6th grade Errors – Can you spot them and fix them?
Let’s go over these as a group.
Please get out your Common Abbreviations hand-out, and a sheet of paper to take some grammar notes.
1. It’s 98 degrees outside, thousands of people surround me.
2. It gives me a chance to chill have a good time and enjoy my summer with people I know and love.
3. Sports are one of my self-defining passions. On the field and off.
4. Your bunk becomes your family, your with them for a month.
5. Two and a half months is a lot of time to sleep, waking up at six thirty every morning is hard!
6. Unfortunately summer comes to an end and all our adventures and time, and it becomes memories and history TIME, that’s what summer means to me!
7. Sometimes when you have feelings inside you can share them with you’re friends, they’ll probably laugh but that’s just what friends do , it’s how we act but most of the time it’s a joke.
8. In the school I don’t bake often because of homework and my mom has to go grocery shopping, so I only have some times to go on Fridays.
9. Summer is a very important time of the year, it’s a time to kick back relax and do some of you favorite things that you might not be able to do during the year.
10. I hope you enjoyed my photos and description, summer means a lot to me, it’s a time to try new things that I can’t do during the year and I hope you enjoyed them it’s nice to have a little break from school to do cool stuff.
Now try these by yourself. Copy the sentence and then try to correct it. Use the appropriate marks, as indicated in your Common Abbreviations packet. You may add or subtract words, but try not to change the content or tense of the original sentence.
1. From running around in the hot sun, to no school it’s always fun.
2. Summer is the time to relax and chill out, it’s like we are free form jail also known as school.
3. Not talking with my parents, so that I can focus on having fun.
4. Swimming, and reading interesting books full of fun, and action.
5. The sadder thing about summer is I don’t get to see my favorite teacher Ms Richman is kind,funny,smart. And beautiful. I cant wait for school to start. To give her cheezits.
(OK, maybe I made that last one up. Correct it anyway, will ya?!)