ATLA Religion Database with ATLASerials

  • What is the ATLA Religion Database with ATLASerials?
  • How can I access the ATLA Religion Database with ATLASerials?
  • Help
  • Browsing publications
  • Advanced searching
  • Basic searching
  • Refining your search
  • Using the Subject Terms search
  • Displaying search results
  • Marking records
  • Emailing results
  • Printing results
  • Saving results
  • Exporting results to EndNote
  • Exiting the ATLA Religion Database with ATLASerials

What is the ATLA Religion Database with ATLASerials?

The ATLA Religion Database with ATLASerials (ATLA) contains the full text of more than 200 journals and has citations from more than 1600 journals, as well as relevant books, working papers, conference proceedings, bibliographies and other printed formats. It covers biblical studies, world religions and church history, with material ranging from 1908 to the present.

You will have to locate the full text of some references, either in a library or via inter library loan. ATLA sits within a bigger site called EBSCOhost.

How can I access the ATLA Religion Database with ATLASerials?

Click on the Library icon on the Portal home page. Type ATLAReligioninto the Library Search box and click on the Search button. The database will be listed at the top of the results in the Recommendationsbox, or as an e-journal further down the list:

Logging in

You may be asked to log in to access ATLA.

Click on Athens login.

When you are presented with an Athens log in, follow the steps below.

Click on Alternative login.

Type chester into the Quick search box and click on the Go button.

Click on the link for University of Chester.

Click on Go to the University of Chester login page.

Enter your University Network Account username and password and click on Sign In. You will then be logged in and able to access the resource.

Logged in before?

Going through the Athens signing in procedure sets a cookie (small piece of data) on your PC. If you have gone through the Athens signing in procedure before and your cookies have not been cleared, your PC will remember that you are from the University of Chester.

Instead of having to search for the University of Chester, you will see one of two screens. Both have a link to take you to the University of Chester log in page.

Either click on Go to the University of Chester login page or click on University of Chester.

Clicking on either link takes you to the screen where you should enter your your University Network Account username and password. Enter your details and click on Sign In.

When you reach the EBSCO page, click on the link toATLA Religion Database with ATLASerials.


You can click on the Help button in the top right-hand corner of the screen at any time for detailed information and advice.

Browsing publications

To see a complete alphabetical list of all the journals, books and conference proceedings in the database, click on Publications (in the blue toolbar at the top of the page).

This will allow you to browse through (or search for) the titles of all the publications in ATLA. The list gives details of bibliographic coverage and full text (when available).

Searching ATLA

Enter one or more keyword(s), phrase(s), or search term(s) into the search boxes.

Use the drop-down menu to the right of each of the search boxes to choose where you would like to look for your search terms.

Some useful options are: All text, Author and Publication Name:

All text – this looks for your search terms anywhere in a record, including the title, author, subject descriptors, references etc.

Author – use this option if you are looking for works by a specific author (enter surname then initial/first name – e.g. Gray, Sally for the author Sally Gray).

Publication Name – use this option to search the contents of a particular publication in the chosen database.

Tips on searching

If you want to search for more than one term, link them using and, or, or not.

  • Using and between terms narrows your search – your search will only find results which contain both the terms e.g. christianandethics
  • Using or between terms expands your search – your search will only find results which contain at least one of the terms e.g. religionorethnicity
  • Using not between terms will limit your search– your search will find results which contain the first term but will exclude results in which the second term occurs e.g. christianitynotreligion

You can use brackets to build a search. A search for (religionorethnicity)andchristianity will find all the references that contain the terms race or ethnicity and then select only the ones that also contain the word television.

Use the truncation symbol * to expand a search term and ? as a single character wildcard for finding alternative spellings.

For example:

  • chri* will find Christian, Christianity etc.
  • wom?n will find women and woman

Refining your search

You can refine your search by using the options below the search box. You can choose to search only for references that are linked to the full-text (i.e. you will be able to read them

on screen immediately), you can limit your search to a particular date range or a particular publication and you can also limit your search by language and country of publication.

Displaying search results

Your results will be shown initially in a brief, short entry format. The total number of records found in your search is shown on the left hand side of the page. You can select how many results are displayed on each page by clicking on the Preferences option at the top right-hand side of the page.

You can limit the list of results by clicking on the links on the left-hand side. You can limit your results by type, subject, publication or place of publication.

Click on the article title to view an abstract. To see the full text (if available), click on the PDF Full Text link.

If the full text isn’t available click on the 360 Link to Full Text link. This lets you check our other resources to see if the full text is available elsewhere.

If the journal article is not held by the University of Chester, you can request it as an Inter Library Loan by completing a card that you can get from the Helpdesk.

Marking records

To print, save or email your results, you need to mark the records you want to include by adding them to your folder. To do this, click on the Add to folder icon below the record:

To view the items in your folder, click on the Folder icon at the top of the page.

Your records will be shown again in a short entry format. From here you can choose to print, email, save or transfer them elsewhere.

Printing results

To print your search results, select which records you want to print and then click on Print.

You can empty your folder after printing by using the tick box next to Remove these items from folder after printing. Click on the Print button.

Emailing results

To email your search results, select which records you want to email and then click on the E-mailicon.

Enter an email address and subject in the relevant boxes. You can empty your folder after saving your results by using the tick box next to Remove these items from folder after emailing. Click on the Send button.

Saving results

To save your search results, select which records you want to save and then click on the Save as File icon.

You can empty your folder after saving your results by using the tick box next to Remove these items from folder after saving. Click on the Save button.

Another page opens. This contains persistent links to the articles you have selected to save and can itself be saved. To save this web page, click on File in your Internet browser toolbar, and then on Save As.

You then need to choose what to call the page, where to save it and in what format.

Enter a name for it in the File name: box. You can save it to your space on the H drive (on a University networked computer), to the C drive on a home or work computer, or to a USB pen. It can be saved as a web page or as a text file (.txt).

Exiting ATLA

Click on Exit. This will end your session.