Notes from the meeting held on Wednesday 20 January 2016 at 9.30am

At Phase Three, the Riverside, The Quay, Newport, PO30 2QR

In attendance: Emma Corina (YMCA- Chair), Michael Bulpitt (CAIW) Jenny Smart (British Red Cross)Michael Lilley (RF) Ruth Carter (PMIW), Helen Stitchbury (The Footprint Trust), Ann Emery (Action on Hearing Loss), Helen Turner (IWC – Community Safety), Heath Monaghan (Aspire), Tony McCarthy (Ventnor Town Council)Sara Ellis (CAIW – notes) Patricia Partridge (CAIW),Claire Steen (Barnardos), Lorraine Shotter (Parents Voice), Mark Meredith (SHG), Helen Lewis (Age UK IW), Tony McCarthy (Ventnor Town Council), Paul Savill (CAIW-MLAFL), John Phillips (John’s Club)

Apologies: Mary Barton (The Stroke Association), Eddie Elsom (Age UK IW), Alison Ings (PMIW), Hannah King (IW Foodbank), Lynne Pitcher (MyAware) , Claire Tillman (CAIW), Michelle Taylor (IWSB), Carole Holmberg (IW Law Centre) , Emma Meek (Barnardos), Shahida Nehorai (Home-Start IW),Guy Eades (Healing Arts), Gill Kennett (WWSC)Sarah Poulton (RSPCA IW branch)

  1. EC welcomed the group, apologies were noted and introductions made
  2. Matters arising from the meeting held on 5 October 2015
  • An update on the Safeguarding Disabled Childrens Audit will be requested. SE and CS noted that the VSC had made a strong contribution and it was important to hear about next steps.
  • Adult Safeguarding rep – HL advised that representation roles were still being discussed at Age UKIW and whether they would be available to take up a rep role would be notified in due course
  • Emma Meek Barnados had expressed an interest in becoming an LSCB sub group rep.
  1. Whole Integrated System Redesign (WISR) update (MB) – This is a most pivotal piece of work and will dictate what services in the Health and Wellbeing sector will look like for the next ten years. It is one of the key workstreams within the MLAFL work and is being funded by central government through the Vanguard programme. This will have huge implications on the future shape of both the hospital and the IW as the current situation looks bleak for both these entities. The WISR will identify what services will look like in the future. KPMG have won the tender to deliver the project. Work should commence in the next week and will take 9-12 months to complete with the first 6 months comprising very intensive work. CAIW will support stakeholder engagement in the community and voluntary sector, though queried whether this will include town and parish councils, through a new funded post. Interviews to be held this Friday. It is a real opportunity for the sector to put their views forward. There will be engagement right through the system although how the approach will be broken down is not yet clear…..potentially some broad elements e.g. frail elderly and potentially some narrower condition specific foci.

Roughly speaking the process will include an initial quantitative assessment looking at demographic figures, service levels, financial elements, followed by a modelling stage which will provide the opportunity for detailed engagement of the sector in their specialist areas, followed by an initial set of proposals being finalised for a public consultation phase.

It will be a very public process, there is a need to be realistic – the Island will have to ‘add up’. The focus must move to greater prevention and more of a reablement approach and where appropriate a less medicalised model. HL asked if the Island could say no to the recommendations. MB thought that in this event NHS England and Government in general would take a very dim view of the key public sector bodies on the Island.

The WISR is part of Vanguard and MLAFL, with integration, prevention and people empowered at its heart. As far as the IWC is concerned, there is already a push towards devolution. In the last week the council was saying that they would ‘ hand back the keys’ if more money not made available, so they cannot just do nothing. MB mentioned that that there were lots of examples of mergers around the country, whether local authority or NHS bodies.

TM asked whether a WISR had happened anywhere else. MB advised not on this scale, Dorset had recently conducted a clinical services review, but on the Island it would be much broader. However, it was important not to underestimate the Island factor. There are approximately 50-60 KPMG staff involved, including specialists and the cost in the region of £1.7 million. AE noted that there was not capacity to do nothing.

ML mentioned that in Scotland a specific ‘act’ had been put in place which allowed Island up there to be treated differently and that perhaps this is something which could be pushed locally.

Further to the WISR MB advised that a project manager had been employed, James Seaward. A new MLAFL Director has been appointed, Nicola Longson. She will begin work in March and brings a great deal of experience in integration from Derby and elsewhere.

Since the meeting Amy Milford has been appointed on a part time basis to support voluntary sector engagement in the WISR process.

  1. My Life A Full Life – Feedback Forum – Chad Oatley, Public Health – this item was cancelled due to IT problems at IWC.
  2. Updates from representatives
  • CS had provided a written update on the LSCB PQA group (attached). With regard to the Disabled Childrens Audit, it was noted that people do not understand Autism and ADHD as disabilities. EC asked that RW to come and present on findings and further action at the next me. It was notable that the police and paediatrics did not engage in this work. Special Schools offer their expertise to the police. Further discussion on the issue will be at the Safeguarding Leads meeting. There will be an audit of section 47’s. In response to a query CS advised that section 47 relates to Child Protection and is above Children in Need. There will be a ‘deep –dive’ investigation on Self Harm next. The VCS had been asked to contribute to the Draft Deep Dive Analysis Report increases in numbers of children with Child Protection Plans with responses by 2/2/16. CS will complete this for Barnardos. It was noted that the LSCB still do not understand that the VSC are not just a single entity. ML noted the overlap into Mental Health with regard to self-harm. There has been a steep increase in self-harm. It is now on the agenda for the Mental Health Strategy Group.The 12-18 age group are frequently presenting at A&E, SE clarified that this was usually the first point of contact. ML is continuing to push the profile of the issue. ML would like to set up better Self Harm support group, there is currently the IWISH self- help group. ML is also campaigning to raise awareness about legal highs, there will be a workshops forthcoming about legal highs. He further said that many shops sell legal highs and that the compounds in them change in order to get around the law, increasing the danger. Currently young people have to go to A & E for a place of safety, there needs to be a more strategic approach. There is a bed in Childrens Ward, but it questioned whether this is appropriate, but a general agreement that this is more appropriate than admission to Seven Acres. In response to a question about supporting parents by LS, ML advised that there would be an even about emotional wellbeing and young people on 16th February – ML to supply further information for circulation.
  • EC what had action had been planned as a result of the LSCB audit on Disabled Children – SE to invite Rob Winfield to update at April meeting.
  • Health and Wellbeing Board (paper attached) EC advised that the Board was still undergoing a review. Two main issues are emerging, these are the inclusion of children as a focus in Vanguard, also Sexual Exploitation of children. EC advised that in Southampton YMCA do a lot of work on this issue. SE advised that locally the LSCB are planning an awareness day on 18 March, much of this will be in the form of assemblies in schools, however; there will also be a social media campaign. SE will circulate the hash tags and other information for organisations use.
  • Mental Health –(report attached) ML advised that there is now a new way of working on the Island. Quay House is nurse led and shares PARIS information system with the NHS. There will be a further meeting with the voluntary sector in the next few months, but generally a good on-going dialogue with Mental Health services. Of £20M for Mental Health services on the Island, £19.5M goes to the Trust. IWC Re-ablement, Mental Health, Learning Disabilities, Social Care and Dementia Business Units. The Mental Health service is now nurse led, not by psychiatry. There is a need for further discussions with the voluntary sector and a need for a more sustainable model. The link to learning disabilities and autism can be lost. Carers of people with dementia can be depressed, better outcomes are needed and who is best to deliver. Currently in co-production with young people in prevention, 80% of adults in Mental Health services were known as children. 20% of young people on ESA on the Island are for mental health. HL asked how the sector could support and promote the event on the 16th February, ML to forward further information (as above). An example was given that the Anxiety Café made good use of social media.
  • MLAFL – MB gave an update. Funding bids have been compiled by the various workstreams but the current total ask will likely have to be trimmed back as has perhaps gotten unrealistically high. More likely in MBs opinion would be a figure in line with the original £8 million offer, only a proportion of which has been spent in 2015/2016. AE asked what MLAFL are doing. She was advised by MB that the message was very much one of the integrated ‘brand’ across the statutory, voluntary and some parts of the private sector. There are various work-streams – 9-10 in all, including IT, workforce development, localities, single point of access and more. There will be a specific session for the VCS on 3rd February at 3pm (previously circulated – contact ) regarding information management issues.
  1. Updates from members
  • PS advised about the forthcoming roadshow on 28 January at Aspire from 10-5pm (flyer circulated) 27 organisations are confirmed as in attendance. PS asked all present to encourage people to attend. There is plan to hold further roadshows on a bi-monthly basis, with others already planned at Cowes Yacht Haven and The Heights. As part of the WISR, there will be locality meetings with KPMG throughout February – PS to supply dates and venues.
  • PS informed that the Scouts will be staging ‘Access All Areas’ from 13-20 May. All Scout and Explorer Groups will be opening their doors during that week, so that the public can see what they do and how accessible they are for young people with additional needs, Corfe Camp will be open on 21st May.
  • LS said that there will be a Consultation event about the transition of children with addition needs for Childrens Services to Adult Services – LS to provide further information, date and venue.
  • Aspire- HM advised Aspire had now been in existence for 2 years. There has been a great deal of development and a business consultant has rated it mainly as excellent with few areas for improvement. Due to letting and other revenue it is very sustainable. A two year business plan has been developed and there will be considerable consultation in Ryde forthcoming to feed into the 5 year business plan.
  • Quay House – ML advised that there is a team of 5 staff with 30 active volunteers. It also acts as an umbrella for other organisations including AA and Anxiety Café. Through a partnership with Adult and Community Learning there are 20 peers now qualified at a basic level of adult education, with a further 10 currently training. Quay House link to other organisations in the localities with initial meetings now taking place. There is a strong group of peers. A bid is being developed to Vanguard for a Crisis House as an alternative to Sevenacres.
  • Ventnor Town Council – TM advised that an annual public consultation takes place. Last year 90 people attended, already there are 60 people booked to attend this year. He further advised that there are approximately 60 VSC organisations in Ventnor, part of his job is to support them. Other parts of his role are to address inequality and poverty, the Town Council works to support all these groups. The Town Council are concerned about the impact of IWC budget cuts and how these will affect Town and Parish Councils. There is a need to mitigate against the cuts, the precept to increase by 15% to enable the Town Council to take on other services such as beach cleaning. TM further remarked on the diversity of the various town and parish councils on the Island, Ventnor is in a strong position to deliver services, it already delivers the Youth Offer in the town.
  • People Matter IW – RC advised that all projects are continuing. PARES has a new lead officer, Clare Martin, expansion of this service is likely. OT services will also continue at the Independent Living Centre. The Mobilse service is due to end in August and as yet it is unclear whether continuation funding will be forthcoming. There has been a very positive response and engagement to this service. A new promotion on Falls will take place in April, ‘April Fall’s this will involve events that are off the beaten track, including Wellow Post Office. The service links with the Older Drivers Forum, who will also be present at the Health and Wellbeing Roadshow at Ryde Aspire on 28th January (as above)
  • Age UK IW – 1. HL advised that the Extreme Weather Support Scheme is now underway, this is time limited. It can provide duvets, gloves, hats – the aim to keep older people warm at home. Volunteers carry out assessments and can also provide electric heaters. 2. HL further advised that the Care Navigator Project now has 6 Care Navigators based at GP practices and are local area based. Community Navigators, a joint project with Wight Home Care are now also in post, their aim is to reduce social isolation and to enable people to engage in their community. 3. HL is frequently asked to do assemblies in schools, she offered others to join her so that they can promote their own work alongside hers, the theme is often, ‘What it means to be age friendly’. AE asked about referral routes to Care Navigators, Community Navigators and Local Area Co-ordinators (LACs). HL to provide re Care and Community Navigators, SE to find out re- LACs.
  • SHG – MM advised that as a result of a contact with Hannah King at the Foodbank at a previous meeting, SHG had been able to support an Eat Well for Less Project at the Foodbank. SHG had previously supported a similar project in Salisbury. The funding for the IW Foodbank had enabled a training kitchen on site, for the project. It is anticipated that it will be up and running from March/April. It has been proven that this approach is very cost effective and area that SHG had not covered locally previously.
  • Footprint Trust-1. HS advised that the Trend Café is very successful. She will put Rachel from the café in touch with HL regarding assemblies. 2. Footprint Trust continuing visits at home to address fuel poverty. 3. They can still offer 45 minute training sessions to groups on this issue. HL remarked that they are very useful sessions. These sessions are free, organisations interested should contact the Footprint Trust by mid March. 4. The Footprint Trust has the contract to deliver waste education in schools and communities for the next two years. This will also cover recycling, there will also be public events.
  • Community Safety Partnership – HT advised that they are currently gathering information to inform action planning. There will be a strategic planning meeting, it was anticipated that MB would attend as the VSF rep for the CSP Tactical Group. She further advised funding opportunities to reduce offending ( see attached) With regard to volunteering she is meeting with Amanda Coyle at the Volunteer Centre. EC also had useful insights on sex offenders and volunteering. She reported that there is a high level of re-offending on the Island. There will be a stakeholder event about Hate Crime and third party reporting – further information to follow in due course.
  • Action on Hearing Loss – AE advised that the sensory service was now in its third year. AE is happy to attend staff team meetings, coffee mornings to explain more about the service and what it can do and equipment etc.
  • Red Cross – JS advised that the Red Cross is working in partnership with Age UK IW to deliver a service to support discharge from hospital. There are two workers, who work intensively with patients leaving hospital for the first two weeks, after this time they are referred to Care Navigators. This is a short term service until the end of May funded through the System Resilience Group.