moment of silence
The Board observed a moment of silence.
4. Adopt meeting agenda
Ms. Carter moved approval of the meeting agenda. Ms. Gorsuch seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
5. Communications & Addresses to the Board
The School Board, Superintendent, and students from Samuel Tucker Elementary honored Deputy Superintendent Cathy David on her retirement and thanked her for her 34 years of service to the children of Alexandria.
The Board and Superintendent thanked the members of the Employee Self-Service Team Debbie Gardner, Steve Wilkins, Jim Loomis, Carol Cox, Ed Adshead, Elizabeth Hoover, Lyman Butler, Sonise Richardson, Jerry Harris, Connie Collins, Beth Cooke, and Ajith Vijayan for their work implementing the new customer-service system.
Six members of the community addressed the Board.
6. Chairman's Report
Chairman Folkerts:
Reviewed the February 7 budget work session discussions including revenue sources, technology, and employee compensation.
7. Superintendent's Report
Superintendent Sherman:
Invited everyone to the February 24 ribbon cutting ceremony for the James K. Polk gymnasium.
Read a proclamation honoring National African American month, he requested that the proclamation be added to the consent agenda.
9. Approval of Minutes
Mr. Wilson moved approval of the January 6, 2011 meeting minutes. Ms. Carter seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
10. Consent Calendar
Mr. Wilson moved approval of the consent calendar. Ms. Carter seconded the motion. Ms. Gorsuch moved to add the African American History Month Proclamation to the consent calendar. Ms. Maness seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. The amended consent calendar passed unanimously. The consent calendar consisted of the following items:
· November 2010 Financial Report
· Second Quarter Budget Transfers Report
· Revised Education Plan for SY 10-11 and SY 11-13
· Concerned Citizens Network of Alexandria (CCNA) Memorandum of Understanding
· National African American History Month Proclamation
Ms. David noted that additional metrics to the education plan will be added at a later date for Board approval.
Items Pulled from Consent
11. Old Business and Action Items
12. Extended Day/Extended Year
Superintendent reviewed the draft application that includes increased learning time for students, connect professional learning by reducing the amount of time teachers are pulled from classrooms, time for teachers to work on school education goals and PLP’s, provide opportunities to update IAP’s for students as part of the Transformation Model.
Superintendent Sherman reviewed the proposed calendars for the early start request and noted that he is requesting the Board approve the waiver request at a called meeting on March 3 for submission to VA Board of Education on March 4 for discussion at the Board of Education meeting March 24.
Board members requested information on developing professional learning plans for teachers, coordination of professional development, number of half days, number of weeks of intersession, dates for SOL tests, when would IAP conferences be held, communicate conferences to parents, teacher led professional development, teacher assignments posted, snow make-up days, add more time for test preparation to waiver application, conferences for all students, efficacy of the professional development program, support for teachers, and communicate roll out for the opening of school.
Chairman Folkerts noted the discussion on extended day will take place at the March 3 work session.
New Business
13. Revised FY2012 Budget Calendar, Budget Process Resolution, and School Board Meeting Calendar
Chairman Folkerts reviewed the dates in the revised calendars.
Mr. Peabody moved approval of the revised budget calendar, budget process resolution and meting calendar. Ms. Morris seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
14. Overview of City Manager's Operating budget proposal
Ms. Byess reviewed the City Manager’s proposed budget that includes no tax rate increase, adding a transportation tax, no new reductions to services, merit and additional longevity steps included, no market rate adjustment, and additional cost sharing for medical and retirement benefits for a total proposed budget of 553.4 million.
Board members noted the need for focused discussions with the City on the CIP.
15. Overview of City Manager's CIP budget proposal
Ms. Byess noted that the proposed ACPS Capital Improvement Program budget from the City is 158.1 million the same as last year.
16. Board announcements
Ms. Campbell reported on a meeting she attended on the Building Better Futures program.
17. Future meeting dates
February 17, 2011, 7:00 p.m., School Board FY 2012 Budget Public Hearing & Add/Delete Work Session
February 23, 2011, 7:00 p.m., School Board Final Add/Delete Work Session
February 24, 2011, 7:30 p.m., School Board Meeting & Budget Adoption
March 10, 2011, 7:30 p.m., School Board Meeting
March 14, 2011, 7:00 p.m., School Board/City Council Joint Budget Work Session March 17, 2011, 7:30 p.m., School Board Meeting
18. Closed meeting & certification of closed meeting (if needed)
No closed meeting
19. Adjourn meeting
Mr. Peabody moved to adjourn the meeting. Ms. Maness seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. The meeting adjourned at 10:30 p.m.