Notable Idaho People lesson plans

Lesson Planner

Date: / Grade/Class/Subject:
4th Idaho History Notable People
Unit/Theme:How can government solve problems and facilitate civil harmony? How have individuals from Idaho contributed to society? What can we learn through study of these people?
Content Objective(s):
PI- Analyze the roles, contributions and challenges experienced by people from Idaho. Write a report on one of Idaho’s notable people and share information with your classmates, who will take notes about each person. (4.SS.5.1.1; 4.SS.5.1.2; 4.LA.4.2.2; 4.LA.6.1.3)
Options for differentiation:
  • organize and prepare an oral presentation to “impersonate” a notable Idahoan, through costume, props, and 1st person narrative. Engage the audience with appropriate words, facial expressions, and gestures. (Brief presentations to be made in class, with all students taking notes.)
  • write a newspaper article about that person.
  • write a letter of appreciation to that person.
  • paint a mural that depicts what that person did and explain their mural and its significance to the class.
  • complete a résumé featuring a notable Idahoan, including the person’s connection to Idaho, influence and achievements in a specific field and the reason for the person’s celebrity.
Social studies Objective(s):
Goal 5.1: Build an understanding of multiple perspectives and global interdependence.
4.SS.5.1.1 Analyze the roles and relationships of diverse groups of people from other parts of the world who have contributed to Idaho’s cultural heritage and impacted the state’s history.
4.SS.5.1.2 Investigate the contributions and challenges experienced by people from various cultural, racial, and religious groups that settled in Idaho from different parts of the world.
Language Objective(s):
Goal 2.2: Acquire Skills to Comprehend Expository Text
4.LA.2.2.1 Distinguish between facts and opinions in expository text to support comprehension.
4.LA.2.2.2 Generate how, why, and what-if questions for interpreting expository texts
Goal 3.1: Acquire Prewriting Skills
4.LA.3.1.1 Generate ideas using prewriting strategies (e.g., writer’s notebook).
4.LA.3.1.2 Generate the main idea.
4.LA.3.1.3 Use organizational strategies appropriate for writing.
4.LA.3.1.4 Select an appropriate writing format for purpose and audience.
4.LA.3.1.5 Plan writing to produce a piece of writing within a set time period.
Goal 3.2: Acquire Skills for Writing a Draft
4.LA.3.2.1 Use ideas generated and organized in prewriting to write a draft that includes a main idea and details.
Goal 3.3: Acquire Skills for Revising a Draft
4.LA.3.3.1 Revise draft for meaning and clarity.
4.LA.3.3.2 Revise draft by adding details to enhance audience understanding.
4.LA.3.3.3 Identify and add transition words to clarify sequence.
4.LA.3.3.4 Rearrange words and sentences as needed to clarify meaning.
4.LA.3.3.5 Use literary models to refine writing style.
4.LA.3.3.6 Use strategies to guide the revision process.
Goal 3.4: Acquire Skills for Editing a Draft
4.LA.3.4.1 Edit the draft using an editing checklist with common editing marks.
Goal 3.5: Acquire Skills to Publish Writing
4.LA.3.5.1 Publish writing in an appropriate format for the purpose and audience.
4.LA.3.5.2 Share writing with intended audience.
Goal 4.2: Acquire Expository (Informational/Research) Writing Skills
4.LA.4.2.1 Write a formal letter and correctly address the envelope. Write simple directions.
4.LA.4.2.2 Write a report with a main idea that includes facts and details about the topic.
Goal 6.1: Acquire Listening Skills
4.LA.6.1.1 Listen critically to distinguish between a speaker’s opinion and verifiable facts.
4.LA.6.1.2 Listen for similarities and differences in various oral presentations.
4.LA.6.1.3 Listen to acquire and summarize information from a variety of sources.
Goal 6.2: Acquire Speaking Skills
4.LA.1.2.3 Identify and use graphic features that support text meaning (e.g., diagrams, maps, charts, illustrations).
4.LA.6.2.1 Ask thoughtful questions and respond orally to relevant questions with appropriate elaboration.
4.LA.6.2.2 Summarize major ideas and supporting evidence presented in oral presentations.
4.LA.6.2.3 Organize oral presentations to maintain a clear focus. 4.LA.6.2.4 Deliver narrative (story) presentations that relate ideas, observations, or memories about and event or experience.
4.LA.6.2.5 Engage the audience with appropriate words, facial expressions, and gestures.
Key Vocabulary
Contribution Achievement
Service Celebrity
Inspiration Recognition
Challenge / Supplementary Materials
In Scott-Foresman Reference books
there is Internet
a writing lesson on Encyclopedia
biographies in Idaho Connections
Unit 6 - lesson 1
Nation Geographic THEME SETS “The Nez Perce”-Biography/Autobiography resource; p. 20-30
List of Notable Idahoans provided
Third Benchmark and Key
SIOP® Features
___ Adaptation of Content
___ Links to Background
___ Links to Past Learning
___ Strategies Incorporated
Integration of Processes
___ Reading
___ Writing
___ Speaking
___ Listening / Scaffolding
___ Modeling
___ Guided Practice
___ Independent Practice
___ Comprehensible Input
___ Hands-on
___ Meaningful
___ Linked to objectives
___ Promotes Engagement / Grouping Options
___ Whole Class
___ Small Groups
___ Partners
___ Independent
___ Individual
___ Group
___ Written
___ Oral
Lesson Sequence
GO: See content and language objectives at top of lesson plan.
APK: review the “Big Question” -. How can government solve problems and facilitate civil harmony?Point out to the students that a democratic government creates freedom for its citizens to experiment, think, act, and solve problems, which often can lead to greater civil harmony. Ask the students if they can think of individuals who have made contributions to our society that have improved their lives or the lives of others.
(Teacher may choose to give an example of a notable Idahoan whom they admire.)
NI: Students will choose someone from the following list(or other source) to research and write about in a report.Notable People from Idaho who made significant contributions. (George Shoup, Frank Church, Philo T. Farnsworth, J.R. Simplot, Harmon Killebrew, Joe Albertson, Carole Farley, May Arkwright, Emma Yearian, Barbara Morgan, Moses Alexander, Governor Frank Steuenberg, Father DeSmet, Eliza Spalding, Jason Lee, David Thompson, John Jacob Astor, Wilbur Bassett, George Washington Blackman, Captain Benjamin Bonneville, Gutzon Borglum, Jim Bridger, Chief Joseph, Pierre Dorion, Emma Edwards, George Grimes, Andrew Henry, Wilson Price Hunt, Donald Mackenzie, Reverend Samuel Parker, Captain Elias Pierce, Father Nicholas Point, Narcissa Prentiss, Asa and Sarah Smith, Henry Spalding, Colonel Edward Steptoe, Picabo Street, Marcus Whitman)
Teacher: Make a transparency of the alphabetized list of the Notable People from Idaho (in the “Notable People” folder).Students may choose/be assigned the individual they will research. The teacher could check off the “notable person” that has been spoken for, or put the initials/name of the student who has picked that person. This would prevent others from choosing the same individual and reduce confusion while providing a record for the teacher.
Use a rubric to grade their report. Students will read their reports to the class while they take notes on the enclosed paper.
Use note-taking template in folder to hold students accountable for listening and learning. Collect these for assessment, if desired. (See attached)
Teacher may also choose to use materials from A Rendezvous with Idaho History – Student (yellow) Workbook, p. 125 - 133
APP: Students will write a paragraph about how they might make a future contribution to Idaho, our nation, or our world.
GEN: Students will think of national figures who have made major contributions
HW: Students to share what they learned about their chosen individual with a family member, friend, or neighbor and have them sign a paper that they learned something new from the student’s report. (Use “Home Notes” assignment sheet for accountability.)
As a follow-up, play classroom “Charades” Cut Notable Idahoans sheet. Fold names and put slips of paper into a basket. Students draw a name and act out clues to get classmates to try to guess which Notable Idahoan they are portraying.
Notable Idahoans / (Student Name)
Joe Albertson
Moses Alexander
May Arkwright
Jacob Astor John
Wilbur Bassett
Washington Blackman George
Benjamin Bonneville Captain
Gutzon Borglum
Jim Bridger
Frank Church
Father DeSmet
Pierre Dorion
Stacy Dragila
Emma Edwards
Carole Farley
Philo T Farnsworth.
George Grimes
Andrew Henry
Wilson Price Hunt
Chief Joseph
Harmon Killebrew
Jason Lee
Donald Mackenzie
Barbara Morgan
Samuel Parker Reverend
Elias Pierce Captain
Narcissa Prentiss
George Shoup
Asa and Sarah Smith
Eliza Spalding
Henry Spalding
Colonel Edward Steptoe
Governor Frank Steuenberg
Picabo Street
David Thompson
Marcus Whitman
Emma Yearian


How have individuals

from Idaho contributed to society?


Complete Name of Notable Person/ and any Aliases
Famous / Known for:
Date of Birth / Death
(Idaho) Location of Birth/Death
Location in Idaho that the person is associated with
Education/ Preparation for career
Family (notes)
Interesting Fact or Story about person
If you had an opportunity to ask this person a question (today), what would you ask?
Other notes you want to make:

Notable People in Idaho
