Room 3012
- Call to Order/Welcome/Announcements
Attendees: Steve Eskridge, Megan Toney, Leslie, Juan, Gwen, and Felix
- Corrections to Minutes from last meeting
Move to approve the Minutes.
- Committee Program Updates
- Intramural Programs
- The classes have been changed this quarter (Fall 2016) from the previous quarters – we’ve added more yoga classes, because it attractsgreat attendance.
- Circuit training classes have been going good
- Rana now teaches Zumba only once a week.
The new Intramural Schedule seems to be working very well, so we will keep it moving forward.
Group classes – any particular format students might be interested in seeing?
- We have moved to open fitness center times 7am-6pm (outside of classes).
- New programs that we added in the last year – free swimming, which has been very popular, as well as Intramural 3-on-3 basketball tournaments
- 6pm-9pm – used to run a lot of evening basketball leagues but that is more community focused as apposed to co-community focus.
- We’ve never had weekend type activities for Shoreline CC – it is something to think about it, we should explore if there is interest.
- Updates on building dormitories – this is still ongoing, they are still looking into it. Looking at the parking lot next to the pub.
- Swimming
Swimming has been very popular and is going great.
- Hiking Trip
Needing ways to promote the hiking trip.
- BREATHE Participation
BREATHE is Quarterly and guided by the Counseling Center, this is a way
For students to distress before finals.
Start date - December 1st
There will be Massage therapists coming in, giving massages and
Yoga classes, Full week December 1st and for the rest of the week
New people – biology on board maybe some icecream building, engaging and fun
Over 1000 studentsparticipatedin BREATHE last quarter, which is great!
Spring quarter – possibly carnival style?
New addition- badminton tournament
Goals – getting all information from our athletics twitter account and putting it on the student’s blog so it reaches more info.
- New Business?
- Adjourn
December 8th is the next meeting.
This next meeting we will be planning for Winter quarter.
Activities to think about - UltimateFrisbee and kickball, we could conduct competitions with staff/teachers/students etc.
When we have activities send them to Felix so the students are aware, so Felix can make sure students know about all the information, upcoming intramural tournaments, contact Donald Brady with Felix so he can give you all info.
Adjourn 3:30pm