ASU Taxation Officers’ Branch Membership Application
I wish to become a member of the Australian Services Union Taxation Officers’ Branchand I agree to abide by the Union’s rules:
Title / First name / Last name
Hours worked per fortnight / Preferred name / Date of birth
Home address / Suburb
Postcode / Home phone / Work phone
State/territory / Mobile personal / Mobile work
Work email
Home email
Classification / ATO Site / Date
Section / BSL / Signature
ASU Taxation Officers’ Branch Membership Application
Please complete one payment option
OPTION ONE: Fortnightly salary deductionsAuthority for ATO to deduct ASU Tax Branch dues.
Please deduct union subscriptions from my fortnightly salary.
AGS Number
Fortnightly deduction
[insert rate from table] / $
OPTION TWO: Credit Card payment
Standing Authority for Periodic Payment by Credit Card.
Please debit my credit card as follows:
Credit Card / VISA Mastercard
I wish to pay
[insert rate from table] / monthly
yearly / $
Card number
Card expiry date
▪Monthly subscriptions are payable in advance on the first of each month.
▪Quarterly subscriptions are payable in advance on 1 January,
1 April, 1 July and 1 October.
▪Yearly subscriptions are for the financial year, and are invoiced annually in June (due on 1 July, but many members prefer to pay by 30 June to obtain their tax deduction early).
▪If you wish to pay a yearly subscription for the balance of the financial year, then multiply your current monthly amount by the number of complete months until 30 June.
Membership rates to 30 June 2018
Fortnightly / Monthly / Quarterly / YearlyCadets/Jnrs / 8.20 / 17.80 / 53.45 / 213.65
APS1-2 / 14.90 / 32.40 / 97.15 / 388.60
APS3-4 / 16.25 / 35.35 / 106.00 / 423.95
APS5-6 / 17.65 / 38.30 / 114.85 / 459.30
EL1 / 18.25 / 39.65 / 119.00 / 476.15
EL2-SES / 18.95 / 41.25 / 123.70 / 494.70
Part time / 74 hours or fewer in 4 weeks / 45% off
Part time / More than 74 hours in 4 weeks / 22.5% off
REMEMBER: your union subscriptions are fully tax deductible
Early payment discount
A 7.5% discount applies if you pay your annual subscription by 31 July of that financial year.
Pre-existing industrial issues
While pre-existing issues are not covered by your ASU membership, the Branch Secretary may be able to negotiate special conditions in order to assist you.
Future subscriptions
The ASU will consult with members about any proposal to change our subscription rates.
The Fair Work Act provides that you can resign from the ASU by giving the Branch Secretary 14 days’ noticein writing.
Email, fax or post
your application / E:
F: 03 9347 8781
Jeff Lapidos, Branch Secretary
ASU Taxation Officers’ Branch
116 Queensberry Street
Carlton South VIC 3053