Detailed Report on Parramatta’s Residential Development Strategy, draft Local Environmental Plan 2008 and draft Development Control Plan 2008.
A new draft local environmental plan (LEP) and new draft development controls have been prepared affecting all land in the Parramatta local government area (LGA) (except the Parramatta City Centre) following the review of the Residential Development Strategy (RDS).
This attachment is formatted as follows:
*Section 2.0: the context for the preparation of the new controls;
*Section 3.0: the RDS as the basis for the new controls including changes to the housing strategies adopted by Council on 30 November 2006;
*Section 4.0: the creation of the new controls through the conversion of Parramatta Local Environmental Plan (PLEP) 2001, Parramatta Heritage & Conservation Local Environmental Plan (Heritage LEP)1996 and Sydney Regional Environment Plan No. 28 – Parramatta (SREP 28) to the NSW State government’s LEP Standard Instrument Template. This section also describes consistency of the new controls with relevant statutory provisions, zoning anomalies, Council owned property, the mapping template, land acquisition, heritage items and archaeological and aboriginal sites, sex services premises, exempt and complying development, flooding, lanes and links incentive clause and strata schemes for residential flat buildings;
*Section 5.0: the creation of new controls through the consolidation of Council’s six DCP’s into one DCP, and the changes to the controls within PDCP 2005 reflecting the strategies outlined in draft RDS 2006 and zoning proposals in draft PLEP 2008. This section also describes the consistency of the new controls with State Environmental Planning Policy (SEPP) No. 65 and the draft PLEP 2008, the inclusion of the Masterplan sites in the DCP and the new Child Care Centres DCP;
*Section 6.0: improvements to the public realm and provision and upgrade of urban infrastructure to support new development as a result of the new controls;
*Section 7.0: the process involved in getting a section 65 certificate from the Director-General to allow an exhibition of the new controls, and issues relating to the exhibition of the controls proposed to be held later this year; and
*Section 8.0: the timeline for finalisation and gazettal of the new controls.
2.1Council’s RDS has undergone a review and the strategies and directions in the RDS are the basis for a new draft LEP and new development controls affecting all land in the Parramatta local government area (LGA) (except the Parramatta City Centre). The draft local environmental plan was prepared in accordance with the NSW State government’s standardised LEP template format and is referred to as draft Parramatta Local Environmental Plan (PLEP) 2008 (attachment 2). Development controls supporting PLEP 2008 are contained in a revised and consolidated development control plan and is referred to asdraft Parramatta Development Control Plan (PDCP) 2008 (attachment 3).
2.2The basis for the RDS is a concentrated approach to growth around centres that can best support additional residents. Typically, these areas are close to public transport, shops and community facilities. By focusing housing growth in these places, other areas can remain low density or be downzoned as low density housing areas. This more sustainable approach to managing population growth is in contrast to Council’s previous RDS prepared in 1998 which represented a ‘dispersed growth’ approach. The dispersed growth approach led to concern being expressed by the community and Council about the location and intensity of higher density housing in Parramatta and is one of the reasons for reviewing the RDS.
2.3Another reason for reviewing the RDS is the NSW State government’s Sydney Metropolitan Strategy which requires Parramatta City Council (PCC) to accommodate a share of Sydney’s future residential growth. Parramatta’s revised RDS determines the level of growth that is sustainable and reasonable for the LGA and will inform the sub-regional planning processfor the Central West region which includes Auburn, Blacktown, Fairfield, Holroyd and Parramatta Council areas.
2.4Parramatta Twenty25 is an important part of Parramatta’s long term strategic planning. The plan seeks to create liveable and distinctive neighbourhoods, increased environmental awareness and protection, and social and economic growth and well-being. The RDS will play a key role in contributing towards the delivery of many of the outcomes or ‘destinations’ envisaged by Parramatta Twenty25 by influencing population distribution, accessibility, environmental quality, travel patterns, transport choices, residential quality and the look and feel of residential areas.
3.1RDS process
3.1.1The RDS process undertaken by Council to form the basis for a new draft LEP and draft DCP affecting all land in the Parramatta LGA is briefly described as follows:
*Stage 1 of the RDS review involved community consultation focused on a discussion paper and survey relating to housing issues and infrastructure. Following significant community interest, with approximately 8,500 survey responses, Council identified twenty-one study areas for further investigation of their potential to accommodate housing and population increases.
*The study areas formed the basis for Stage 2 of the RDS review and were based on analysis and mapping of constraints and opportunities. Council sought feedback on this Stage 2 work in a public exhibition, with approximately 1,400 responses received. This included submissions from NSWState government authorities and other stakeholders and approximately 41 requests for rezonings.
*The results of the Stage 1 and 2 exhibitions were considered in Stage 3, together with the informing studies relating to demographics, housing markets, traffic, economic, industrial, urban design and retail analysis. This led to a refinement of the study area boundaries and more detailed proposals for these areas. Some of the study areas were also deferred for future consideration for increased housing opportunities.
*Stage 4 of the RDS involved presentation of the draft RDS to Council for endorsement on 30 November 2006, and following from this, presentation of specific LEP and DCP controls. Following Council endorsement, the new controls will be publicly exhibited for community comment and this will form Stage 5 of the RDS process. Stage 6 involves finalisation of the planning controls for submission to the Department of Planning (DoP) for gazettal.
3.1.2Ongoing Councillor consultation has occurred throughout the review of the RDS. To date, twenty one Councillor workshops have been held with fourteen reports to Council at various stages. Council resolved early in the process to adopt the ‘concentrated growth’ philosophy, and then later to proceed with a staged approach to the RDS.
The proposed planning provisions outlined in this report and the attachments may not incorporate all Councillor preferencesexpressed during the various workshops, but represent the consideration of these preferences by staff and their professional recommendations.
3.1.3An internal working group of staff representatives from various units of Council has been involved during the review process.
3.2Changes to the RDS housing proposals
3.2.1The draft RDS 2006 endorsed by Council on 30 November 2006 identified eight housing strategies. Following further work and refinement with Councillors and public authorities, some changes to the detail of the eight housing strategies have occurred. A final version of the RDS will be prepared for the Stage 5 public exhibition. The changes to the housing strategies are summarised as follows and are reflected in draft PLEP 2008 and draft PDCP 2008:
Adopted Strategy 1 - RDS study areas that include increased housing density (Parramatta CBD, Epping, Granville, Guildford, Telopea, Collett Park and Dundas)
Changes: Strategy 1 has been broadened to address issues raised by DoP and Department of Housing (DoH), specifically the inclusion of South Granville as an RDS precinct and inclusion of additional areas on the fringe of some RDS precincts. These changes are detailed as follows:
*In response to discussions with the DoH and DoP, it is recommended that South Granville be included as an RDS precinct. Zoning, height and FSR controls have been prepared for the precinct, with DCP controls to be reported to Council for consideration in July 2007 prior to the exhibition (Recommendation 7 (c)). It is also recommended to ensure long term sustainable delivery of housing opportunities in South Granville that Council enter into a Memorandum of Understanding with the DoH(Recommendation 5). This is discussed in more detail in section 4.2.2 under the heading “Consistency with relevant statutory provisions”.
*Inclusion of additional areas on the fringe of the housing focus area for Epping, Telopea and Dundas to retain some of the existing medium and high density zones (refer to attachment 4 draft PLEP 2008 land zoning map);
Adopted Strategy 2 - RDS study areas where no change is proposed to existing allowable housing density (Toongabbie and Wentworthville)
Changes: none
Adopted Strategy 3 - Sites or precincts outside RDS study areas where potential increased housing opportunities have been identified (Morton Street precinct, Channel 7 site in Epping and No. 2A Gregory Place, Harris Park);
Changes: Morton Street precinct within Strategy 3 deferred in response to issues raised by the Central Parramatta Planning Committee (CPPC). There is also a proposed upzoning of properties adjacent to the Channel 7 in site response to issues raised by DoH. These changes are detailed as follows:
*Following consideration by the CPPC on 3 May 2007, the Morton Street precincthas been deferred for consideration of planning controls until an independent urban design review of the site has been carried out. This is discussed in more detail in section 4.4.4 under the heading “Council owned property”.
*Upzone properties adjacent to the Channel 7 site in Epping bounded by Mobbs Lane, Edenlee Street, Chelmsford Avenue and the Channel 7 site (refer to attachment 4 draft PLEP 2008 land zoning map).
Adopted Strategy 4 - Areas outside RDS study areas that will retain medium and high density housing opportunities (parts of South Parramatta, North Parramatta and Harris Park);
Changes: Strategy 4 has been broadened to address issues raised by DoP and in response to further analysis, with some areas proposed to be upzoned and downzoned and other areas to retain existing zonings. These changes are detailed as follows:
*It is recommended that the South Parramatta area between Lansdowne Street and Boundary Street retain some opportunities for medium and high density housing and also allow for some low density housing (refer to attachment 4 draft PLEP 2008 land zoning map). The proposed zonings reflect the proximity of the area to the Parramatta City Centre and high density housing within Holroyd Council, the heritage conservation area and local flooding characteristics. Under PLEP2001, the style of housing encouraged in this area is a terraced form. Notwithstanding this, there has been minimal take-up of the terrace housing provisions under PLEP 2001 and terrace housing does not exist as a separate defined use within the LEP standard template.
*It is recommended that the area between the Collett Park precinct and the Morton Street precinct retain some opportunities for medium and high density housing and also allow for some low density housing. The proposed zonings reflect the proximity of the area to the University of Western Sydney, the Collett Park precinct, Morton Street precinct and Parramatta City Centre. The proposed zonings respond to existing development and street patterns, lots sizes and protection of heritage (refer to attachment 4 draft PLEP 2008 land zoning map).
*It is recommended that the existing medium and high density zonings be retained in the area of Bowden Street, Harris Park on the northern side of the M4 motorway (refer to attachment 4 draft PLEP 2008 land zoning map).
Adopted Strategy 5 - RDS study areas that are deferred for future consideration of increased housing opportunities (Merrylands, Westmead, Carlingford, Northmead, Wentworthville North, Old Toongabbie, Winston Hills, Ermington, Rydalmere East, North Parramatta and Pendle Hill);
Changes: Strategy 5 amended to retain areas zoned for high density housing in some deferred RDS precincts, with a Memorandum of Understanding proposed to address issues raised by DoP in relation to the deferring of areas. These changes are detailed as follows:
*In response to issues raised by the DoP, retain areas currently zoned to allow high density housing within the Merrylands, Carlingford and North Parramatta deferred RDS precincts (refer to attachment 4 draft PLEP 2008 land zoning map).
*It is recommended Council enter into a Memorandum of Understanding with the DoP to deliver increased housing densities relating to the “deferred areas” within the timeframes identified in Council’s RDS dated 30 November 2006. The purpose of the Memorandum of Understanding is to commit Council to meeting the timeframes for continuing work on deferred areas as identified in the adopted RDS. This is discussed in section 4.2 under the heading “Consistency with relevant statutory provisions”(Recommendation 4).
Adopted Strategy 6 - Areas outside RDS study areas to allow only low density housing (all residential areas not described in other Strategies);
Changes: Strategy 6 amended to reflect changes in other strategies as detailed above. It is noted that there was some discussion at the last Councillor workshop in March 2007 about whether to retain the medium density zones for properties along Carlingford Road. Retaining medium density zones outside RDS precincts is inconsistent with the broader philosophy of the RDS of maintaining and encouraging density within areas that can better support new residents. The amount of additional housing achieved by including these areas in a medium density zone would be minimal. Draft PLEP 2008 land zoning maps (attachment 4) show properties along Carlingford Road being downzoned to Residential R2.
Adopted Strategy 7 - Areas outside RDS study areas for future review of housing potential (Woodville Rd mixed use zone).
Changes: none, properties zoned Mixed Use 10 will be downzoned to Residential R2 and it is intended to review the zones and planning controls for this area after completion of the current stages of the RDS. This reflects the legacy of development consents issued under PLEP 2001, and the uncertainties about the future character of the road specifically whether the development consents issued for mixed use developments will be built before the expiration of the development application. It also reflects the issue of whether residential development is an appropriate use along main roads due to potential health impacts from air pollution. Not increasing residential density along main roads is consistent with the zoning proposals for other main roads in the LGA including Parramatta Road. Draft PLEP 2008 land zoning maps (attachment 4) show properties along Woodville Road being downzoned to Residential R2.
Adopted Strategy 8 - Rezoning submissions.
Changes: none, however, recommendations on rezonings included on zoning maps.
4.1Conversion of Parramatta LEP 2001, Heritage LEP 1996 and SREP 28 to the LEP Standard Instrument Template
Why Council hasprepared draft PLEP 2008:
The State Government’s Standard Instrument (Local Environmental Plans) Order 2006 is often referred to as the LEP template or standard instrument template. The LEP template is part of the DoP’s planning reform agenda and provides a standard format for all LEPs in NSW. By standardising the format and principal content of LEPs it is hoped to reduce the timeframes for creating, processing and amending LEPs and simplify the complexity of the planning system in NSW.
Each council has been given a time limit by which to convert its existing LEPs into the new template format. PCC was given a three year time period starting in March 2006 in which to comply.
How draft PLEP 2008 has been prepared:
To comply with this State Government requirement, PLEP 2001, SREP 28, and the Heritage LEP1996have been consolidated into a single planning instrument, draft PLEP 2008. Three workshops have been held with Councillors over the past year to discuss this process.
The conversion of these instruments into the LEP template format has predominantly been an administrative exercise of translating the existing controls into the standardised format on a ‘like for like’ basis, rather a comprehensive review of planning policy. The major exception to this is the incorporation of the outcomes of the RDS review, involving rezoning proposals for residential land to allow different housing forms at increased housing density in some areas and lower housing density in other areas. There has also been a review of Heritage listed properties which resulted in Council adopting proposed changes to heritage listed properties, which are also incorporated in draft PLEP 2008. Other matters addressed in the preparation of draft PLEP 2008 are outlined in the following section of this report.
Draft PLEP 2008 applies to all areas of the Parramatta LGA other than the Parramatta City Centre, which has been the subject of a separate process led by the DoP’s Cities Taskforce, to prepare a new LEP for the Parramatta City Centre.