At the Meeting of Firsby Group Parish Council held at 7.00 pm on Wednesday 19 July 2017 in FirsbyParishChurch.
Present: Mr R. Kidd, who took the Chair;
Mr G. Holmes;Mr R.Heane;Mr W. Tuxworth;Mr N. Williams; Mrs S. Wilford; Mr C. Moore; Mr J MInshull and PCSO Jayne Richardson.
Apologies were received from;Mr C Sims;Miss H. Smithson-Whitehead; LCC Cllr W Bowkett;ELDC Cllr P. Cooperand Prof. L Strunin.
1. Minutes of the last Meeting
It was agreed that these be signed as a correct record of the proceedings.
2. Matters arising from the minutes of the last meeting
A letter was read out from Sgt Harrison regarding Ivy Cottage. The comments on Facebook have now ceased. The reasoning behind non attendance of Police officers after the theft of 2 motorcycles from a garage in Irby in the Marsh was also explained.
3. Police Matters
PCSO Jayne Richardson informed the meeting that PC Rick Hunt had now replaced PC Paula Young on the Neighbuorhood Policing Team.
PCSO Richardson gave a break down of the crime figures for 3 months. In April incidents there were 42 incidents reported of which 2 were in Little Steeping, 1 in Irby and the other in Bratoft. The police will be hoping t attend the Irby & Bratoft Village Hall Fete on 12 August and will have some crime packs available for distribution to villagers.
4. CountyCouncillor’s Report
In her absence Cllr Bowkett sent the following message:
"Lincolnshire Highways are organizing cluster meetings for parishes to attend to discuss issues with roads etc. our meeting will be held at Horncastle dates to be forwarded, all parishes are encouraged to attend.
River Steeping has had a first cut, the rake will be going through in September, David Sissons Lindsey Marsh is looking at the area from crows bridge towards Thorpe to do more weed cutting.
EA are still hoping to do a public meeting in Wainfleet for all to attend to show plans etc."
5. District Councillor's Report
In her absense Cllr Cooper sent the following message regarding the River Steeping:
"I am the district councillor for the Croft ward which includes the villages of Croft, Thorpe St. Peter, Irby, Firsby, Bratoft, Monksthorpe, little Steeping and Great Steeping. Most of these villages are sitting on the fluvial flood plain of the river Steeping. The river also flows through the small town of Wainfleet where around 900 houses are at risk of inundation. The villages in the Croft ward are medium sized villages as defined in the East Lindsey local plan policy A3.I fully understand the EA's resources are targeted at protecting the greatest number of properties but here, for the most part, we are considering rural areas.The last time the river was muddled out properly was in the 1970's. Many surveys and models have been undertaken to demonstrate what we already know is that the river channel is completely full to the top with silt!Some work was done on sections of the river to clean out the middle of the channel. What happened was the verges slid to the middle Filling it up again and now we have reeds all the way across the river.The current strategy relies on the embankments keeping the water in place albeit half way up embankments that are riddled with badger sets and prone to fail.A civil engineer /contractor who lives in my village C J Holmes said he could mud out the channel from little Steeping to the outfall in a year with a priestman 360 and a long drainage dipper.He charges £40 per hour, £1600 a week or £80,000 a year, plus tractors and trailers to cart silt and machines with floating tracks to clean out under the bridges. Total estimated cost £250,000 to clean out the river.The strategy suggests £600,000 just to de weed the river. There is £50, 000 of seed corn money in East Lindsey's budget to pay toward desilting the river. There is no fall along the river so silt settles. The answer surely is to prevent the silt from the drainage board's system from entering the river system.At the outfall , which is tidal, the channel is silted up and outside tide lock flows badly. A few years ago the sea doors jammed with rocks beneath them and we had seals in the river.My residents are sick of promises but no action so can you please ensure the strategy is reviewed and the. River is properly maintained. I total disagree with the strategy to only weed the river."
6 Correspondence
a) EmailreceivedfromSatish Shah regarding the restructured way of reporting highways faults and notification of upcoming cluster meetings. No action taken.
b) Email received from Development Planning Support informing the Council that as from 1 August 2017 planning application consultations will be sent electronically. No atction taken.
c) Email received from Lindsey Westman regarding the date and time of the LALC AGM. No action taken.
7. Plans
Application No S/051/00772/17 by Anesco Ltd, for planning permission for the installation of 15.47 mw Solar array to a maximum height of 2.4m which is to include transformers, substation, battery storage system (9.6MW capacity), security fencing and gate to a maximum height of 2.1m, landscaping and other associated infrastructure at Land at Manor Farm, Wainfleet Road, Irby in the Marsh. It was agreed to support this application.
Application No S/184/00940/17 by Mr S Newstead for planning permission for the erection of a shed (works completed) at The Larch, Thorpe Bank, Little Steeping. It was agreed to support this application because it is only .2mtr higher than would have been allowed under permitted development.
Application No S/051/01082/17 by Mrs J Garston for planning permission for an extension to existing dwelling to provide an enlarged kitchen and enlarged bathroom (works under construction) at 3 Eastfield Road, Firsby. It was agreed to support this application.
Application No S/020/00905/17 to discharge the planning obligation in relation to the Section 106 Agreement in force at Virley House, High Lane, Crift. It was agreed to submit the following comments. The original contract for the community benefit should continue to be honoured as per the planning agreement. The community has benefited greatly from the funding and has a continuing need for this income irrespective of changes in the legal framework, over which we have no control.
Refusal of Outline Planning Permission for the outline erection of 1no. dwelling (with means of access and layout to be considered) in accordance with an amended plan received by the Local Planning Authority on 6 June 2017 at Land to the rear of Rose Villa, Firsby Road, Great Steeping.
Full Planning Permission has been granted on conditions in relation tothe construction of a vehicular access at 46 Station road, Firsby.
Full Planning Permission has been granted on conditions in relation a rear extension to existing house to provide a two storey self contained annexe and erection of a detached double garage on the site of existing buildings which are to be removed at Station Farm, Thorpe Bank, Little Steeping.
Full Planning Permission has been granted on conditions in relation to the siting of 16no. energy storage units with pole mounted motion sensors to a maximum height of 1.2m, fencing to a maximum height of 2.1m and associated infrastructure works at The Hollies, High Lane, Croft.
Listed Building Consent - has been granted in relation to alterations to existing building to provide a covered entrance and provision of a brick path at MonksthorpeBaptistChurch, Great Steeping Road, Monksthorpe.
8. Highways
It was agreed to report the following potholes for repair:
Areodrome Road, still has many potholes that need filling.
It was also agreed to ask for follow up on the following matter:
Ings Lane, Little Steeping outside Willow Cottage there is a broken road surface . The case was opened on 14 March but no action has been taken yet.
It was also agreed to report the following matters:
Mr Moore stated that 3 lid footway boxoutside Greenacres, Mill Lane, Little Steeping had holes in them and were dangerous if walking over them.
Mr Holmes reported the matter of fly tipping which has taken place on Burgh Lane, Irby in the Marsh.
The Parish Council have been notified of the following temporary road closure:Sandy Lane, Great Steeping on 7 August 2017.
9. River Steeping
The email from Cllr Cooper detailed above was discussed in detail and agreed that merely weeding will not solve the problem. The Council agreed unanimously to support the comments made by Cllr Cooper.
10. Accounts
It was agreed to pass the following accounts for payment:
Irby & Bratoft Village Hall Printing of the July Newsletter £170
FirsbyPCC for Use of Room £15