Ateneo de Manila University, Loyola Heights, 1108 Quezon City, Metro Manila

Tel. No. 426 6091 Fax 426 5039 E-mail


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Date of Application ______Arch/Diocese ______



Family Name First Name Middle Name


Present Address Tel: Landline Tel: Mobile


Nickname Age Date/Place of Birth E-mail address

Applying for: ( ) Theology ( ) Special Philo

a. Languages/ dialects you speak?______

b. Do you drive? ______If yes, what kind of vehicle do you drive? ______

c. Have you traveled much? ______If yes, when/where ______

Reason(s) for traveling ______


d. Have you dated? ( )Never ( )Seldom ( )Occasionally ( )Frequently ( ) Steady

e. What are your hobbies and favorite forms of recreation? ______


f. Do you have good health? ______Have you ever been seriously ill? ______If yes, what kind of

illness was it? ______Please state what significant

illness(es) any member of your family have had, both mental and physical. ______



g. Do you smoke? ______If yes, how often? ______

Do you drink alcohol? ______If yes, how often? ______

Do you use drugs? ______If yes, how often? ______

h. State the complete addresses at which you lived for more than 12 months after your 14th birthday.

Mention the parish priest, if possible.




i. Describe what kind of person you are: character and personality traits/; likes/dislikes; pet peeves, etc.







j. Type of person (s) you like best to associate with. ______



h. Type of person(s) you least like to associate with. ______




a. Father’s Name ______Living? ______Age ______

Religion ______Educ’l Attainment ______

Occupation ______No . of years in his occupation ______

Main Interests and hobbies ______

Which of his traits do you admire most? ______


Describe further his character/ personality, both positive and otherwise. ______






b. Mother’s Name ______Living? ______Age______

Religion ______Educ’l Attainment ______

Occupation ______No of years in her occupation ______

Main interests and hobbies ______

Which of her traits do you admire most? ______


Describe further her character/ personality, both positive and otherwise. ______






c. Were your parents married in the Catholic Church? _____ Where? ______

d. Were your parents ever been separated? ______If yes, how long? ______

e. Do they need your financial help now? ______Probably in the future? ______

f. Do they approve of your aspiration to be a priest? ______If NO, please explain. ______




g. Do you discuss problems with them or only with one of them? Why? ______



h. Name your brother(s) and sister(s) Age Civil Status Occupation








i. Brother/sister you like best? Why? ______


Brother/sister you like least. Why? ______



a. Schools/ Seminaries attended/ Degree(s) Finished

Give a complete history, indicating dates of periods or other breaks in schooling.

Began Finished

Elementary ______

(Address) ______

High School ______

(Address) ______

Univ/Coll ______

(Address) ______

Degree ______

Graduate ______


(Address) ______

Degree ______

Special ______


(Address) ______

Degree ______

b. School honors and extracurricular activities you actively engaged in.




a. When did you first start thinking about priestly vocation? ______


b. Have you previously applied to study in a seminary and/or religious congregation? List down

all the seminaries and congregations. Please state if you were acceptedand if you joined.

If you left, why?

Name of Seminary/Congregation Address Date you joined





c. Why did you decide to apply to San Jose? ______



d. Have you ever consulted a priest about your vocation? ______


e. What is your understanding of being a priest? ______



f. What activities of a priest appeal to you most? ______



g. Does anything in the life of a priest puzzle or disturb you? ______




a. What other vocations/careers have you seriously considered? List them according to preference.

1. ______Explain ______

2. ______Explain ______

3. ______Explain ______

b. Work experience

Job position Company Place Date began Date Ended

1. ______

2. ______

3. ______


a. In the past year, how often (on the average) did you go to Holy Communion? ______

b. Describe your prayer life (Time given, preferred form of prayer) ______



c. Who taught you to pray? (parents, Lola, catechists,etc.) ______


d. Describe in one or two sentences who JESUS is to you. ______



e. How important is a community (family, prayer group, etc) in your prayer life? ______



7. REFERENCES List down names and addresses of persons who know you well such as parish priest,

teachers, spiritual and/or seminary directors, etc.






I certify that the preceding information are true and accurate to the best of my knowledge.


Name and Signature

San Jose Seminary Application FormPage 1