Progress / No
Policy and Planning
- Has a Numeracy Link Teacher been assigned?
- Has a Core Numeracy Team been created?
- Do we have a vision for Numeracy in the school?
- Have we carried out an audit of our current provision?
- Is Numeracy bedded into individual subject plans?
- Is there a written Numeracy Plan/Policy in our school?
- Is this policy communicated to all staff?
- Is the Numeracy Plan embedded in other relevant school policies?
Structure and Organisation
- Have the roles within the core team been assigned?
- Has a calendar for team meetings been agreed?
- Has an aspect(s) of Numeracy (handling data, concepts, shape, pattern) for intervention been chosen?
- Have the assessment methods, to gather evidence of students’ achievements to date, been chosen?
- Have relevant targets for Numeracy been chosen?
- Are these targets S.M.A.R.T?
- Is progress being monitored at agreed intervals?
- Have we set specific criteria for evaluating the success of our strategies?
- Has the Core Team set annual review dates?
- Have we established our system of communication between relevant stakeholders?
- Is the school creating a Resource Bank for Numeracy?
Teaching and Learning
- Are we creating a positive Numeracy school culture?
- Are we actively using the school toolbox of Numeracy strategies to enhance teaching literacy skills?
- Is there an appropriate level of expectation in each class?
- Is there a common understanding of the targets set in the school literacy improvement plan?
- Do individual class plans include actions to aid Numeracy and motivate students?
- Is there whole staff involvement in the monitoring and evaluation process?
- Is there student involvement in the monitoring and evaluation process?
Special Education Support Service, c/o Cork Education Support Centre, The Rectory, Western Road, Cork
Tel: 1850 200 884 - Fax: 021 425 5647 - Email: