Auburn Municipal Civil Service

Minutes –RegularMeeting September 1, 2011 11am

Roll Call –

Roll call by Secretary Bill Fulton; present were Commissioner John Brennan, Commissioner John Camardo and Commissioner Jack Hardy. Also present was CSEA Union Representative Will Streeter, Chief of Police Gary Giannotta, Director of Planning Jenny Haines and Superintendent of PW Mike Talbot.

Approve minutes of meeting held on August 4, 2011. Commis. Camardo motioned to approve minutes. 2nd by Hardy. Motion Carried 3-0

Old Business

New Business

  • Request from Superintendent of PW, Mike Talbot and Interim City Manager, John Rossi to make boldedjob spec changes to the Senior Building Maintenance Mechanic position.

Mike Talbot informed the commission that this is a much needed change so that the recreation department can have this position also. The incumbent now has all the responsibilities but no authority so this is a heavily relied on position. Commis. Camardo motion to approve job changes to the Senior Maintenance Mechanic that will add the recreation dept duties. 2nd by Commis Hardy Motion carried 3-0.

  • Request from Interim City Manager, John Rossi toaccept the recommendation from NYS Civil Service to use the Superintendent of PW eligible list to fill the Water & Sewer Supervisor position; which we currently have a provisional appt. Attached letter from NYS with their recommendation.

Motion to approve NYS recommendation by Commis. Camardo. 2nd by Commis Hardy. Motion carried 3-0.

  • Approve Exam Announcement #62-565 for Police Officer

Motion to approve the Police Officer announcement as it is presented by Commissioner Camardo. 2nd by Commis Hardy. Motion carried 3-0.

  • Request from Chief of Police, Gary Giannotta and Interim City Manager, John Rossi to make bolded and strike throughjob spec changes to the Parking Garage Supervisor position.

Chief Giannotta stated that these change reflects what the Supervisor actually does. Will Streeter cautioned the word department in the job spec as if a lay off were to happen the garage would be its own division. Secretary Fulton explained that our layoffs are based on layoff units and the Parking Garage is part of the police unit. Motion made by Commis. Camardo to accept the proposed job spec changes. 2nd by Commis. Hardy. Motion carried 3-0.

Civil Service Meeting

September 1, 2011 Continued

  • Request from Interim City Manager, John Rossi to accept the recommendation from NYS Civil Service to use the Planning and Economic Program Manager eligible list to fill the Community Development Planner position; which we currently have a provisional appt. Attached letter from NYS with their recommendation.

Request from Commissioner Camardo to go into Exec session. Motion Carried 3-0.

Return from Executive session at 11:08am

Motion to approve NYS recommendation by Commis. Hardy. 2nd by Commis Camardo. Motion carried 3-0. Commis Camardo noted his decision was made based on issues that were cleared up during executive session.

  • Employee changes 5/1 – Present

All changes through the summer including a new Fire Chief, Fire Captain, Fire Lieutenant, new Super of PW and appointment to DMU.

  • Upcoming schedule

Weigh Scale Operator exam September 10th at Boces. November 19thwill be a big Police Officer exam at Boces.

Motion to adjourn meeting by Commis. Hardy 2nd by Commis. Camardo Motion carried 3-0

