In one hand, light can be considered as an electromagnetic radiation characterized by its velocity ( velocity in vacuum is 2.9979 x 10 8 m/s ) its wavelength or frequency .
On the other hand light can be considered as a stream of “particles” called photon , with energy given by
E = h
When white light is passed through a prism, it produces a spectrum which contains all wavelengths.
A spectrum that contains all the wavelengths is called continuous spectrum.
When the hydrogen emission spectrum is passed through a prism, we see only a few lines, each of which corresponds to discrete wavelength. The hydrogen spectrum is called a line spectrum. The line spectrum of hydrogen indicates that only certain energies are allowed for the electron in the hydrogen atom.
In 1913 Niels Bohr proposed that the electron in a hydrogen atom movesaround the nucleus only on certain allowed circular orbits and thus the energy of the electron in the hydrogen atom is quantized. The Bohr model correctly explained the hydrogen spectrum, but failed when it was applied to other atoms.
In 1927 Werner Heisenberg derived the uncertainty principle, which states that it is impossible to know simultaneously both the momentum (mv )and the position of a particle with certainty. Therefore we cannot speak of the orbit of an electron around the nucleus.
In 1926, Ervin Schrodinger advanced the famous wave equation that relates the energy of a system to its wave properties.
H = E
E is the energy of the atom, and (x,y,z) is called the wave function. The Schrodinger equation for the system of one electron and one nucleus can be solved exactly.
The wave function of one electron is called orbital.The square of the orbital () is a direct measure of the probability density of finding the electron in that orbital at any particular point. So it is usually most helpful to picture an orbital as a three-dimensional electron density map. To represent the shape of electron density, it is convenient to use surface of constant probability density. To describe the “size” of an orbital, it is common to use a surface of constant probability density that encloses 90% of the electron density. The region of space in which an electron is most likely to be found can be visualized as the orbital itself. For many-electron atoms, the Schrodinger equation cannot be solved exactly. Nevertheless, with some modification, the hydrogenlike orbitals can account adequately for the electronic structure of many-electron atoms.
Quantum number specification of orbital
Atomic orbital are specified by three orbital quantum numbers:
a) The principal quantum number n. n has integral values 1,2,3....
In a general way, the effective volume of an electron orbital depends on n. As n increases, the orbital becomes larger and the electron spends more time further from the nucleus and the electron is less tightly bound to the nucleus. Orbitals with the same quantum number n are said to belong to the same shell. Each shell has n2 orbitals
b) Theorbital shape quantum number l (also called the angular momentum quantum number). For each value of n, l can have n integral values from 0 to n-1. This quantum number is related to the shape of atomic orbitals. The value of l for a particular orbital is commonly assigned a letter: l = 0 is called s (s-orbital has a spherical shape); l = 1 is called p (p-orbital has two lobes on opposite sides of the nucleus) ; l = 2 is called d (orientation are shown in figure above); l = 3 is called f. Orbitals with the same quantum numbers n and l are said to belong to the same subshell
c) The orbital orientation quantum number ml ( also called magnetic quantum number) For a given value of l, ml can have (2l+1) integral values between l and -l, including zero . Thus we have one orbital ns, three orbitals np, five orbitals nd, seven orbital nf. In general ml determines the orientation of the orbital in space relative to a reference axis which can be an external magnetic field.
Atomic orbitaln / l / orbital designation / ml / number of orbitals
1 / 0 / 1s / 0 / 1
2 / 0 / 2s / 0 / 1
1 / 2p / -1, 0, 1 / 3
3 / 0 / 3s / 0 / 1
1 / 3p / -1, 0 , 1 / 3
2 / 3d / -2, -1, 0, 1, 2 / 5
4 / 0 / 4s / 0 / 1
1 / 4p / -1, 0, 1 / 3
2 / 4d / -2, -1, 0, 1, 2 / 5
3 / 4f / -3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3 / 7
Orbital energy depends on quantum numbers n and l.
In many-electron atom, each electron is shielded from the nucleus by the other electrons. In general energies increase as the quantum number n increases.
Energy levels with the same principal quantum number n are said to belong to a same principal level.
For each principal level there are one or more sublevels, which are s, p, d, f... . Electron on orbital ns can penetrate closer to the nucleus than electron on orbital np, thus s electron has lower energy than p electron.
In general the order is ns< np < nd < nf
Spectral data indicate that electron has a magnetic moment with two possible orientations relative to an external magnetic field. Electron spin quantum number ms has been introduced to describe the two spin states of the electron. Spin quantum number ms can have only one of two values +1/2 and -1/2. The state of the electron is thus specified by four quantum numbers : n, l, ml, and ms.
Pauli principle: In an atom no two electrons can have the same set of four quantum number. Since electrons in the same orbital have the same values of n, l, ml they must have different values of ms. Thus an orbital can only hold two electrons, and they must have opposite spins. Therefore the maximum number of electrons in a sublevel l is twice the number of orbitals in the sublevel, 2 (2l+1). The maximum number of electrons on level n is 2 n2
For atom in the ground state (lowest energy) there are two rules that guide the assignments of electrons to orbitals:
1) At ground state the electrons fill the lowest energy orbitals available.
2) No orbitals can have more than two electrons.
The total number of electrons at any sublevel is shown by a superscript number.
Using these rules we can find the electron configuration of atom at ground state.
Example 1 Find the electron configuration of hydrogen atom .
Hydrogen atom has one electron. This electron will occupy the lowest energy level 1s. So the electron configuration of hydrogen is :
Example 2 Find the electron configuration of helium atom .
Helium has two electrons. Since two electrons with opposit spin can occupy an orbital , both electrons of helium will occupy the level 1s. So the electron configuration of helium is :
1s 2
Example 3 Find the electron configuration of oxygen atom at ground state.
Oxygen atom has 8 electrons. Two electrons will occupy the orbital 1s, two electrons will occupy the the orbital 2s, anf four electrons can occupy the three orbitals 2p. So the electron configuration of oxygen atom should be :
Example 4 . Find the electron configuration of neon
The ten electrons of neon atom will occupy the orbitals 1s, 2s, 2p. The electron configuration of neon will be :
This configuration is very stable
Example 5 Find the electron configuration of sodium.
The first ten electrons occupy the 1s, 2s, 2p orbitals and the eleventh electron must occupy the first orbital with n = 3, the 3s orbital. The electron configuration of sodium is :
To avoid writing the inner level electrons, this configuration is often abbreviated as
[Ne] 3s1, where the [Ne] represents the electron configuration of neon.
There is an important pattern in the way sublevels are filled in different regions of the periodic table. In groups 1A,2A the s sublevels are the highest occupied energy sublevels. The p orbitals are filled in order across groups 3A to 8A. The d orbitals are filled in the B groups ( transition metals) The lanthanides correspond to the filling of the seven 4f orbitals. The actinide series corresponds to the filling of the seven 5f orbitals.
It is important to be able to give the electron configuration knowing the position of the element in the periodic table.
Example 1 Give the electron configuration of sulfur.
Sulfur is element sixteen and resides in period 3, where the 3p orbitals are being filled. Since sulfur belongs to group 4A, and is the fourth among the “3p elements”, it must have four 3p electrons. Its configuration is :
1s22s22p63s23p4 or [Ne] 3s23p4
Example 2 Give the electron configuration of cadmium.
Cadmium is element 48 and is located in period 5 at the end of the 4d transition metals. It is the tenth element in the series and thus has 10 electrons in the 4d orbitals. The configuration is :
1s22s22p63s23p64s23d 10 4p65s24d10 or [Kr] 5s24d10
Valence electrons are defined as electrons in the outermost principal quantum level of an atom. The inner electrons are known as core electrons. The elements in a same group have the same valence electron configuration. So the similar chemistry exhibited by the members of a given group arises from the fact that they all have the same electron configuration. only the principal quantum number of the valence orbitals changes in going down a particular group. The group labels for main-groups 1A, 2A, 3A, 4A, 5A, 6A, 7A, and 8A indicate the total number of valence electrons for atoms in these groups. For example all elements in group 7A have the configuration ns2 np5.
Atomic size
Moving across the table from left to right, the atoms become smaller.
Moving down the table in any group, atoms ordinarily increase in size.
These observations are believed to be the result of three influences:
1) Highest occupied principal energy level
2) Nuclear charge
3) Shielding effect of nucleus charge by inner electrons
Ionization energy.
Ionization energy is the energy required to remove one electron from a neutral gaseous atom.
The ionization energy decreases as the atomic number increases within the group.
As the atomic number increases within a period, the general trend in ionization energy is an increase.
Metals and nonmetals