Ama~Deus Healing Energy
In 1982, Alberto Aguas had the opportunity to work with a tribe of Indians in the Amazon - the Guarani. They recognized in him a man of love and healing ability. The Guarani opened up and shared their healing techniques so that he could bring this to the world. Alberto was the carrier, the messenger, the translator for this Energy System. This energy is very loving and very gentle, much like the Indians who were its caretakers for so long. Alberto's goal was to pass love into this world as much as he could right up to the moment of his passing. And so now this wonderful healing energy is opened to the world. It is world energy, so to say.
The Guarani are one of the oldest continuous living indigenous people in the world - over 6000 years. Their healing technique, which Alberto named Ama~Deus, which is Latin for to love God, had traditionally been handed down by word of mouth. It was told to Alberto by the Indians that sacred rocks were buried thousands of years ago. The sacred rocks would be unearthed to present to a specific person from the outside at the right time. The Indians were being encroached upon and they knew the timing was correct from their oral tradition and the Sacred Rocks were presented to Alberto. It is surrogates of these sacred rocks that are used in the initiation of Ama~Deus.
What is Ama~Deus? It is a very gentle energy that adapts to its surroundings and offers to it what is needed. Its purpose is to support healing and to support the action that it takes to heal. Ama Deus helps to smooth, stabilize, balance and tranquilize.Ama~Deus is a spiritual energy healing technique allowing one to tap into a higher Source of Energy. With Ama~Deus one taps into an energy flow that is connected with a particular thought and that thought is Love. In other words, one is tapping into a stream of consciousness that is the originally created energy, enhanced and expanded by all who use it.
There are two levels of Ama~Deus. In the first level there is an initiation and you receive and know how to use many of the sacred Guarani symbols. For example, you will be able to:
- Assist someone who is getting ready to pass.
- Release an entity from yourself, your space, or someone else. The Guarani believe that all illness is a result of entities or outside influences.
- Request that the curtain between you and your guide be temporarily opened so that you can receive information about a certain situation or question.
- Enhance and expand your HeartCenter.
- Handle emergencies with gentleness and grace.
In level 2, you receive additional symbols that are used to:
- Heal addictions of any kind
- Heal animals – tame or in the wild
- Access information through your dreams
- Understand repeating patterns or attitudes
- Heal the Earth
- Vision Quest to see things from a higher spiritual truth
- And many more.
The following information is provided by way of background as to where Ama~Deus originated from. As you read it, please remember, that the whole premise of this energy healing modality is to enter into a relationship with the energy, not with the man who brought it out from the Amazon, Alberto Aguas, or the Guarani Indians.
Alberto Aguas
Alberto was an incredible gifted soul - he was a man of Love. His greatest gift was his ability to love all peoples. He was very humble and yet very passionate - he literally touched thousands of lives with his wonderful healing ability. He was always saying "you cannot heal until you have first loved". Alberto first demonstrated his healing abilities at age 5 when he first put his hands on his aunt and her headache went away. However it was at 6 that Alberto became very sick and while he was in the hospital during the night a series of events happened instructing him how to heal himself and it was in this way that he began his healing work.
Alberto's mother was a healer and doctor of psychology. In Brazil there were and are centers for spiritual healing and Alberto's mother would take him with her to watch and at times work with her. Alberto loved his mother very much; she taught him much about the laws of the Universe. Alberto shared how his father would take him out in the night and point to the stars and tell him stories. His parents taught him much about love and spirituality.
His maternal grandfather was also a healer and a doctor of medicine. He built a hospital in Northern Brazil. This grandfather was very interested in healing techniques, incorporating the knowledge of herbs and other Guarani practices into his healing. So from a veryearly age Alberto began his life's mission as a third generation healer.
The Guarani
The Guarani are a deeply spiritual people and there was much love in Alberto’s heart for the Guarani. They spoke of the Amazon-- the air, the vegetation, and the people-- as the kingdom of healing. The Guarani received Alberto with unconditional love, never questioning, always giving, always sharing.
There houses were wood with thatched roofs. The Guarani always have a fire in their house and a palm leaf bed. They teach their children that the house does not end at the entrance of the door; the earth, the trees, vegetation, birds, animals, lakes, river, seas all are a continuation of their house.
They teach their children about meditation and that everyone has the ability to channel energy. There is great respect for the children because they believe in reincarnation. The Guarani are mesmerized by the night sky and they would fix their focus on the stars and the moon. They made instruments like guitars. They believed that music helped the meditation and this would keep them close to the Source of healing.
Saturday, October 20, 2010
11am – 3pm
Cost: $125
Can’t make this class? Plan to join us in March 2011
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