December 10, 2014
Attendees: Gregory Cameron, Eric Jarvi, Cassandra White, Linda Earley, Mac McCall, Deb Sturpe, , Dan Mikool, Andrew Trong, Michela Fiore, Lisa Martin, Larry Lamie, Betty Harris
- Minutes from October Meeting
No changes requested to meeting minutes from October. Motion was made to approve the October minutes. Seconded – Meeting minutes were approved.
- Treasurer’s Report (Eric)
Eric distributed the 2014-2015 Budget and needs to be approved for the budget year Sept 1 – Aug 31, 2015.
Proposed the accounting income to be set for an income of $70,000. Each line item was reviewed. Currently looking to bring the financials in house and keep Cathy as a consultant.
Questions were asked regarding specific costs:
Operations Postage – Should this be part of convention supplies? Linda explained that this is for “electronic Postage” through Mail Chimp for the email distributions.
Scholarship – Since this money is raised for the specific purpose of scholarship, should it not be included in MPA operational budget? Eric explained that for the 990 tax form that needs to be filed, it needs to be included in our budget. A suggestion was to track the amount in a separate spreadsheet for transparency.
Travel Expenses – It was suggested that the travel item should be adjusted for the meetings by NASPA for the states executive director. Mac has been attending this meeting for the last several years as the President since he was already there for the APhA meeting. He stated that 80 % send executive directors and the rest send an officer. If we continue to send the officer we are fine as long as MPA was represented. Betty could go as VP. Keep the budget line as is presented.
Motion made to accept budget. Seconded. Approved.
Balance Sheet as of October – $101,516.69. Our overall revenue is down from last year but that has to do with the corporate members paying for the fall convention with their Corporate Membership.
- Legislative Update /Board of Pharmacy (Mac & Greg)
Retail Association of Maine coordinated meeting for legislative priorities. It was discussed the need for provider status in Maine. It is sponsored national and cosponsored by our Senators. In Maine, want to move forward with provider status. When testified for tobacco cessation, RPh providers and compensated. Response was considered testimony but not providers. We need to change that answer. Reached out to other states to see what they have done. It needsto have pharmacists to be included in insurance code. Used MA language to propose an act to be a provider and included in insurance. Will have Rep. Chace or Rep. Nutting present bill.
The next topic discussed was to expand immunization service. The main issue is to expand vaccinations without prescriptions and lower the age range flu shot down to age 7 and other immunizations to 11 for the HPV. Not sure where we stand, but pharmacists are not really keen on the lower age range. May be a package deal and need to discuss MPA position, whether for, against, or no position.
Cassie liked provider status bill and there is a need.
Larry feels there will be push back for age drop. It was stated that is could be considered as an option and not a mandate. However, many feel employer would mandate. The choice to administer is removed by the employer. Your right, it is not mandate and you can use professional judgment.
Mac mentioned that the lawsuit is still pending and hoping it to be final soon. All briefs are in. Per clerk, top at the docket and hope for the end of the year.
Board of Pharmacy - Actions by board effecting both tech and pharmacist for error. A few techs and pharmacists were fined and given a letter by the BoPh. In October, received another letter which stated they were eliminated from Maine Care. Commissioner Mayhen and promised better DHHS and Board of Pharmacy. There were 7 contacted – 3 pharm and 4 tech. Looking to reverse decisions.
No meeting in December. January agenda is large.
- Education (Dan):
- Needs Assessment and Speakers – Spring 2015
Completed needs assessment – took comments from those attending CEs through UNE Cont Education , then formulate into questionnaire to see if interest . Responses included in agenda. Second prong of assessment was the outreach to UNE department for public health issues in Maine. The areas highlighted were also on our needs assessment.
Mac sent out a draft – includes all hours but one on Sunday. Dan asked if it includes a diversion topic. Mac stated that there is one hour on Sunday.
Dan mentioned End of Life care was another topic. – Dean is reaching out to Hospice for there on CEs and will share contact.
Herbal Supplements topics was another area Dan mentioned might be relevant and useful. Eric said part of rural health program. Becky Brush had done it in the past. Betty will reach out to Becky to see if she would like to include for the spring program. Linda said would need to be finalized by end of year for brochure.
Larry said the topics are current and helpful
Tentative Spring Schedule
Immunization Update 2015 (8:30am-10:30am– 2 CEUs) - Kenneth “Mac” McCall, PharmD
Diabetes Update (11am-12pm – 1CEU) - Sarah Martin, PhD
Antipsychotics (1pm-2pm – 1CEU) - Devon Sherwood, PharmD, BCPP
Alzheimer’s Therapy (2:30pm-3:30pm – 1CEU) - Cassandra White, PharmD, BCAP
Novel Anticoagulants (3:30pm-4:30pm – 1CEU) - Deborah Sturpe, PharmD, MA, BCPS
JNC 8 Hypertension & AHA Cholesterol (8-10am-2CEU) - Timothy Gladwell, PharmD, BCPS, BCACP
Veterinary – Pain Management (10:30am-11:30am) - Cory Theberge, PhD
Federal Law Update (1:00pm-2:00pm) - Joe Bruno, RPh, MBA
Ocular Disorders (2:00pm-3:00pm) - Evan Williams, PharmD, BCPS
NASPA Self Care Competition (3:15pm-4:45pm) - Eric Jarvi, PhD
Motion to approve. Seconded. Approved.
- UNE fee for CE credits
Dan shared that the fee for UNE to process the ACPE credits will increase the fee to 800.00 for 500.00. Also stated that the full immunization fee will be 250.00 for the materials and credits regardless of the number of attendees.
Linda stated that UNE does do quite a bit of work and supplies all of the materials for immunization and the surveys and the pricing seems fair. Since this an expense of the convention, it will not change the budget numbers.
- Conventions (Larry)
- Spring 2015 – March 20-22, 2015 – Hilton Garden Inn, Freeport, ME
The Spring convention is all set. Linda questioned if we will continue with the reception in place of the banquet. We will continue with the reception.
Betty raised the issue of cost for the students and wondered if it was something they could attend for free since the $50.00 may be high for them and they do not need credits. Linda stated that this is a true cost to attend the convention since it does include breakfast and snacks. The other concern was the space at the facility. Having fee attendees would take away from those who need the credits.
It was decided that for the Spring, we will leave as is and consider options for a future convention.
- Sesquicentennial -2017 – see attached
Larry stated the convention committee recommends the Holiday Inn by the Bay for the Sesquicentennial. The facility has the space to accommodate the many layout options we may need and the first Friday art walk in Portland would be nice. The pricing of the Samoset was too much and will not be considered for the event.
Linda will check to see if the weekend of October 6-9, 2017 is available. It is Columbus Day weekend which might be a better fit for the students in attendance.
For this year, the board was in agreement that there will be only one convention for this year. We will need to take a look as it gets closer how it will affect our budget. Betty will work with MSHP to see if they want to join and the possible attendance.
- Fall 2015 – September 11-13, 2015 – Hollywood Casino, Bangor, ME
- Membership Committee (Laurie)
Laurie sent an email that she regrets that she will no longer be able to serve as the membership committee chair or as a member of the Board. Greg solicited volunteers for this role and Betty agreed to fill that role.
Linda mentioned that the overall membership is steady and we have 42 more pharmacist members than we did at this time last year.
Linda will get in touch with Betty to discuss.
- Delegates to the Convention (Greg)
The APhA needed to have Maine’s delegates. Historically, it was someone who was already going to be attending the convention. Mac offered to be a delegate, Dan offered to be a delegate since he has requested to attend. Betty is already serving on the House. Eric will be going and agreed to be a delegate unless someone else who is going wants to have a turn since he has already served in that role.
Linda will provide the information to NASPA.
- MPA Office Report (Linda)
- Holiday Greeting
Linda will send out a Season’s Greetings memo.
- Affiniscape/yourmembership.com
Linda asked Lisa, Larry and Eric if they had any knowledge of Affiniscape. We have a contract from back in 2009. It appears to offer some revenue generation opportunity. Linda stated they would like to have a conference call to review and asked if anyone would join in to share the knowledge. Eric agreed.
- Phone Charger Recall–Still waiting on a status for the recall. As of today, no response from the vendor. Holding off sending a notice to be sure they have been recalled. If so, we will receive a refund and the customers can exchange them.
- Website (Mac and Linda)
Website is currently up to date.
- Technician Committee & Facebook report (Candy)
Candy stated that in 2015 all tech CEs need to be on technician subject matter. How a technician would now if the program is applicable is if there is a “T” at the end of the ACPE number. All of the programming that has been offered by MPA fits these criteria. This will be a good selling point to technicians since it will be harder to find approved CEs.
She will add this to Facebook and Linda will include on the website.
Currently, the MPA page has 384 likes. The last 2 posts were seen by 167 viewers and 249 viewers, respectively.
- Next Meeting: January 14, 2015, 12:00pm
Motion to adjourn – seconded