Minutes of the meeting of the BEST VALUE AND SCRUTINY SUB COMMITTEE of Bridport Town Council held at Mountfield, Bridport on Wednesday 9 August 2006 at 11.00 a.m.
PRESENTCllr H.B. Samuel (Chairman)
Cllrs: Miss S.A. Brown, A.J. Fifield, C.M. Ray and C.D. Wild.
Also in attendance: Cllrs Mrs G.L. Fifield and Mrs M.J. Ray.
An apology for absence was received from Cllr K.G. Wallace.
The minutes of the meeting of the Sub Committee held on 15 June 2006 were confirmed as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.
Cllr Miss S.A. Brown declared a personal interest in respect of the grant applications by the Arts Centre, Museum and Operatic Workshop.
Cllr A.J. Fifield declared a personal interest in respect of the PVA Media Lab as a relation is employed by an associated business.
Cllr Mrs G.L. Fifield declared a personal interest as the town council representative for the Axe Valley and West Dorset Ring and Ride Service.
Cllr C.M. Ray declared a personal interest in respect of the Arts Centre being the WDDC representative for this organisation.
Cllr Mrs M.J. Ray declared a personal interest as the town council representative for the Arts Centre.
Cllr C.D. Wild declared a personal interest as the town council representative for the Museum and in respect of the Bopper Bus as a member of the Bridport Local Area Partnership.
Consideration was given to the applications received, ENCL: 1661.
As a result of extensive discussion, it was RECOMMENDED that: -
(a) the following grants be approved: -
(SWDPCT on behalf of the) Bridport Child Accident
Prevention Event 200
Chancery House 550
Allington Strings 250
Disabled Carers and Friends Club 100
PVA Media Lab 500
Cricket Club 250
Axe Valley and West Dorset Ring and Ride Service 700
Life Education Centres Dorset 1,000
St Ronans Pre School 50
House Club 250
Open Studios 200
West Dorset Food and Land Trust 250
Lions Club 250
Operatic Workshop 500
Summerthing 400
1st West Bay Sea Scouts 250
The Trick Factory (Indoor Skatepark) 250
Breastfeeding Support Group 250
TOTAL 6,300
(b) the Service Level Agreement applications, from the Leisure Centre
(£3,500), Citizens’ Advice Bureau (£1,000), Arts Centre (£5,000) and
Museum (£1,994) be approved pending a meeting with representatives of
those organisations,
(c) the application from the Bopper Bus Organisation (£250) be referred to the next meeting of the Bridport Local Area Partnership for consideration,
(d) the National Childbirth Trust (£600) application be deferred pending the receipt of further information,
(e) the application for financial assistance received from the Pymore Social Club be not considered being a social event and is outside the parish of Bridport.
Councillors considered ENCL: 1664. The Town Clerk reported receipt of a letter of thanks from the Arts Centre in respect of helping the Miracle Theatre at the Millennium Green, loan of Christmas festoon lighting and reviving hope of a Fra Newbery exhibition in 2008. The Town Clerk advised that the Bridport FC have requested a meeting with representatives of the town council.
RESOLVED: that separate meetings be arranged with representatives of the Electric Palace and Bridport Football Club.
The meeting closed at 12:45 p.m.
The next meeting of this sub committee will be held on 12 September 2006