June Meeting Notes


P. Hurh

Attending:P. Hurh, B. Hartsell, K. Ammigan, C. Moore, F. Pellemoine, G. Bollen, R. Zwaska, J. Hylen, M. Calviani, C. Densham

  1. News
  2. MOU

Fermilab believes it has all approvals necessary for signing. Hopefully we can have all signatures this month.

  1. Post Doc

Advertisement is in progress. PO for assoc. post doc costs is in place with Oxford. Interviews planned for July 12. P. Hurh will travel to Oxford to take part. No update from Oxford on receipt of applications (not present at mtg)

  1. AccApp 13

Kavin Ammigan will present a paper on RaDIATE at AccApp13 in Brugges the first week of August. Patrick Hurh will also present a paper on the HPT program at Fermilab. AccApp is a workshop gathering for the application of accelerators to industry/energy sectors.

  1. Status Reports
  2. Beryllium/Tungsten study

(no one in attendance to present)

  1. Graphite literature study

(no one in attendance to present)

  1. BLIP status

K. Ammigan and P. Hurh travel to BNL the week of June 25 to try-out the new bending test fixture with N. Simos.

  1. Stage 1 Final Report now expected in June/July time frame.
  2. CERN irradiated beryllium status

Marco Calviani reports that a measurement of dose rate inside the shielding (on contact with the target support structure) is 30-50 mS/hr (3-5 Rad/hr). However a calculation of the dose rate of the Be plates removed from the structure is only 100-200 mrem/hr. The plates will be removed from the shielding and detached from the support structure in early 2014. It is hoped that this material can be shipped to BNL or PNNL for testing in a hot cell.

Also Marco reports that the windows that failed on the CNGS line can be available earlier. The beryllium sheets can be decoupled from the vacuum flange and are expected to be only 10 mrem/hr or so. Both windows failed by leaking through a small hole/crack near beam center. Estimate of DPA is 0.2 and 0.07 DPA. It is hoped that this material can be sent to Oxford for micro-mechanics tests.

  1. Discussion on full-scale, miniature, and micro-mechanics testing methods, standards and validation.

Did not have appropriate expertise present to discuss. Will postpone until next meeting.

Action Item List

1)Proceed with short-listing and interviewing candidates for Be study post-doc (Roberts, Hurh, Densham)

2)Continue to investigate alternative, measureable effectsthat can be used to validate the DPA and gas production simulations (S. Brooks, et al.)

3)Work to begingraphite/C-C composite bend testing at BLIP in late June (Ammigan, Simos, Hurh)

4)Investigate further availability of irradiated materials for testing (esp Be at CERN and Mini-BooNE) (Hurh/Ammigan/Calvianni)

  1. Marco C. to present information on CERN Be at July meeting

5)Continue work on Be lit study, graphite lit studies and W studies (Final report due in July)

6)B. Hartsell to present on incorporating radiation damage into thermo-mechanical FEA via multiple material assignment at July Meeting

7)Arrange for July Meeting (Hurh/Ammigan)