Application Instructions - 2015
- Fill out relevant information on the application form on page two.
- Teacher: Select “Yes” if you are the teacher of the listed Performer(s).
- Age: The age of performer at the submission deadline (December 15, 2014).
- Title: Include full title, including opus, and number.
- Audition Method: Select the method you will be using to audition:
CD/DVD: You will be mailing a CD or DVD of a recorded performance of the selection by the performer. CDs must be playable on a standard audio CD player or a standard Windows computer. DVDs must be playable on a standard US region DVD player (NTSC format). Please be sure to write the performer's full name on the disc.
Email: You will be emailing a recorded performance of the selection in a digital format compatible with a Windows-based computer.
Internet: You will be including the full URL (clickable link) to the performance on YouTube or some other publically accessible internet site.
- Entry fee: $65 for a musical selectionof no more than 5 minutes.
Note:All fees are non-refundable.
- Send the completed form, application fees,and CD/DVD or URL to:
Golden Key Music Festival
81 Five Points Road
Colts Neck, NJ07722
Deadline is December15, 2014.
If you have any questions, please email the Golden Key Music Festival at: .
NOTE: Tour Fees are due by March 2, 2015.The Tour Fee is $1560/person.
If you choose NOT to stay at Festival Hotel, the Tour Fee is $1290/person. But you must make your own arrangements for accommodation.
Application Form – 2014
Last Name: / First Name: / M.I:Street Address: / City: / State/Zip:
Telephone: / Email: / Teacher: Yes No
# / Performer / Music/Audition Selection / Fee1. / Last Name: / Composer:
First Name: / Title:
Middle Initial:
Age: / Vocal Instrument:
Audition Method: CD/DVD Email
Internet Link:
# / Performer / Music/Audition Selection / Fee
2. / Last Name: / Composer:
First Name: / Title:
Middle Initial:
Age: / Vocal Instrument:
Audition Method: CD/DVD Email
Internet Link:
# / Performer / Music/Audition Selection / Fee
3. / Last Name: / Composer:
First Name: / Title:
Middle Initial:
Age: / Vocal Instrument:
Audition Method: CD/DVD Email
Internet Link:
Tour Participants (Performers, Parents, Siblings, etc)
Last Name / First Name / M.I / Relation toPerformer / Staying at Festival Hotel? / Tour Fee