Course Outlines

Unit 3: Understanding Culture

Suggested Scheme of Work for Option 2: Health

Week 1:

Lesson Content and Skills Development
Definition of health and illness
Social construction of health and illness
Cross-cultural and historical variations
Concepts required or to be developed:
  • Understanding of definitions of health, illness and disease
  • Awareness of cultural relativity of definitions of health and illness

Week 2/3:

Lesson Content and Skills Development
Bio-medical model of health
Biomedical model of health
The rise of the biomedical model to prominence and medicalisation of natural human conditions such as pregnancy, childbirth, ageing, dying and unhappiness
Criticisms of biomedical model: Marxist, Feminist, Postmodernist and the idea of iatrogenesis
Alternative models of medicine
Concepts required or to be developed:
  • An understanding of definitions of medical model, medicalisation and iatrogenesis
  • Awareness of how the bio-medical model became the accepted model in Britain
  • Awareness of the strengths and weaknesses of different models

Week 4:

Lesson Content and Skills Development
The Sick Role

Social control and the sick role; Parson’s approach

Criticisms of the idea of the sick role

Concepts required or to be developed:

  • Understanding of definition of the sick role
  • Awareness of the strengths and weaknesses of the Functionalist approach

Week 5:

Lesson Content and Skills Development

Patterns and trends in health and illness by class


  • Measurement of social class
  • Patterns and trends in health and illness in different social classes
  • Problems of measuring differences in morbidity

Concepts required or to be developed:

  • Understanding of definitions of mortality and mortality rates, morbidity and morbidity rates, infant mortality rate, the illness iceberg
  • Ability to analyse government statistics such as Black Report, Our Healthier Nation Report etc.
  • Awareness of social construction of statistics
  • Awareness of Marxist approach and strengths and weaknesses

Week 6:

Lesson Content and Skills Development

Explanations of social class differentials in health


Explanations of social class differentials in health:


-social selection



-inequality in health care provision

Concepts required or to be developed:

  • understanding of definition of risk behaviour
  • awareness of strengths and weaknesses of different explanations

Week 7:

Lesson Content and Skills Development

Patterns and trends in health and illness by gender and locality


Patterns and trends in health and illness by gender

Explanations of differences




-inequality of treatment by health services

Patterns and trends in health and illness by locality such as North/South divide, variation within region

Explanation of differences

Concepts required or to be developed:

  • Awareness of strengths and weaknesses of different explanations for gender patterns in health and illness
  • Awareness of strengths and weaknesses of different explanations for patterns in health and illness by locality

Week 8:

Lesson Content and Skills Development

Patterns and trends in health and illness by ethnicity and age


Patterns and trends in health and illness by ethnicity

Explanations of differences in patterns and trends

oGenetic/biological factors

oIndividual behaviour/cultural factors


oMigration and racism

oInequality in treatment by health service


Patterns and trends in health and illness by age groups

Explanations of difference in patterns and trends by age groups

Concepts required or to be developed:

  • Awareness of strengths and weaknesses of explanations for differences in health and illness by ethnicity
  • Awareness of different attitudes towards treatment of different age groups

Week 9/10:

Lesson Content and Skills Development

Social Action Approach


Effect of labelling and societal reaction on identity with reference to particular examples such as mental illness, disability, Aids

Concepts required or to be developed:

Understanding of definition of stigma

Awareness of strengths and weaknesses of Social Action approach