Athletic Booster Meeting Minutes
September 13, 2017
Call to Order:
The meeting was called to order by Sharon at 6:30 pm.
Roll Call of Officers:
Present were Sharon Jargo, Sherri Farrell, Kelli Parker, Melissa Reuter, Rennet Gruver, Rhonda Hartung, Chris Fee and Erick Broome.
Secretary Report:
The meeting minutes from last month were approved by Sharon and seconded by Rennet.
Treasurer Report:
Discussed Account Balances and hand-out provided. Balances approved by Melissa and seconded by Sherri.
Old Business:
The transferring of funds to cover baseball and softball officials has been approved by Sharon and seconded by Sherri. The amounts to be transferred from Boosters to Baseball is $1599.50 and softball $1957.50.
New Business:
Cross Country brought a funding request to the Boosters but clarification was needed about the amount of uniforms that were ordered versus the amount of students that are out as well as the total amounts were not correct. Erick will get more details and resubmit to the Boosters for approval. This can be done before our next meeting in October.
We had Rhonda joining us and she discussed possible dates to do the cake auction. We tentatively have picked January 16th, 2018. We have discussed a few options in case of bad weather.
Rennet brought to our attention that we are in need of a new grill and she had talked to a member of the Lions Club, and they suggested to submit a request and go from there. Sharon will send a letter for donation of a grill to the Lions Club.
Homecoming is coming up, and during the bonfire the kids are usually provided a meal. Meat, buns and condiments will be donated by the Athletic Boosters. This was approved by Sherri and seconded by Melissa.
EV would like to host a Cross Country meet again. Rennet has talked to Jim at the golf course briefly about his course and also to the Cross Country coach to get some ideas. This is in the beginning stages of discussion. The Boosters have decided that this is something that Erick as the AD will follow up on moving forward and Erick will request Boosters help if needed.
The Athletic Boosters have received outside donation requests that don’t fall into our “by-laws”. We discussed a policy for such requests. The Boosters, together with the Superintendent have decided that any donation requests made to the Boosters need to fall within the Athletic Booster bylaws and have to be aligned with our athletic programs and teams, and will be decided on a case by case basis.
Upcoming Basketball concessions were discussed. Currently the Booster officers have to be responsible for opening and closing all concessions because parents are just not stepping up to help. Ideas were brought to the table on what the best solution is to the problem. We will continue to think about this and communicate with each other to come up with a solution. The bottom line is that parents need to get more involved.
Sharon sent around a letter from the cheerleaders thanking us for financial support.
Athletic Director:
We went back to last months’ discussion about the requests for the “needed” athletic items. Athletic Boosters believes that the annual things that need to be bought should be directed to the AD and he should approve or not. Things like these should not have to be approved by Boosters. The Athletic Director, Erick, agreed and also added that he will be sending out an inventory sheet to the coaches.
Erick received an email asking him what age we consider “senior citizen” and it was decided that 60 years old would be the appropriate age.
Facilities Report:
No report.
Committee Updates:
Rennet talked about how the planning of the golf outing was going. She has 37 teams signed up. She is looking for some volunteers to help. There will be a concession stand there that will be run by the Boys Track.
Melissa talked about how the scheduling was going. Nothing to report this month.
EV hosted a Volleyball Tourney previous weekend. It was busy, but do-able. Notes have been taken on each game and whether the scheduling is adequate or not. Adjustments can be made.
Update made by Sharon about family passes and that 188 have been purchased. This money goes to the AD account.
Questions arose about Performing Arts Boosters having concessions during the second season of basketball. ThePerforming Art Boosters have been in charge of basketball concessions during the second part of the season for more than 15 years now, and Athletic Boosters has had the first part. Discussions were brought up last year and have been brought back up again this year about rotating those times due to a larger quantity of sales during second half of season. These discussions have been tabled in the past. Sharon researched briefly on past revenue and found there wasn’t much difference. Different ideas were brought to the table but the final decision was that for this school year we will keep track of the revenue that is brought in and compare the basketball seasons that the Boosters run and that the EVPAB run to see what difference there is and if it’s worth making any changes. At that time, the Boosters will start conversations with the EVPAB to get their thoughts and ideas on how to move forward. For now, The Boosters and EVPAB will continue to split the concession stand sales of post season basketball games that are hosted at EV.
Meeting was adjourned at 8:10 pm. Was approved by Melissa and seconded by Sharon. Our next meeting will be Wednesday, October 11th at 6:30 pm in the High School.