File ref: 15/3/4-8/Erf 2435Enquiries:
Me A. de Jager
17 March 2017
CK Rumboll en Vennote
P.O. Box211
7299By Registered Mail
Dear Sir
Your application dated 10 January 2017, with reference MAL/9952/ZN, refers.
By virtue of the authority that is delegated to the Director: Development Services in terms of the decision of Council No. 7.25 dated 13 May 2015 as determined in Section 69(1) of the Swartland Municipal Land Use Planning By-Law (PG 7420 of 3 July 2015), the application for temporary departure on Erf 2435, Malmesbury, is approved in terms of Section 60 of the abovementioned By-law, subject to the conditions that:
a)The temporary departure is applied in accordance with the site development plan presented in the application, as follows:
i)15 x Housing Unit 1 (5 rooms of 4m x 4m);
ii)2 x Housing Unit 2 (7rooms of 4m x 3m);
iii)4 x ablution blocks;
iv)Existing kitchen and office facility
v)Existing shed to possibly be used for storage of machinery/tools;
b)Building plans be submitted to the Director Development Services for consideration and approval;
c)This approval is in terms of section 66(2)(w) of the By-law valid for a period of 1 year (17 March 2018);
d)An application to extend the validity periodfor another 2 yearscan be made before the one year period lapse;
a)The existing connection be used and that no additional connections will be provided;
a)The sewer connection from Schoonspruitweg be provided by the developer;
b)A sewerage pump station be provided by the developer, in order to pump sewerage to the connection from Schoonspruitweg;
c)The pump station and pipeline will form part of the plumbing installation of the erf and will not be appropriated by the Municipality;
d)The owner/developer corresponds with Department: Engineering Services regarding the linking of the connection;
a)The basic refuse removal rates will be levied and said rates will be amended in accordance with the amount of refuse generated;
b)Refuse be placed in refuse bags on the nearest municipal sidewalk on the morning of refuse removal;
a)Parking of vehicles on Schoonspruitweg will not be permitted;
b)All vehicles associated with the development be accommodated on Erf 2435.
Yours sincerely
per Department Development Services
Copies:Department: Financial Services
Department: Civil Engineering Services
Building Control Officer
Malmesbury GebruikteTrekkeronderdele CC, Hofstraat 29, Malmesbury, 7300
Reasons for approval:
1.Temporary high density housing can create a disturbance to permanent residents in the area. Through not placing the proposed development in the existing residential area, the application aims at mitigating the possible negative impact thereof.
2.The site is larger than 6000m² and able to accommodate the proposed buildings and facilities.
3.The placement of the proposed development within the urban edge prevents the disturbance of high potential agricultural land and is thus consistent with the SDF, even though the spatial proposal is not.
4.The proposed accommodation is intended to house road workers working on the N7. The development site is situated within 1,1km of the N7 and the short travelling distance will minimise traffic congestion.
5.The property is fenced by an existing structure that will enhance safety and security within the development.
6.No objections were received during the public participation process. Only one suggestion was made by the Geldenhuys Family Trust which has been addressed as part of the conditions of approval.
7.The construction company has an accommodation committee which are responsible that their company policies regarding accommodation, general tidiness and cleanliness are adhered to.