Rapid Re-Housing Guidance

The guidance in this document is intended to formalize the entry of HMIS data elements for Rapid Rehousing (RRH) projects in Oakland County. For a detailed overview of eligibility requirements for all RRH projects in Oakland County please refer to the Oakland County ESG and HUD RRH and/or Prevention Program Overview Grid available on the Alliance for Housing website. Key HMIS elements are included under the Provider Page Setup, Entry, Interim, Exit and Follow-Up sections of this document.

Provider Page Setup

o  Project Type: PH – Rapid Re-Housing (HUD)

CoC Code: MI- 504 (Oakland) Start Date: 10/1/2014

Bed and Unit Inventory: Completed during PIT ONLY. Supplemental guidance is provided by SA’s to determine inventory details.

Federal Partner Funding Source: Complete according to grant/contract information.

Assessment Display Settings:

Show on HUD Entry- MSHMIS RRH and Prevention Intake

Show on HUD Interim Review- MSHMIS Update

Show on HUD Exit- MSHMIS Exit

Show on HUD Follow-Up Review- Oakland County Follow-Up Assesssment


o  Entry Type: HUD

Service Transaction: Record Case/Care Management service transactions according to interactions for all household members. Per guidance from MCAH, a Case/Care Mgmt ST needs to be added at initial intake. This often occurs before entry.

o  Household: Create household in Household Tab prior to completing entry.

Start (Entry) Date: It is the date following application that the client was admitted into the project. To be admitted indicates the following factors have been met:

1.  Information provided by the client from the referral indicates they meet the criteria for admission (for example, if category 1 homelessness is required, the client needs only to self-identify as literally homeless and this does not need to be verified prior to project enrollment/HMIS Entry).

2.  The client has indicated they want to be housed in this project (e.g. wants to be housed in Oakland County and is aware this is a short- to medium-term rental assistance program).

3.  The client is able to access services and housing through the project. The expectation is the project has funds available, has a housing opening (on-site, site-based, scattered-site subsidy) or expects to have one in a reasonably short amount of time.

Note: Entries do not have to be done in person. If the above criteria is met via an over the phone screening, the date of that screening is the Start (Entry) Date into HMIS

Universal Data Elements: Complete accordingly. A list of the data elements can be found in programmatic HMIS manuals on the HUD Exchange

o  Move-in Date: Leave blank, unless client found housing on the same day as entry.

o  Housing Status: Category 1.

o  VI-SPDAT: All households that present as homeless need to receive a VI-SPDAT or Family VI-SPDAT to determine need/acuity and to prioritize those with most need. See Oakland County’s CoC Community Established Thresholds for more guidance.

Interim Update/ Move-in Date

After housing is attained an interim update needs to be added to reflect the move-in date for each household member. Confirm your backdate is set appropriately.

Residential Move-in Date: The date the client moved into housing.

Universal Data Elements: Update accordingly. A list of the data elements can be found in programmatic HMIS manuals on the HUD Exchange

o  Service Transaction (Deposits and Financial Assistance ST are only required for MSHDA RRH projects):

o  Rent Deposit: Start Date= start of service, End Date= start date

o  Rent Payment Assistance: Start Date= start of service, End Date= last day of months

o  Number of units: Number of months of paid service

o  Unit Type: Month(s)

o  Cost per unit: Amount paid by agency per month (not total amount)

o  Apply Funds for Service

§  Client Co-Pay: Amount client is paying

§  Add Funding Source: ESG Funding


o  Exit Date: The date representing the last day of continuous stay in the project before the client transfers to another residential project or otherwise stops residing in the project (e.g. if the last month of rent paid for by the project was March, the exit date would be 3/31).

o  Universal Data Elements: Update accordingly. A list of the data elements can be found in programmatic HMIS manuals on the HUD Exchange.

o  Residential Move-in Date: Keep the same as recorded on interim. DO NOT update the Move-in Date unless client finds other permanent residence on same day as exit.

o  Discharge Destination: Varies depending on situation. Please refer to HMIS Data Standards Manual for full definitions. Common destinations are listed below.

o  Permanent housing, with other ongoing housing subsidy- includes CoC PSH or HOPWA facility/TBRA.

o  Rental by client, with other ongoing housing subsidy- includes HCV. DOES NOT INCLUDE CoC PSH, HOPWA, PH, RRH, GDP TIP or VASH.

o  Rental by client, no ongoing housing subsidy.

If you have questions related to this workflow please contact .

Version 2- 10.27.2017