ATSAMeeting Minutes 14 June 2016 APPROVED 29 Oct 2016

Meeting called to order by President Andy Fulks.

Roll call: Laurie Ball-Gisch, Andy Fulks, Gale Johnson, Staci Holtby, Heather Carter

Old business

No new meeting minutes for approval.

Vote results from recent ballot on 501c status. Staci Holtby gave the results of the recent ballots. 12 eligible Yes Votes. There were ballots not counted due to late postmarks and not eligible for voting privileges at this time. There were not any NO votes. The association presently has 14 voting members. The 501c3 bylaw changes pass by majority of the membership Yes votes.

Flockbook stand-alone publication report was given by Heather Carter. Most of the Flockbook is finished. Publication is behind time schedule. Laurie Ball-Gisch offered to help with articles if that would be helpful.

Livestock Conservancy report given for by Laurie Ball-Gisch. Inquiry was sent to the Livestock Conservancy via email, no response has been received to date.

Livestock Genetic Bank report given by Laurie Ball-Gisch. Laurie has not had an opportunity to speak with them yet. They may not be interested in the ATSA as we are an upgrade program. The question was posed if we should attempt to re-start a conversation with them as Teeswater sheep are a threatened and endangered species unable to enter US borders at this time. Laurie will continue to work on this.

A Bill of Sale form was posted to the website, by Heather Carter. Question posed as to whether we want to make this form a requirement for processing transfers. Currently this is not a requirement. It is a form to help breeders.

Policy for Foundation Sires attached to the meeting agenda. Ready to be posted on the website.

Accepted Teeswater Registries: TSSNA, ATSA only. The website will be updated to reflect this information per Heather Carter.

Phenotypical inspection/evaluation initiatives. Heather Carter voiced that membership involvement would be very helpful with this process. Invitation will be sent out to members to draft recommendation for the board to review. Heather will go ahead and move this item forward.

Registrars report by Heather Carter. Exact numbers not available at the time of this meeting. There have been a couple foundation animals and a couple animal registrations. Otherwise pretty quiet.

New Business

PayPal Payments: The Treasurer (Gale Johnson) requests that parties paying via PayPal put an itemized note/comment as to the exact nature of their payment.

Example: $60 paid

$25 Membership dues

$15 Foundation ewe approval x3 animals

$15 Transfer x3 animals

$5 Registration 1 Animal <1 year old

Certified Letter to Member not accepted. President requested the Secretary to re-send the certified letter. The letter will also be send via email.

Treasurers Report:

Gale Johnson spoke to the 501c3 status. The 501c3 will be applied for. The EIN # has been established. There is a $400 fee for the Form 1023 to the IRS. This will require board approval to move forward (as the amount is in excess of $100).

Heather Carter made a motion to approve $400. 3 in favor, none opposed, motion

passed. The Treasurer will proceed with the Form 1023 to the IRS, which is the

application for501c3.

Gale Johnson noted that that there are no treasurer records prior to 2015 other than a cashier’s check from the previous ATSA Treasurer. Andy Fulks also stated he was unable to reach the prior Treasurer for clarification, as requested by Gale Johnson. In 2015 the ATSA did not have tax deferred status. The current Treasurer does not wish to be personally liable/responsible for the organizations taxes. Gale Johnson has been unable to connect with the previous treasurer to obtain further clarification regarding prior association tax records.

Heather Carter stated that $2520.79 was transferred in to the new bank account 06 October 2015. Now the question arises as to what the ATSA must do regarding taxes on the cashier’s check in the amount of $2520.79 deposited from the prior Treasurer. We do not know if taxes were paid or if the prior Treasurer/BOD treated the funds as a club due to the low dollar volume generated per year. The President, Andy Fulks instructed the Treasurer, Gale Johnson to figure out the details and contact a CPA if necessary. Gale Johnson asked if the board was willing to finance a CPA? The discussion ended with Andy Fulks stating he would contact his CPA and find out the best way to proceed. Heather Carter furnished further tax bracket information. Federal Income tax is 15% for $0-50,000. State and Federal taxes would total approximately $750. Heather Carter requests that we make a decision as to whether the ATSA operates under the assumption taxes were previously paid under the prior Treasurer’s social security number….or ….if we assume taxes were not paid by the prior Treasurer, the ATSA files on the total as gift or income. Heather Carter added further clarification that the IRS rules state that the organization is considered non-profit as of Jan 1 the year in which the application for S-corporation (501c3) status is accepted by the IRS.

The ATSA bank balance as of 4/4/2016 was $3089. 70. Since the last meeting, deposits totaled $343.46. There was a total of 7-membership dues paid and 5-member animal registrations paid.

Gale Johnson will file the associations 2015 taxes. Gale Johnson will also file for 501c3 status.

Does the BOD want to entertain registrations back from the TSSNA, other than as foundation animals?

Heather Carter also addressed the transfer/registration of animals back from the TSSNA. Our bylaws state that transfer/registration is permitted if the animal’s lineage can be traced to the ATSA. This scenario can be accepted without restrictions. Animals without traceable linage will be placed in the recorded category, unless they can prove UK AI. They are subject to the same foundation rules/requirements. Animals of high percentage Teeswater and no recent ATSA ancestors remaining on the pedigree will be penalized. This was not the intention of the Bylaws. We need to further review the current bylaws with regard to this matter. It will probably require a bylaw chance to truncate the bylaw with a policy. It is incumbent on the new owner to prove parentage. Do we want to initiate a conversation with the TSSNA and the ATSA? Currently we will not consider the animal. Do we want to look at the wording and figure out how to do what was intended….to protect the integrity of the animal and not negate the value of an animal in the other registry? Laurie Ball-Gisch suggested we ask for photographs of the animal. Then look at the current requirements, see if the animal meets percentage, Codon 171 RR for foundation breeds or that it was one of their registered foundation rams for the TSSNA rules. Setting the bar there may generate more divisiveness, which defeats the goal of promoting the integrity of the breed. Andy Fulks offered to have a conversation with Kate Lowder, the TSSNA registrar to see where holes are in the pedigrees before we make changes to our bylaws. This item was tabled for now.

Motion made and seconded to accept the following policy:
ATSA adoption of a policy that states "To be eligible for transfer into the ATSA, a UK Section 22 animal, or a US animal registered solely in the UK association that does not have tandem registry in either the ATSA or TSSNA, must meet the following criteria:

1. Be accompanied by a three generation pedigree, - if the last three generations are not from traceable Teeswater lineage, list the foundation animals used to produce the animal and provide the registrations of and foundation animals. Breeds used must be consistent with ATSA or TSSNA guidelines.

2. Have a Codon status of RR for registry or QR for recording, only if born in an approved exemption year.

3. Be accompanied by a signed statement of the original breeder authorizing the animal for registration in the ATSA – the Board will determine proper provenance of the animal on a case by case basis. If it cannot be determined who has the right to so permit registration, the application will be denied.”

Policy outlined above passed with 3 in favor and none opposed.

ATSA sponsored shows around the country. The ATSA will be represented at Black Sheep Gathering with a breed display booth by Shepherd’s Lane of Lebanon Oregon. Shepherd’s Lane also had a breed display booth at the Maryland Sheep and Fiber Show. Heather Carter raised the question of inviting a UK inspector to a ATSA sponsored show next year. No definitive action taken.

Promotion methods for the ATSA. Rack cards of 500 per run can be printed via Vista Print. Heather Carter made a motion to allocate $100 to Vista Print for full colored rack cards. Staci Holtby seconded the motion. 3 were in favor, none were opposed, motion carried. Heather Carter has agreed to take care of this matter as she has access to the file. These will be available to breeders to promote the breed and educate the public.

Newsletter submissions by June 15 publication date July 1. Laurie Ball-Gisch has an article she will send to Staci Holtby for the upcoming newsletter.

UK Teeswater Association and inspection process. Heather Carter had a recent communication from Darrell Pilkington. UK Teeswater council made a determination to only deal directly with interested breeders, not any one association. Mr. Pilkington clarified regarding the color issue, as long as the parents are not colored they don’t track color factor or pay attention to that but gives added information to our membership. Inspectors do not disqualify an animal with color factor. Animals are not barred from participating as long as they do not display a colored coat.

Further gleanings from the conversation between Mr. Pilkington as relayed by Heather Carter: The UK view on the pricing structure in the USA is exorbitant. In the UK the sheep board sets prices in the UK. UK selected/market value is cross bred sires on hill sheep. The process is different in the UK. Teeswater on Cotswold in the UK is not the same as a Teeswater on Cotswold in the USA, even after a 100 years of breeding with Cotswolds. Heather Carter will share more of this insight in the upcoming Newsletter.

Next meeting will be the Annual Membership Meeting at the end of October 2016. Secretary to coordinate schedules.

Meeting adjourned.

Respectfully Submitted,

Staci Holtby

ATSA Secretary