Please send to the District Attendance Officer monthly.

Ensure attendance reports are sent by the 15th of the next month (allows 2 weeks for make-ups for lastl meeting of the month). Please send a report, even if late. Preferably obtain an electronic template from the District Website and email the completed report to

Alternatively,copy this page each month, or print from the District Website oryou can also obtain a copy from the District Attendance Officer, Helen Kite.

Phone: 8356 2053 - Mobile: 0414 719 407 - E:

Please include the following information:

Name of Club:
Name of Club Attendance Officer:
Email of Club Attendance Officer:
Number of Members inducted during month:
Name and Address of new members: (attach list if required)
Number of members leaving in month:(Please provide Name, Year Joined and Reason)
Total Active Members at end of month(exclude only Honorary Members):
Number of meetings held:
Reasons for any cancelled meetings:
Average Attendance % for month to 1 decimal (As per formula below) / (D)

Calculation Formula for Attendance each Week:-

Total Club Members (excl. Honorary and absent Excused ‘85’): / (A)
Number of Members present incl. Excused ‘85’(excl Honorary) / (B1)
All Make-ups received for the week (covering this &/or previous weeks): / (B2)
Total Attendance B1 +B2 / (B)
Attendance percentage calculation B x 100 / A / % / (C)

Following the 2010 Council of Legislation, Excused ‘85’ members (over 65) are now counted if they attend, but not counted if they are away.

Add percentage at C for each week of the month together and divide by the number of weeks and enter figure at D above

Spreadsheet available from the District Website


Please send to the District Attendance Officer monthly.

Ensure attendance reports are sent by the 15th of the next month (allows 2 weeks for make-ups for lastl meeting of the month). Please send a report, even if late. Preferably obtain an electronic template from the District Website and email the completed report to

Alternatively,copy this page each month, or print from the District Website oryou can also obtain a copy from the District Attendance Officer, Helen Kite.

Phone: 8356 2053 - Mobile: 0414 719 407 - E:

Please include the following information:

Name of Club:
Name of Club Attendance Officer:
Email of Club Attendance Officer:
Number of Members inducted during month:
Name and Address of new members: (attach list if required)
Number of members leaving in month:(Please provide Name, Year Joined and Reason)
Total Active Members at end of month(exclude only Honorary Members):
Number of meetings held:
Reasons for any cancelled meetings:
Average Attendance % for month to 1 decimal (As per formula below) / (D)

Calculation Formula for Attendance each Week:-

Total Club Members (excl. Honorary and absent Excused ‘85’): / (A)
Number of Members present incl. Excused ‘85’(excl Honorary) / (B1)
All Make-ups received for the week (covering this &/or previous weeks): / (B2)
Total Attendance B1 +B2 / (B)
Attendance percentage calculation B x 100 / A / % / (C)

Following the 2010 Council of Legislation, Excused ‘85’ members (over 65) are now counted if they attend, but not counted if they are away.

Add percentage at C for each week of the month together and divide by the number of weeks and enter figure at D above

Spreadsheet available from the District Website