1pm, 22nd April 2015

at Ocean offices, St Austell


Fran Turner – Managing Director of Ocean Housing (standing in for Kathryn Pennington) /


Morwenna Milburn
Cornwall Council






Contact details

Versha Koria




Ian Hamilton


Isles of Scilly Council

/ Jo Flint / Hastoe HA /
Chris Duggan / Westcountry HA /
Isabel Manners / Tamar Housing Association /
Peter Moore / Cornwall Rural Housing Association /
Louise Dwelly / Cornwall Council /
Chris Rose / Cornwall Council /
Simon Jones / DCH /
Matt Ward / Coastline Housing /
George Gillow / Cornwall Housing /
Neil Clements / Sanctuary Housing /
1.  / Introductions and apologies
Apologies received from Kathryn Pennington, Michelle Richards, Jill Gregg, Ben Cane and Alan Green
Fran Turner (FT) welcomed everyone to the meeting and explained that she was standing in for Kathryn Pennington on this occasion.
2.  / Minutes of the last meeting and matters arising
The role of the LEP has changed since their presentation at the last CHP and a new structure is being formed to incorporate broader cross-sector representation. No commissioning processes have yet been undertaken so there is still scope for CHP to become involved. FT/LDw to keep a watching brief.
3.  / HCA update
Paper circulated with minutes. Meeting was held in period of purdah and so only a brief update was possible.
4. / Cornwall Council update
Affordable Housing Team news – Andrew O’Brien has now retired and Di Cooper has left the team. Recruitment will shortly be undertaken for 2 new staff roles.
Completions are looking excellent this year with 1008 reported (figure subject to audit). An event to celebrate the 1000th unit is due to take place on 11th May at Halt Road (Ocean’s scheme). A press release will accompany the event so if anyone wants to highlight any particular schemes that completed in 2014-2015 then please get in touch with Morwenna.
Housing Mandate – direct delivery of affordable housing being considered and a proposal worked up by Cornwall Housing. A business case is due to go before the corporate leadership team to pilot 2 sites. This initiative is seen as complementary to the RP schemes and a self-financing investment model is being followed. It may be possible to get a representative to come and talk to CHP when a suitable time arises. The pilot sites have been added to the Pipeline Sites list.
Local Plan – a special page has been created on the Council’s website for updates on the latest position as the plan undergoes examination http://www.cornwall.gov.uk/environment-and-planning/planning/planning-policy/cornwall-local-plan/local-plan-examination/
The first formal day of examination is 18th May and any involvement from the RPs will be in this first stage as it looks at the affordable housing aspect.
New CIL regulations are saying that no more than 5 similar contributions can be sought in one ‘area’ but ‘area’ is yet to be defined.
The Government’s threshold changes on developments of under 10 units net gain (5 in Designated Rural Areas) is having an impact on the delivery figures of affordable homes and off-site contributions, as expected.
CCFP2 draft programme is going to the Council’s Corporate Leadership team at the end of June.
5. / CHP Sites Group feedback, protocol and fee charging proposal
The Sites Group have produced a list of pipeline sites with named RPs (first and reserve) which is aimed at avoiding unhelpful competition. The general consensus was that this was working well so far. A further piece of work to ascertain RP capacity for medium-term development was suggested and this will be actioned later in 2015 using the same proforma process.
Programme Enabling Fee proposal – LDw explained that this proposal was to safeguard the service provided by the Council’s Affordable Housing Team in supporting the CCFP2 going forward. Proposal will be sent by MM for review by RPs with intention to adopt it by the time CCFP2 starts in 2016.
ACTION - RPs to come back to LDw with a response by 22.6.15 please.
Sites protocol – subject to the re-wording of paragraph 6.3 the protocol is formally adopted.
6. / Affordable rents matrix
LDw was asked to explore the re-commissioning of the affordable rents matrix and several RPs have expressed an interest. There is a possibility that it can be funded by the Council with estimates of 16 – 20k to carry out this piece of work.
ACTION MM - Affordable Rents Group to be resurrected with a tender process to follow.
7. / Revised HomeChoice Policy
There is a general concern that the revised HomeChoice policy of excluding current Band E will undermine the housing need figures when supporting developments. Discussion around identifying other methods of ascertaining housing need data including Housing Needs Surveys which could potentially be assisted by the Affordable Housing Team at the Council.
8. / Housing Standards
General discussion around housing standards. HCA use benchmarks rather than an imposed standard for their funded developments and anomalies are challenged when bids are received. CCFP schemes are expected to meet HQI space standards.
9. / AOB
LDw asked that RPs check the address details held with their finance departments for invoices coming through for funded schemes as some RPs are sending them to the wrong place. Invoices should be made for the attention of Louise Dwelly, F2:17, Circuit House, St. Clements Street, Truro TR1 1EB. They can also be emailed to Louise or directly to Morwenna Milburn who processes them CCFP funded schemes will always be subject to a DAT being verified by the scheme’s Enabler prior to payment. Invoices should not be handed to Enablers to pass on, as this results in delays.
10. / Next meeting
15th July, 1pm, Ocean offices.