Venue - Date - No of students - (f) (m) Supervisors –

If you are thinking of arranging a trip or visit you must read the document ‘information pack for organising college trips’. You will see that you are expected to carry out a risk assessment, and this form is designed to help you do this. You may write out a separate assessment using the blank form provided, or work through the sections on this form, ticking the bullet points (or marking n/a) and writing any notes in the third column. The form must be signed by all staff who will be supervising the trip and by J Jackson

Hazard/risk element / Control measures/things to do / Further action
A student/member of staff goes missing from party. / ·  Minimise risk by frequent head counts
·  Provide clear itinerary and maps
·  Students should know emergency contact number should they be separated from the group and have them with them at all times
·  Provide designated meeting places/times / Insist that students stay in groups of no less than three
Sea Sickness?
Fear of flying?
If making own way
If public transport – by day
- by evening/night / ·  Provide clear information (pick ups, drop offs, times etc)
·  Use only reputable travel agents
·  Supervising staff will ensure seat belts are worn and seat themselves at rear, middle and front of coaches where possible and preferably near emergency exits / Students will be told of the need to wear seat belts.
Adventurous activities
Please state which- / Follow advice in information pack for organising college trips and also DfES guidance. No student is allowed to take part in any activities that the group leader considers to be dangerous. All activities will be supervised by qualified staff.
Off the cuff decisions re activities / ·  Better not to!
·  Do a mental risk assessment
·  Consider students with medical conditions
Hazard/risk element / Control measures/things to do / Further action
Bad behaviour
Drink, drugs, smoking etc / ·  Provide clear guidance before visit
·  For residential and exchange visits ensure code of conduct is signed and returned by student and parent before visit
·  Deal with at the time using college disciplinary procedures and follow up when back at college.
·  Ensure students are aware of consequences of drug use/possession in country visited / Keep accurate records inc signed statements if necessary.
Fire / ·  Enquire about location of rooms, who else will be using the hotel, security, safety
·  All participants will be briefed about the evacuation procedures in the case of fire
·  No candles or matches are allowed inside the building
Other / ·  Advise on safe crossing of roads in foreign countries.
·  Advise on safe use of electrical equipment abroad – use of adaptors etv
·  Seek advice on local customs, dress code, use of cameras etc
Hazard/risk element / Control measures/things to do / Further action
Collecting/distributing students to host families
Leisure time activities / ·  Vet host families beforehand
·  Be prepared to negotiate with student/host family/partner organisation
·  Ensure that there are arrangements for students to contact home and vice versa. Show students how to use phones abroad.
·  Students/host/parents made aware of ground rules in advance of visit.
·  Allow time each day to meet group to ni problems in the bud.
·  Discuss with partner organisation
·  Group leader to assess risks
In country travel arrangements (abroad) / ·  Staff refer to FCO website and inform students and parents of risks
·  All transport – use vehicles fitted with seatbelts where possible.
·  No student is allowed to travel in vehicles of other students or friends
·  No student to travel alone in a taxi
·  No long road journeys should be undertaken after dark
Hazard/risk element / Control measures/things to do / Further action
Medical arrangements
Own medication?
Effects of sunburn/heatstroke / ·  Ensure students have EHIC card if trip to Europe.
·  Make arrangements for vaccinations if required.
·  Seek permission from parents re emergency operations/treatments etc
·  All students/parents to complete medical consent form.
·  Ensure students have enough medication
·  Get parental permission for student to administer him/herself, or train supervisor to do so.
·  Exchange – host families told of medical/dietary needs/allergies/phobias in advance of trip.
·  One of the supervisors to be appointed first aider.
·  Group leader to know how to contact local doctor or hospital.
·  Inform students and parents of possible food dangers eg unpeeled fruit, raw seafood.
·  All students and staff advised to take sun screen / Group leader to keep forms
Ensure parents are aware that staff cannot issue medication
Check that student can go to host family doctor
Valuables / ·  Advise on safe carriage of money and valuables
·  Group leader should have copies of all passports
·  Advise students about what not to take on trip
·  Check insurance details
·  Brief students on specific dangers, eg theft in cities, airports etc
Hazard/risk element / Control measures/things to do / Further action

Assessment carried out by

Please send this form to Liz Pickering

Are further assessments in support? Yes/no

If yes please attach


Group Leader Name Date

Supervisor Name Date

Supervisor Name Date

Risk assessment approved by –

Name Date