Water Wastewater Personnel
Quarter 4
October - December
ASRWWA -Leading the Profession in Training Technical Assistance
Atlantic States Rural Water Wastewater Association
1130 Ten Rod Road, Suite D-102
North Kingstown, Rhode Island 02852
Phone: (401) 667-0511 Fax: (401) 667-0522
E-mail: website: www.asrwwa.org
WEDNESDAY ‐ October 30, 2013
‘New Life’, Wallingford, CT
Join us for the 2013 Annual CT Conference Tradeshow
Register on‐line or
Feel Free To Contact Us!
Phone: 401‐667‐0511 Fax: 401‐667‐0522
Leading the Industry in
Training Technical Assistance
Atlantic States Rural Water Wastewater Association is a private non‐profit association with a very simple goal ‐ helping rural water and water systems in Connecticut and Rhode Island.
We provide training on operator certification, rules, operation and maintenance, and financing issues. Our staff also provides a wide range of technical and managerial assistance.
We provide an information network that keeps you in touch with your neighbor's system, regulatory agencies and the legislature, giving you an effective voice in matters that concern you.
In short, the Association is her for and with you on anything from operators' certification to securing a loan. Call, write or email us today!
Atlantic States Rural Water Wastewater Association
1130 Ten Rod Road Suite D‐102
North Kingstown, Rhode Island 02852
Phone: (401) 667‐0511 Fax: (401) 667‐0522
E‐mail: asrwwa.org Website: www.asrwwa.org
Important Training Registration Information
All water operator courses are CT DPH and RI DOH approved for license renewal as noted at the bottom of each page.
CT Operators seeking TCHs for license renewal must attend the entire training session. The CT DPH will not accept partial credit for drinking water operator license renewal.
All wastewater operator courses are CT DEEP approved. Unless otherwise noted, lunch is (usually) NOT provided.
Please Note that a 48 hour cancellation notification is required in order to
receive a refund on prepaid registration fees. Do not be billed as a "no‐show".
Training Credit Definitions:
All Operators:
Water and Wastewater operators running Small Water Systems, Water and
Wastewater Systems, Distribution and/or Collection systems
All Water Operators:
Water Treatment, Distribution and Small Water System Operators
All Wastewater Operators:
Wastewater Treatment and Collections
Distribution Operators:
Water Distribution Operators
Treatment Operators:
Water and Wastewater Treatment Operators
Table of Contents
Date Course Title Page
October 15, 2013 Water & Wastewater Parameters:
pH, ORP, Colorimetry, ISE 6
October 21, 2013 Applied Math for Operators 7
October 23, 2013 Hydraulics - Distribution Review 8
November 04, 2013 Valve Strategies for Energy Savings 9
October 30, 2013 ASRWWA Annual CT Conference & Trade Show 10
‘New Life’, Wallingford, CT
November 06, 2013 Water Treatment - A Review 12
November 13, 2013 Chemical Feed Pump Maintenance 13
November 18, 2013 Applied Math for Operators 14
December 04, 2013 Maintenance of Well Water Systems 15
December 05, 2013 Pipe Disinfection 16
December 09, 2013 Applied Math for Operators 17
Registration Form 18
Water & Wastewater Parameters:
pH, ORP, Colorimetry, ISE
Date / October 15, 2013Location / Hanna Instruments
584 Park E. Dr, Woonsocket, RI
Registration / 8:00am ‐ 8:30am
Course Hours / 8:30am ‐ 3:30pm
Includes free lunch
Designed For / Operators who test pH and Chlorine content in water; operators who engage in conductivity and turbidity testing; operators who use colorimeters; operators who must titrate, in order to find chemical concentrations of analytes
Description / Training includes analytical testing: background and theory; practical applications and hands-on demonstrations, using both portable and laboratory instrumentation. Topics will include: Calibration; pH testing; Chlorine testing; Titration; and Colorimetry
Instructor / Hanna Instruments providing instructors
Credits / 6 TCHs for All Operators
Fee / FREE
Course Number / ASRWWA 1327
Special Notes / Class is free, sponsored by RI SRF
Lunch is provided by Hanna Instruments
Applied Math for Operators
Date / October 21, 2013Location / ASRWWA North Kingstown Office, 1130 Ten Rod Rd
Registration / 8:00am ‐ 8:15am
Course Hours / 8:15am ‐ 3:30pm
Designed For / Operators and maintenance personnel of water, wastewater, distribution and collection systems with a minimum high school (or equivalent) math background, who wish to refresh and add to their knowledge of math associated with the operation of their system.
Description / This course will increase your knowledge of basic math and the math used in the water/wastewater industry, including calculating water head, pressure, filtration rates, horsepower, flow and chemical dosages. The math skills learned will apply to day-to-day operation of the system
and will assist operators seeking to pass the licensing examinations
Instructor / Dominic Nocera, ASRWWA Trainer
Dominic has been with ASRWWA for the last seven years exclusively as a math trainer. He has a Master's Degree
in Economics and Statistics from the University of Connecticut and is an Adjunct Mathematics Professor at the Community College of Rhode island
Credits / 5.5 TCHs for All Operators
Fee / FREE
Course Number / ASRWWA 1328
Special Notes / This class is free, sponsored by RI SRF Time includes breaks and lunch
Hydraulics - Distribution Review
Date / October 23, 2013Location / ASRWWA North Kingstown Office, 1130 Ten Rod Rd
Registration / 8:00-8:15am
Course Hours / 8:15am-3:00pm
Designed For / Operators of Distribution Systems
Description / This course will provide a review of basic and intermediate hydraulics applied in the distribution system. Head/pressure, velocity, flows, head loss, detention times, pumps, horsepower requirements, electricity calculations. This is a review - attendees should bring questions for discussion.
Instructor / Ernest Coppock, an ASRWWA Training Specialist, with over three decades of Water System experience in CT
Credits / 6 TCHs for Distribution Operators
Fee / FREE
Course Number / 1329
Special Notes / Sponsored by RI SRF funding and is provided free of charge.
Time will include two 15 minute breaks; and, a 45 minute lunch break (there are opportunities for take-out in the immediate area)
Valve Strategies for Energy Savings
Date / November 04, 2013Location / Groton, CT
Registration / 7:45am - 8:00am
Course Hours / 8:00am - 12:15pm
Designed For / Operators of pumping facilities (in either a treatment plant or a distribution system)
Description / The cost to pump is directly tied to the cost of energy. This class reveals valve strategies intended to minimize power consumption at the pump station. You will also learn how to identify the correct valve for an application.
Instructor / Fred Haines, Harper Haines Fluid Control
Credits / 4 TCHs for Treatment and Distribution Operators
Fee / $80 Members / $110 Non-Members
Course Number / ASRWWA 1330
Special Notes / Time includes a 15 minute break
A 1.5 TCHs T & D / 9:00 Distribution Systems/Water Quality
1 TCH T & D / 11:15 Regulation Updates & E-License
1.5 TCHs T & D / 1:30 Leak Detection
B 1.5 TCHs T, D & WW 9:00 Hazardous Communication/Update
1 TCH D / 11:15 New Meter Technology
1.5 TCHs T, D & WW / 1:30 VFDs & Energy Savings
C 1.5 TCHs WW / 9:00 I/I Removal & Other Issues
1 TCH T, D & WW / 11:15 Electricity/How to Reduce Costs
1.5 TCHs T, D & WW / 1:30 Excavation Safety & GIS/GPS
(Please print clearly; & indicate class preferences for each attendee,
using a separate form if necessary)
System or Company
Billing Address
City / State Zip
Number of Attendees
Cost Per Person*: / $
Total Cost:
(Include PO Number, if applicable)
CT Conference cost is:
$85 for Members
$110 for Non-Members / $
Water Treatment - A Review
DateDate / November 06, 2013
Location / ASRWWA North Kingstown Office, 1130 Ten Rod Rd
Registration / 8:00am ‐ 8:15am
Course Hours / 8:15am ‐ 3:30pm
Designed For / Operators of water Treatment Plants
Description / This course will provide a review of basic theories and calculations in water treatment applications, as well as reviewing basic hydraulics. Class will cover: velocity, flow, detention time, head/pressure, pumping requirements, chemical dosages, and filitration.
This is a review - attendees should bring questions for discussion.
Instructor/s / Ernest Coppock, an ASRWWA Training Specialist, with over three decades of Water System experience in CT
Credits / 6 TCHs for Water Treatment Operators
Fee / FREE
Course Number / ASRWWA 1331
Special Notes / This class is free, sponsored by RI SRF Time includes breaks and lunch
Chemical Feed Pump Maintenance
Date / November 13, 2013Location / Winsted, CT
Registration / 7:45am - 8:00am
Course Hours / 8:00am - 12:15pm
Designed For / Operators and maintenance personnel of both water and wastewater treatment plants.
Description / This course will be a combination of classroom lecture and hands-on demonstration, on the preventative and corrective maintenance of chemical feed pumps found in both water and wastewater treatment plants.
Instructor / Bob Hopkins, BAU Hopkins
Credits / 4 TCHs for Treatment Operators
Fee / $80 Members / $110 Non-Members
Course Number / 1332
Special Notes / .Time includes a 15 minute break
Date / November 18, 2013
Location / ASRWWA North Kingstown Office, 1130 Ten Rod Rd
Registration / 8:00-8:15am
Course Hours / 8:15am-3:00pm
Designed For / Operators and maintenance personnel of water, wastewater, distribution and collection systems with a minimum high school (or equivalent) math background, who wish to refresh and add to their knowledge of math associated with the operation of their system.
Description / This course will increase your knowledge of basic math and the math used in the water/wastewater industry, including calculating water head, pressure, filtration rates, horsepower, flow and chemical dosages. The math skills learned will apply to day-to-day operation of the system and will assist operators seeking to pass the licensing examinations.
Instructor / Dominic Nocera, ASRWWA Trainer
Dominic has been with ASRWWA for the last seven years exclusively as a math trainer. He has a Master's Degree
in Economics and Statistics from the University of Connecticut and is an Adjunct Mathematics Professor at the Community College of Rhode island.
Credits / 5.5 TCHs for All Operators
Fee / FREE
Course Number / 1333
Special Notes / This class is free, sponsored by RI SRF Time includes breaks and lunch
Date / December 04, 2013
Location / Watertown, CT
Registration / 8:00am - 8:30am
Course Hours / 8:30am - 12:00pm
Designed For / Water System Operators using wells; or individuals wishing to learn more about those systems.
Description / Presenters will detail the many factors of well development, operation and maintenance. You will learn to improve performance and reduce power costs, by selecting such options as VFDs and other controls.
Instructor / Peter Duncan, The Stephen B. Church Company
Mark Giovanniello, Giovanniello Integrator
Credits / 3 TCHs for Water Treatment Operators
Fee / $80 Members / $110 Non-Members
Course Number / ASRWWA 1334
Special Notes / Time includes two 15 minute breaks
Date / December 05, 2013
Location / E J Prescott (RI) / TBD
Registration / 8:00-8:30am
Course Hours / 8:30am-12:00pm
Designed For / Water System operators with Treatment and Distribution licenses
Description / This course will cover the disinfection of water mains, including: repairs to new installations; the use of disinfectants; and how disinfectants can be safely released into the environment.
Instructor / From EJ Prescott, Hal Perry; and AE Bragga, Ginny Bragga. Both have worked in the water industry for water systems for many years.
Credits / 3 TCHs for All Water Operators
Fee / FREE
Course Number / 1335
Special Notes / Class is free, sponsored by RI SRF There will be two 15 minute breaks
Date / December 09, 2013
Location / ASRWWA North Kingstown Office, 1130 Ten Rod Rd
Registration / 8:00-8:15am
Course Hours / 8:15am-3:00pm
Designed For / Operators and maintenance personnel of water, wastewater, distribution and collection systems with a minimum high school (or equivalent) math background, who wish to refresh and add to their knowledge of math associated with the operation of their system.
Description / This course will increase your knowledge of basic math and the math used in the water/wastewater industry, including calculating water head, pressure, filtration rates, horsepower, flow and chemical dosages. The math skills learned will apply to day-to-day operation of the system and will assist operators seeking to pass the licensing examinations.
Instructor / Dominic Nocera, ASRWWA Trainer
Dominic has been with ASRWWA for the last seven years exclusively as a math trainer. He has a Master's Degree
in Economics and Statistics from the University of Connecticut and is an Adjunct Mathematics Professor at the Community College of Rhode island.
Credits / 5.5 TCHs for All Operators
Fee / FREE
Course Number / 1336
Special Notes / This class is free, sponsored by RI SRF Time includes breaks and lunch
Registration Form(Please Print Clearly)
Course Title
Course Date
Course Number
Attendee(s) / (Spelled as you would like it to appear on TCH certificate)
System or Company
Billing Address
City / State Zip
Number of Attendees
Cost Per Person: / $
Total Cost: / $
Atlantic States Rural Water Wastewater Association
1130 Ten Rod Road, Suite D-102, North Kingstown, RI 02852
Phone (401) 667-0511 Fax: (401) 667-0522
E‐mail Address: Website: www.asrwwa.org