Audit RFP Q’s and A’s


Q: What is the reason for issuing the RFP? Is it simply the end of the contract term, or were there other reasons?

A: It is the end of the contract term, and per our Partnership Agreement with Clackamas County we must issue an RFP for audit services every three to five years.

Q: Were there any disagreements with the current auditors?

A: No.

Q: Is the current auditor eligible for re-engagement?

A: Yes

Q: When will the accounting records be ready for audit—for both interim and final audit work?

A: See RFP page 3. For the most recent audit, records were sent to the auditor during the first week of September.

Q: When was fieldwork performed for your last audit-for both interim testing and final audit work? How many auditors were in the field and for how long?

A: Fieldwork took place during the last week of September. Team design information negotiated in prior years is not relevant to the current RFP.

Q: Were there any significant audit adjustments made in the most recent year audited?

A: No

Q: Was there a management letter issued for the most recent year audited? If so, please furnish a copy.

A: No

Q: What have audit fees been for the most recent contract period?

A: Fees negotiated in prior years is not relevant to the current RFP.

Q: What are the most important things that a new auditor could do to improve your satisfaction with the audit?

A: Our board appreciates clear communication skills.

Q: It appears that CWP is the same entity presented as a discretely presented component unit in the Clackamas County CAFR. Is this understanding correct?

A: Yes


Q: Is there anything lacking in the relationship with your current auditor that you are hoping to strengthen in this process?

A: No

Q: Are there any pending or recently settled lawsuits?

A: No

Q: Have there been any instances of non-compliance noted by your funding agencies within the last two years?

A: No

Q: Has there been any turnover of key finance or program staff within the last two years?

A: No change in finance staff or Executive Director


Q: How many other firms were included in the RFP?

A: The RFP has been posted publicly, as well as sent directly to 12 firms.

Q: What is the makeup of the accounting department (i.e. how many individuals, titles, time with organization, and skill levels?) Are any accounting functions outsourced?

A: Deb Zang, Fiscal Director, is the only accounting staff person at CWP. She has many years of non-profit accounting experience, and has been at CWP for 9 years. No accounting functions are outsourced.

Q: How long has management been in their respective roles?

A: Bridget Dazey, Executive Director has been with CWP for 9 years, and Executive Director for 3 ½ years.

Q: What do you feel is the most important component in retaining an auditor (i.e. price, competency, compatibility/comfort)?

A: Please see RFP for all components considered important.

Q: is there anything that comes to mind that may be considered out of the ordinary concerning the organization itself or the audit of CWP?

A: No


Q: Are you expecting your funding streams and expenditures for 2018 to be similar to that of 2017?

A: Yes

Q: Are you open to preliminary onsite work?

A: Yes

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