Department of Medical Physics, Biophysics, Roentgenology and Radiology
1. Heat and temperature. Thermal and internal energy. Measurement of heat and temperature in living organisms. Medical and biological applications
2. Mechanisms of heat exchange. Physical basis of thermoregulation in humans
3. Basic thermodynamic quantities. First law of thermodynamics
4. Second law of thermodynamics. Entropy, free energy and order.
5. Potential energy and forces of interaction between the particles of the substance. Molecular structure of liquids and solids. Polymers and biopolymers. Liquid crystals. Phase transitions.
6. Deformation of solid bodies. Types of deformation and deformation curve. Hooke's law for elastic deformation. Elastic, viscous and viscoelastic deformations of solids and biological tissues.
7. Passive mechanical properties of biological tissues. Impact of composition and structure. Endoprosthesis
8. Basic concepts describing the motion of the fluid in tubes. Static and dynamic pressure. Viscosity and hydraulic resistance. Transition from laminar to turbulent motion.
9. Measurement of flow and pressure of fluids. Speed and pressure of blood in the circulatory system in humans. Role of the visco-elastic properties of blood vessels
10. Hydraulic resistance of blood vessels, and factors affecting it. Resistive and capacitive vessels
11. Viscosity of the blood and methods of its measurement. Factors which determine the viscosity of the blood. Deformability of erythrocytes
12. Physical mechanism of pulmonary respiration. Elastic and viscous energy losses at breathing. Role of surface pressure and surfactants in the volume stability of lung alveoli
13. Mechanical waves and sound. Physical parameters of sound: frequency, intensity, velocity of propagation, sound pressure. Sound resistance. Extracorporeal lithotripsy
14. Psycho-physical characteristics of sound: pitch, loudness and timbre. Threshold of audibility and level of intensity. Law of Weber-Fechner. Audiometry. Methods of sound insulation. Sound diagnostics methods
15. Physical mechanisms underlying the hearing apparatus in human. Determining the location of the sound source. Auditory prosthesis and implant
16. Physical basis of speech production. Speech apparatus in humans. Sound units. Pronunciation of vowels and consonants, voiced and voiceless phonemes. Frequency spectrum and formants of the sound units
17. Ultrasound and infrasound - physical basis of their biological activity. Production and therapeutic applications of ultrasound in medicine
18. Reflection, refraction and absorption of sound. Ultrasound diagnostic methods - echography, sonography and doplerography
19. Electric current - basic concepts. Active and reactive resistance. Electrical impedance
20. Impedance of the electrolyte solutions, suspensions and tissues. Equivalent electric scheme of the tissue. Rheography of tissues and organs. Iontophoresis and electrophoresis. Conductive cytometer.
21. Effects of the electric current produced in biological tissue. Physical basis of the medical treatment procedures with electric current. Basic principles of electrical safety.
22. Electrode potential. Electrochemical energy sources. Non-polarisable, pH-, ion-selective and gas electrodes
23. Physical bases of passive and active electrodiagnosis. Electrography and evoked potentials
24. Elements of bioelectronic deviceses: electronic amplifiers of biopotentials, differential amplifiers, converters. Generators of discrete electrical signals. Pacemakers and defibrillators. Systems for recording and visualization.
25. Spectrum of electromagnetic radiation. Generation and biological effects of electromagnetic radiation
26. Infrared and ultraviolet light. Sources and sensors of infrared and ultraviolet light. Effects of infrared and ultraviolet light on the human. Medical applications of infrared and ultraviolet light.
27. Fundamentals of geometric optics. Refraction and reflection of light. Fiber optics. Endoscopes
28. Optical lenses and their optical aberrations
29. Optical system of human eye. Accommodation and refractive power of the human eye. Optical aberrations of the eye and their correction
30. Photometric quantities and units. Spectral sensitivity of the eye. Mechanism of color vision
31. Light microscope - magnification and resolution. Limit of resolution of the light microscope
32. Methods for observation with a light microscope.
33. Polarization of light. Optical methods for the study of biopolymers and drugs - polarimetry, circular dichroism and birefringence.
34. Light scattering from polydisperse systems. Turbidimetric determination of the form and concentration of the cells
35. Electron microscope. Types of electron microscopes.
36. Heat radiation of bodies. Laws of Stefan-Boltzmann, Wien and Kirchhoff. Planck's formula for the frequency distribution of thermal radiation. Some quantum concepts of light. Solar radiation and greenhouse effect
37. Absorption of light by atoms and molecules. Energy levels and absorption spectrum of atoms and molecules. Law of Bouguer-Lambert-Beer. Application of spectrophotometry in medicine.
38. Luminescence and photoluminescence. Use of fluorescence assay in medicine. Flow cytofluorimeter.
39. Lasers. Characteristics of laser light. Use of lasers in medicine.
40. X-rays - properties and effects. Generation of X-rays by means of X-ray tube. Bremsstrahlung and characteristic X-ray radiation. X-ray luminescent and X-ray structural analysis.
41. Attenuation of monochromatic X-ray radiation by a layer. Physical basis of roentgen diagnostics. Basic elements of the X-ray machine. Radiographic contrast agents
42. Physical foundations of X-ray computed tomography
43. Radioactivity. Alpha and beta radioactive decay. Alpha, beta and gamma rays.
44. Activity and half-life of a radioactive source. Physical basis of the radionuclide diagnostics
45. Main dosimetric quantities. Absorbed dose, equivalent dose and exposure. Radiobiologic effects
Examinations dates:
30 and 31 January, 1, 2 and 3 February 2017 – examination of English students – ordinary session
6, 7 and 8 February 2016 - examination of English students – supplementary examination
The examination begins at 9 o’clock in the Department of Physics and Biophysics. You chose any date at will, the preliminary registration is not obligatory. The student must have his student report, several blank lists and a ball-point pen. The examination includes two parts, paper work for 45 min on two randomly chosen questions from the above list, and several oral questions for several minutes.