Minutes of a meeting of the Executive Board held at 11.30am on 12 December 2003 at the University of London Union, Malet Street, London

Attendance: Lenny Barry Chairman

Nigel Mayglothling Senior Vice Chair

Neil Walker Senior Vice Chair

Tiger De Souza Student Vice Chair

Dan Feist Student Vice Chair

Ben Shenton Student Vice Chair

Toby Boon London (alternate)

Libby Payne Midlands

Rachel Washington North East (alternate)

Lindsey Booth North West (alternate)

Neil Gray Scotland

Kirsty Williams South East

Ed Blockley South West

Mike Harding Wales

Stewart Ross Non Student England

Niall Sturrock Non Student Scotland

Ian Campbell Non Student Wales

Phil Attwell Chairman National Competition Sport Committee

G. Gregory-Jones Chief Executive

Jim Ellis Sports Administration Manager

Dave Rogers Finance and Office Manager

Apologies: Jim Brown Trustee

Sir Maurice Shock Trustee

Bill Slater Trustee

Al MacEwen Honorary Treasurer

Trish McFarland Non Student Northern Ireland

Catherine Marston Universities UK

Malcolm Brown Chairman International Sport Committee

Zena Wooldridge Universities & College Sport

Dan Hamilton South Central

E03/52: Minutes


That the minutes of the meeting held on Friday 24 October 2003 be signed as a true record of the proceedings.

E03/53: Matters Arising

a)  HE Strategy on Sport (E03/44 - 6 October i)

A paper commenting upon the Government Strategy for Sport in relation to the higher education sector had been circulated. Members addressed various issues viz:-

i)  Role of Athletic Unions and Directors of Sport vis a vis increased participation.

ii)  Need for BUSA to secure partnerships with National Governing Bodies of Sport.

iii)  Need for BUSA to secure UK Sport funding for World University Championship in addition to that received for World University Games.

iv)  Problem of limited facilities restricting increased participation.

v)  Insularity of University sport and need for greater co-operation with schools and community, to increase awareness and value.

Members were informed of the Scottish initiative whereby a Working Party of SUSF, SUPEA and sportscotland had been established to consider development of University sport.

It was agreed that Divisional officers should seek to meet with UCS Regional Officers to discuss Divisional / Regional strategy, following which a joint approach should be made to Sport England Regional Board. Such action was deemed essential if HE was to influence decision making within the region.

Further comments on the circulated paper and views on regional co-operation were to be e-mailed to the BUSA Office following which a briefing paper for meetings with Sport England Regional Boards would be distributed.

b)  World University Games Brochure and Poster (E03/45 iv)

It was noted that a further edition of the World University Games poster along with a full colour brochure would be circulated in near future.

E03/54: Finance

a)  Annual Accounts

The annual accounts for the year ending 31 July 2003 had been circulated. Members were reminded that Management accounts for the period had been accepted at the previous meeting. It was once again noted that transfers from reserves at year end were significantly less than originally budgeted.


That the Annual Report and Financial Statement for the year ending 31 July 2003 be approved for onward presentation to General Council.

b)  Management Accounts

The management accounts, with accompanying notes, for the period ending 31 October 2003 had been circulated. Members noted that the Daily Telegraph had re-signed as an Associate Sponsor for a further three year period and PricewaterhouseCoopers were ongoing for a further year.

The issue of staff previously identified as funded from sponsorship but had now been shown as core was raised, as it had been at May Executive. The management accounts were to show the detailed expenditure, and Finance and House Committee could offer a formal policy change should they wish to do so.


That the Management Accounts for the period ending 31 October 2003 be noted.

c)  Finance and House Committee

The minutes of the 30 October 2003 meeting of the Finance and House Committee had been circulated and various issues were addressed viz:-

i)  Online entry system (03/78 a) discussions on which were ongoing.

ii)  Appointment of a part time SUSF administrator (03/78 c ii) based at Strathclyde University funded from a SUSF subvention.

iii)  Vacancy for Scottish Development Officer (03/78 c iii) pending review of the post.

iv)  Suspension from membership of UW Lampeter (03/81 c) as a consequence of outstanding affiliation fee.

v)  Recommendation to bring forward payment date for affiliation fees (03/81 d ii) to 30 September rather than 31 October; a constitution change which, if agreed, would be referred to the Constitution Working Party. Significant concern was expressed that the earlier date could cause greater problems particularly where non-sabbatical officers were involved.

Members recommended that Finance and House Committee be asked to consider system whereby payment after due date would be subject to financial penalty, rather than implementation of an earlier payment date. This would address the issues for the errant minority whilst having no adverse effect on the compliant majority.

It was agreed that accountability in respect of payment of invoices should be given greater emphasis at annual training conference.

vi)  Data capture (03/88 ii), a paper recommending policy adoption had been circulated, Concern was expressed that members might avoid the website if they perceived data capture was required, albeit such capture would be voluntary. Other issues raised include cost, benefit to members, benefit to Association, success of similar sites eg NUS, procedure for registration and likely sale of data.

It was agreed that the proposal should be developed for discussion at Divisional meetings following which the matter would be reconsidered, as data capture could be of significant value to the Association.

E03/55: Officer Group Meetings

The Minutes of the 17 October, 21 November and 1 December 2003 meetings of the Officer Group had been circulated and were introduced by the Student Vice Chairs. The attention of members was directed to particular issues viz:-

a)  17 October

i)  Nomination of FISU delegates - decisions on which would be taken at forthcoming FISU Executive Board meeting.

b)  21 November

i)  10th Anniversary Celebrations - confirmation of the events which were planned. Members acknowledged a responsibility to actively promote the events within Divisions.

c)  1 December

i)  Equal Opportunities network – it was acknowledged that the Association should secure a policy on various aspects of equal opportunities. The Student Vice Chair (TdS) would lead a Working Group to consider and report on the issues.

ii)  Website advertising – a separate paper on the policy for website advertising had been circulated. It was agreed that the issues identified in respect of style and content of advertising were the policy which would be pursued by the Association. Concern was expressed however over the possibility of advertisements associated with gambling and it was agreed that the matter should be referred to Divisional meetings for further consideration.

E03/56: International Sport Committee

a)  The Minutes of the 31 October 2003 meeting of the International Sport Committee had been circulated and in the absence of the Chair of that Committee, were introduced by the Senior Vice Chair (NW). Particular issues were highlighted viz:-

i)  Reports from Team Managers – some of which contained less information than expected or requested. Failure to produce appropriate reports would be a factor considered in any re-appointment of candidates to Team Manager posts.

ii)  Appointment of officials – Iain Moir, Simon Till and Laura Hanna had been appointed Chef de Mission, Cheif Medical Officer and Chief Physiotherapist respectively.

iii)  Issues surrounding behaviour within the delegation should be consider as part of the contracts for athletes and officials.

iv)  2004 World University Championships – list of sports sanctioned for attendance at 2004 Championships.

v)  EUSA Championships – the request for greater BUSA Office involvement in administration of attendance at EUSA Championships by individual institutions was not supported due to staff resource limitations.


That the minutes of the 31 October 2003 meeting of the International Sport Committee be noted and action taken thereon endorsed.

b)  A paper detailing the proposed policy governing the selection of sports for attendance at World University Games and World University Championships had been circulated. It was confirmed that prime criteria for attendance at such events was medal potential and performance rather than being a major participation sport within BUSA.


That the policy for selection of sports to attend World University Games and World University Championships be as detailed in appendix 1 hereto.

E03/57: National Competition Sport Committee

The Minutes of the 14 November 2003 meeting of the National Competition Sport Committee had been circulated and were introduced by the Chair of that Committee. Specific issues were identified viz:-

a)  Amendment to rules governing progress to Cricket Championship knockout rounds.

b)  Decision not to proceed to Rugby Union National Premier League following consultation with Premier League institutions.

c)  Postponement of review of domestic championship pending completion of review of domestic representative sport and consideration of the integrated league proposals. Though it was recognised that changes had to be subject to post implementation review to enable validation of the effects and benefits of the change.

d)  Increased timescale required for thorough review of the domestic representative programme and composition of review group.

e)  Potential for Northern Ireland Universities to compete in winter league sports which would be their entitlement as full members of the Association.

f)  Proposals for the introduction of integrated leagues across the Conference based team championships, for which an updated report was circulated. Members noted the response from Divisional consultations which were, by a majority, in favour of integrated leagues on a sport by sport basis but with first teams only being able to progress to the Championship knock out rounds.


a)  That the minutes of the 14 November 2003 meeting of the National Competition Sport Committee be noted and action taken thereon endorsed.

b)  That integrated leagues be adopted for the Conference team championships based on a sports specific implementation and proviso that only first teams be eligible to compete in the Premier Leagues (or the highest appropriate league) and Championship knockout rounds.

E03/58: Member Services Committee

The Minutes of the 17 November 2003 meeting of the Member Services Committee had been circulated and were introduced by the Chair of that Committee. Members were advised that project leaders had been appointed to all projects identified in the business plan and progress was being effected.


That the minutes of the 17 November 2003 meeting of the Member Services Committee be noted and action taken thereon endorsed.

E03/59: Disciplinary Committee

The Minutes of the 7 November 2003 meeting of the Disciplinary Committee had been circulated for information. It was explained that full minutes of the meeting were being presented for the first time to aid the production of transparent case law.


That the minutes of the 7 November 2003 meeting of the Disciplinary Committee be noted.

E03/60: Business Plan

A paper detailing the 2003 – 04 Business Plan, updated with action since previous Executive Board meeting, had been circulated.

In response to a question Student Vice Chair (TdS) advised that Training Conference Programme had not been circulated for consultation with Executive, as initially suggested in Business Plan. Progress on Conference was such that programme was well advanced and final version would be circulated to Executive Board for information, at March meeting.

E03/61: Divisional Meetings

Reports from Divisional meetings had been circulated and matters referred to Executive Board were noted viz:-

a)  London – 6 November 2003

Gave approval to proposed changes to constitution

b)  Midlands – 20 October 2003

Election process taken as separate Executive Board agenda item

c)  North East – 10 November 2003

Entries and withdrawals referred to National Committee

d)  Scotland – 21 November 2003

Problem with web pages referred to BUSA office

e)  South East – 21 November 2003

A paper on Officer accountability was circulated. Following discussion members agreed that circulation of the Officer Group minutes and Officer element of the Business Plan was sufficient to ensure Officer accountability.

E03/62: Election Procedure

A proposal concerning the election of the student representative to International Committee had been circulated. The proposal from the Midlands Division recommended that the appointment be made “by” the Executive Board and not, as currently, “from” the Executive Board. Members considered the relative merits of both options and were undecided as to which provided best practice. It was agreed that if the Division wished to take pursue amendment to the present Standing Orders a recommendation should be submitted for discussion at General Council.

On the general issue of election to Committees it was agreed that in future all nominations should be submitted in typed script on a standard nomination form. Curriculum Vitaes whether as independent documents or as appendices to the nomination form would not be circulated.

E03/63: Constitution

A revised version of the proposed constitution had been circulated. The Senior Vice Chair (NW) reported on the dearth of feedback from Divisions following the consultation exercise. The few comments which had been received had been incorporated into the revised draft. Members offered comments on certain issues viz:-

a)  Need to expand the aims and objectives to encompass current Association activities. Suggested wording “to pursue other appropriate activities for the benefit of the membership.”

b)  Need to reflect that sport between members could be other than competitive championships thus aims to read “Sporting activities between members”.

c)  Concern over removal of voting rights for Universities UK.

d)  Agreement that the nomenclature in use for Vice Chairs should be amended such that they were shown to be equal status rather than an implied “senior” over a “student”. It was emphasised however that arrangement for non-student and Student Vice Chairs be retained.

e)  Need for constitution to reflect the possibility of re-opening nominations (RON) in Association elections.


That the draft constitution, amended to reflect discussion, be presented to General Council for approval.