Video Laryngoscopy and Intubation Safety: The View is Becoming Clear
Principal Author: Calvin A. Brown III, MD
Other Authors: Daniel Pallin, MD, Ron Walls, MD
Journal/Conference: Critical Care Medicine (March 2015)
Techniques, Success, and Adverse Events of Emergency Department Adult Intubations Principal Author: Calvin A. Brown III, MD Other Authors: Aaron E. Bair, MD, Daniel J. Pallin, MD, MPH, Ron M. Walls, MD Journal/Conference: Annals of Emergency Medicine (December 2014)
Site-Level Variance for Adverse Tracheal Intubation-Associated Events Across 15 North American PICUs: A Report From the National Emergency Airway Registry for Children Principal Author:Sholeen Nett, MD, PhD Other Authors: Guillaume Emeriaud, MD, PhD, J. Dean Jarvis, MBA, BSN, Vicki Montgomery, MD, Vinay M. Nadkarni, MD, MS, Akira Nishisaki, MD, MSCE Journal/Conference: Pediatric Critical Care Medicine (May 2014)
4,871 Emergency Airway Encounters by Air Medical Providers: A Report of the Air Transport Emergency Airway Management (NEAR VI: “A-TEAM”) Project. Principal Author: Calvin A. Brown III, MD. Other Authors: Kelly Cox, MD., Shelley Hurwitz, PhD., Ron M. Walls, MD. Journal/Conference: The Western Journal of Emergency Medicine.(March 2014)
Two Hundred Sixty Pediatric Emergency Airway Encounters by Air Transport Personnel: A Report of the Air Transport Emergency Airway Management (NEAR VI: “A-TEAM”) Project. Principal Author: William Wallace Tollefsen, MD. Other Authors: Calvin A. Brown, III, MD., Kelly, L. Cox, MD., and Ron M. Walls, MD. Journal/Conference: Pediatric Emergency Care.(September 2013)
Improved Glottic Exposure With the Video Macintosh Laryngoscope in Adult Emergency Department Tracheal Intubations. Principal Author: Calvin A. Brown, III, MD. Other Authors: Aaron E. Bair, MD., Daniel J. Pallin, MD., MPH., Erik G. Laurin, MD., Ron M. Walls, MD. Journal/Conference: Annals of Emergency Medicine.(August 2010)
Clinical Controversies: Etomidate as an Induction Agent for Endotracheal Intubation in Patients with Sepsis. Principal author: Ron Walls, MD. Other authors: Michael F Murphy, MD. Journal/Conference: Annals of Emergency Medicine.(July 2008)
Airway Management by US and Canadian Emergency Medicine Residents: A Multicenter Analysis of More than 6,000 Endotracheal Intubation Attempts. Principal Author: Mark J. Sagarin, MD. Other Authors: Erik D. Barton, MD., Yi-Mei Ching, MD., Ron M. Walls, MD. Journal/Conference: Annals of Emergency Medicine.(October 2005)
Does the Sedative Agent Facilitate Emergency Rapid Sequence Intubation?
Principal Author: Marco L.A. Sivilotti, MD., MSc.
Other authors: Michael R. Filbin, MD.,Heather E. Murray MD., MSc.,Peter Slasor PhD.,Ron M. Walls, MD.
Journal/Conference: Academic Emergency Medicine(June 2003)
Underdosing of Midazolam in Emergency Endotracheal Intubation
Principal Author: Mark J. Sagarin, MD.
Other authors: Erik D. Barton, MD.,John C. Sakles, MD.,Robert J. Vissers, MD.,Vincent Chiang, MD.,Ron M. Walls, MD.
Journal/Conference: Academic Emergency Medicine (in press)(April 2003)
Rapid Sequence Intubation for Pediatric Airway Management
Principal Author: Mark J. Sagarin, MD
Other authors: Vincent Chiang, MD.,John Sakles,MD.,Erik Barton, MD.,Robert Vissers, MD.,Richard E. Wolfe, MD., Ron M. Walls, MD.
Journal / Conference: Pediatric Emergency Care, SAEM(December 2002)
Failed Intubation in the Emergency Department: Analysis of Prevalence, Rescue Techniques, and Personnel
Principal Author: Aaron E. Bair, MD.
Other authors: Michael R. Filbin, MD.,RaghavendraKulkarni, MD., Ron M. Walls, MD.
Journal/Conference: Journal of Emergency Medicine(August 2002)
Successful CricothyrotomyAfter Thrombolytic Therapy for Acute Myocardial Infarction: A Report of Two Cases. Principal Author: Ron M. Walls, MD. Other Authors: Charles V. Pollack, Jr., MA., MD. Journal/Conference: Annals of Emergency Medicine.(February 2000)
Current Medication Practice and Tracheal Intubation Safety Outcomes From a Prospective Multicenter Observational Cohort Study
Principal Author: Keiko M. Tarquinio, MD
Other Authors: Joy D. Howell, MD, Vicki Montgomery, MD, David A.Turner, MD, Deyin D. Hsing, MD, Margaret M. Parker, MD, Calvin A. Brown III, MD, Ron M. Walls, MD, Vinay M. Nadkarni, MD, MS, Akira Nishisaki, MD, MSCE
Journal/Conference: Pediatric Critical Care Medicine (March 2015)
Development of a Quality Improvement Bundle to Reduce Tracheal Intubation-Associated Events in Pediatric ICUs Principal Author:Simon Li, MD, MPH Other Authors:Kyle J. Rehder, MD, John S. Giuliano Jr, MD, Michael Apkon, MD, MBA, PhD, PradipKamat, MD, MBA, Vinay M. Nadkarni, MD, MS, Natalie Napolitano, MPH, RRT-NPS, FAARC, Anne E. Thompson, MD, Craig Tucker, BS, RRT-NPS, AE-C, Akira Nishisaki, MD-MSCE Journal/Conference: American Journal of Medical Quality (August 2014)
Incidence and associated factors of difficult tracheal intubations in pediatric ICUs: a report from National Emergency Airway Registry for Children: NEAR4KIDS Principal Author: Ana LiaGraciano, MD Other Authors: Robert Tamburro, MD, Ann E. Thompson, MD, John Fiadjoe, MD, Vinay M. Nadkarni, MD, Akira Nishisaki, MD Journal/Conference: Intensive Care Medicine (July 2014)
Level of Trainee and Tracheal Intubation Outcomes. Principal Author: Ronald C. Sanders Jr., MD., MS. Other Authors: John S. Giuliano, Jr., MD., Janice E. Sullivan, MD., Calvin A. Brown III, MD., Ron M. Walls, MD., Vinay Nadkarni, MD., Akira Nishisaki, MD. Journal/Conference: Pediatrics(March 2013)
A National Emergency Airway Registry for Children: Landscape of tracheal intubation in 15 PICUs Principal Author:Akira Nishisaki, MD, MSCE Other Authors: David A. Turner, MD, Calvin A. Brown III, MD, Ron M. Walls, MD, Vinay M. Nadkarni, MD, MS Journal/Conference:Pediatric Critical Care (March 2013)
Development of an Instrument for a Primary Airway Provider’s Performance with an ICU Multidisciplinary Team in Pediatric Respiratory Failure Using Simulation. Principal Author: Akira Nishisaki, MD., MSCE. Other Authors: Aaron J. Donoghue, MD., MSCE., Shawn Colborn RRT-NPS., Christine Watson, RN., Andrew Meyer, MD., Dana Niles, MSc. CCRC., Ran Bishnoi MBBS., Roberta Hales, RRT-NPS NRN., Larissa Hutchins RN., Mark A. Helfaer MD., Calvin A Brown, III, MD., Ron M. Walls, MD., Vinay M Nadkarni, MD., and John R. Boulet, PhD. Journal/Conference: Respiratory Care. (July 2012)
Characterization of tracheal intubation process of care and safety outcomes in a tertiary pediatric intensive care unit. Principal Author: Akira Nishisaki, MD. Other Authors: Susan Ferry, BA., RRT-NPS., CCRC., Shawn Colborn, RRT-NPS., Cheryl DeFalco, BA., RRT-NPS., Troy Dominguez, MD., MSCE., Calvin A. Brown, III, MD., Mark A. Helfaer, MD., Robert A. Berg, MD., Ron M. Walls, MD., Vinay M. Nadkarni, MD. Journal/Conference: Pediatric Critical Care Medicine: A Journal of the Society of Critical Care Medicine and the World Federation of Pediatric Intensive and Critical Care Societies.(January 2012)
Evaluation of multidisciplinary simulation training on clinical performance and team behavior during tracheal intubation in a pediatric intensive care unit. Principal Author: Akira Nishisaki, MD. Other Authors: Joan Nguyen, MD., Shawn Colborn RRT., Christine Watson, RN., Dana Niles, MS., Roberta Hales, MHA., SujathaDevale, MBBS., Ram Bishnoi, MBBS., Lindsay D. Nadkarni, Aaron J. Donoghue, MD., Andrew Meyer, MD., Calvin A. Brown, III, MD., Mark A. Helfaer, MD., John Boulet, PhD., Robert A. Berg, MD., Ron M. Walls, MD., Vinay M. Nadkarni, MD. Journal/Conference: Pediatric Critical Care Medicine: a Journal of the Society of Critical Care Medicine and the World Federation of Pediatric Intensive and Critical Care Societies.(July 2011)
Airway Management in pediatric patients at referring hospitals compared to a receiving tertiary pediatric ICU. Principal Author:Akira Nishisaki, MD Other Authors: NitinMarwaha, MD, VasanthaKasinathan, MD, Peter Brust, MD, Calvin A. Brown III, MD, Robert A. Berg, MD, Ron M. Walls, MD, Nicholas Tsarouhas, MD, Vinay M. Nadkarni, MDJournal/Conference: Resuscitation (November 2010)
Effect of Just-in-time Simulation Training on Tracheal Intubation Procedure Safety in the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit. Principal Author: Akira Nishisaki, MD. Other Authors: Aaron J. Donoghue, MD., MSCE., Shawn Colborn, RRT., Christine Watson, RN., Andrew Meyer, MD., Calvin A. Brown, III, MD., Mark A. Helfaer, MD., Ron M. Walls, MD., Vinay M. Nadkarni, MD. Journal/Conference: Anesthesiology(July 2010)