1. The teachers name must appear on the cover of the attendance book or on top of electronic attendance records.
  1. The top of each attendance record page should include:
  2. The class grade – Elementary buildings
  3. Course Name and Grade Level – Secondary Buildings
  4. Class Hour/Period
  1. If multiple grades are enrolled in one classroom, each student’s grade level should be noted. In Elementary if you have a split level class; indicating which student is in which grade would be appreciated.
  1. Months and dates in attendance book should be filled out completely.
  1. Print students in alpha order (Only students Legal Names may be used)
  1. Never blacken out, white out, or completely cross out the name of a student dropped. An exited students’ record must be able to be read.
  1. Add new students to the bottom of the alpha list – showing date of enrollment on the attendance record
  1. Keep attendance records separate from the other record keeping
  1. Only use the attendance symbols adopted by your district. Be uniform when recording attendance. If attendance symbols are not P, A or T then you must have a symbols key to identify what your symbols mean.
  1. Keep attendance on the same line as the student’s name
  1. Record attendance only on days that school is in session. (On snow days, teacher conference days, etc. write no class or snow on these days to avoid confusion.) If there is no school, note on your attendance records why; teachers can hand write why there was no school.
  1. Official add/drop dates must be entered into student’s attendance record
  1. Enter transfer from (teacher’s name), transfer to (teachers name) information into student’s attendance record
  1. If a teacher has classes in more than one building, the teacher should have a separate book for each building
  1. Computer generated attendance must be printed and signed by the teacher on a weekly basis. Signed originals should be provided to the auditor for athree week count period. The signed and printed originals must be kept on file within the district/ in pupil accounting notebooks
  1. Attendance must be taken for each and every student. (Elementary buildings must take attendance in the AM and PM; Secondary buildings must take attendance on an hourly basis) Don’t forget attendance is needed for students in work-base education and CTC (work-base education is a time sheet or form on web and CTC is the attendance that is sent to each district in the AM and PM)
  1. All attendance books are the property of the school district. Attendance books should never leave the school building except in case of a fire
  1. Block schedule classes scheduled for more than one class period, must keep attendance for each class period.